Why do so many people beg and harass devs for pc ports...

Why do so many people beg and harass devs for pc ports? If you actually cared about the game you'd already own it on the original hardware

why do so many faggots beg and harass 4channers for attention? if you want (you), go to reddit.

There are stuff that you can do just on PC, that makes everything easier. Use your favorite controller or a keyboard, manage save files manually by copy an paste then somewhere, enhace video quality with mods, ENB, or other sorts, modding, piracy to test the game and see if it is worthy the money, or just buying on steam and give it back if you think its is shit, wide range of games from modern titles to 80s, and etc...

And plus, generally, people choose to have just one plataform for gaming, not everyone is a fat neckbeard that burns money in games like water, and buy every console available and original games for all of then. Nah, it is normal for someone to stick just on one, and make toy war on the internet, specially if the chosen one is a PC. Who likes PC gaming can't get used to the lack of options, variety, or quality on consoles, and preffer just to wait for a port, instead of buying a console to play 3~4 games that get their interest and nothing else.

>if you actually cared about the game you'd already own it on the original hardware

If the game is good, is because of the devs, and is for them that i want to give my money. Not for sony/microsoft/nintendo.

Why do so many people care so much about exclusives?

If you really liked the game, you'd want as many people to play it and enjoy it as possible.

You are truly enlightened, put those console plebians in their place fellow r/pcmasterrace bro

B-but i need something to make toy war on Sup Forums!

>If you actually cared about the game you'd already own it on the original hardware

If you actually cared about the game you'd want it on the best hardware possible.

I owned Resident Evil REmake on Gamecube for a long time, I was glad when it was ported to PC. I own RE Outbreak on PS2, doesn't stop me wanting it to be on PC so the game will look and play even better.

>play even better
>classic RE gameplay plays better with KB+M

You can plug a controller into your PC pretty easily faggot.
