Why do so many people beg and harass devs for pc ports...

Why do so many people beg and harass devs for pc ports? If you actually cared about the game you'd already own it on the original hardware

why do so many faggots beg and harass 4channers for attention? if you want (you), go to reddit.

There are stuff that you can do just on PC, that makes everything easier. Use your favorite controller or a keyboard, manage save files manually by copy an paste then somewhere, enhace video quality with mods, ENB, or other sorts, modding, piracy to test the game and see if it is worthy the money, or just buying on steam and give it back if you think its is shit, wide range of games from modern titles to 80s, and etc...

And plus, generally, people choose to have just one plataform for gaming, not everyone is a fat neckbeard that burns money in games like water, and buy every console available and original games for all of then. Nah, it is normal for someone to stick just on one, and make toy war on the internet, specially if the chosen one is a PC. Who likes PC gaming can't get used to the lack of options, variety, or quality on consoles, and preffer just to wait for a port, instead of buying a console to play 3~4 games that get their interest and nothing else.

>if you actually cared about the game you'd already own it on the original hardware

If the game is good, is because of the devs, and is for them that i want to give my money. Not for sony/microsoft/nintendo.

Why do so many people care so much about exclusives?

If you really liked the game, you'd want as many people to play it and enjoy it as possible.

You are truly enlightened, put those console plebians in their place fellow r/pcmasterrace bro

B-but i need something to make toy war on Sup Forums!

>If you actually cared about the game you'd already own it on the original hardware

If you actually cared about the game you'd want it on the best hardware possible.

I owned Resident Evil REmake on Gamecube for a long time, I was glad when it was ported to PC. I own RE Outbreak on PS2, doesn't stop me wanting it to be on PC so the game will look and play even better.

>play even better
>classic RE gameplay plays better with KB+M

You can plug a controller into your PC pretty easily faggot.


So why not buy it for a console

you know what fuck you you bottom feeder, anytime i post on this site all i get are those stupid fucking replies, "oh youre a faggot", "oh you have autism" , all this site has done was give SCUM like you a voice, and now you think you can talk shit, but i'm a proud Lion while you're still a lowly bottom feeder

Thanks for the Pasta

>I'm asshurt so I'm going to make this thread
Keep crying lil bitch nigga

Why buy a console when gamepads already work on PC?

>wanting a limited framerate
>small resolutions only
>no mods
>no graphics options
>no injections of AA, AS and other shit
>can only play with the controller made for the console, and not your favorite one
>no PC immortality

>he takes his platform war VERY seriously

Why build a PC when I already have the console?

If people keep calling you a faggot maybe you check your asshole for cocks.

A reminder that if a game needs mods to be fun it's probably not a good game.

Looking at you, Todd.

I already have a PC built. You already have your console. No need for either of us to cross the river.

Fewer games, worse prices, pay for online, locked down to hell, no custom software, at the devs' mercy for patches, fixes, etc, if the hardware breaks then you're out of luck, period, no modding, shit framerates or resolution or graphics or all three

>Why do so many people beg and harass devs for pc ports?
Because great titles stuck on previous generation, stagnant hardware is a gross injustice.

Yeah, but the modded game is practically a new one.

>I buy a game to play a completely different game

what game is that?

A game can be good AND have mods.
They're not mutually exclusive.

Beth games aren't even good with mods, at this point they're just glorified porn engines.
Speaking of which, is FO4 porn modding any good yet?

How can you be this casual

>I buy AND mod a game because it is that good.

P.s. this is not an excuse for you, Todd.

Only Bethesda garbage needs mods to be fun, with the exception of a few games released early by the publisher than need mods to finish the game off.

Most mods just add to the game, add more missions, levels, more fun things to do, play with the mechanics or physics etc, or just do dumb/fun stuff with models.

A lot of RTS games are the perfect example of games that don't need any mods to be fun, but if you mod them they get even better.

(You) also 4

>buying Todd's game
>buying any Bethesda game
They are fun with mods, and completely free, so why not?


>support jews and japs

I bought Skyrim Ultimate Edition on sale. You can't fool me again, Todd.

>he says while he buys the new nvidia 1080

>Butt ravaged OP makes salty thread

Should have just pirated it, for fucks sake. All Bethesda games are terrible these days.

>he doesn't play on modded consoles

>Why do so many people beg and harass devs for pc ports?
So they can download it for free.

Because I am I guess

I was close to buy it on PS4 since it was only 20 bucks, now it's free so I won't complain.

At least players just ask. Look at the Fallout 4 modding disaster, console owners are screaming at, stealing from and sending death threats to modders who don't (or can't) port mods to console.

Because consoles suck.

Case in point: Dragon's Dogma. Ran and looked like pure shit on consoles and on PC it's a sight to behold.