Is she safe in the remake?
Is she safe in the remake?
She's over 18 and this isn't Nintendo.
Hopefully her tits are at least as big as her head.
Not unless they alter the plot significantly, she gets in multiple life-threatening situations all throughout the story, including a bitchslap fight on a massive cannon's shaft
No one is safe in any remake.
They will do something to garet too but im not sure what.
They'll make him be like some gangster hood ghetto faggot, instead of a cool guy.
>Sony and square enix has never censored
Crossdreseing Cloud is confirmed safe. Don't see why she isn't.
Sure. If SE can display Cidneys tits on a press conference stage then why not?
I can already see the articles,
>[Why creepy manbabbies are angry their childhood sex object is getting a breast reduction]
>-By Numan Alestein
>literally zero jiggle
So they're fake, right?
If crossdressing Cloud is confirmed in, I doubt Tifa would get a breast reduction.
But he was always a gangster hood ghetto faggot
She'll be fine. I'm not worried about Tifa
I'm more worried about Aeris and her perfect hourglass figure. Japan's got a weird stiffy for almost-shota physiques on grown women.
Thanks for the reassurance bros. Square isn't quite as shitty as they have been but I'm still skeptical of them being able to pull the FF7 remake off.
I really hope they get rid of all the characters' accents
Which is weird considering for all the bitching people did about Tifa's tits in AC, her jiggle physics in that movie were nothing short of perfect.
Aeris got the ass, Tifa got the tits. The perfect 1-2 punch
Yuffie will have zipped-up shorts
They jiggled a bit towards the end
Nah. Bicycle shorts under a skirt and a full flack jacket.
So then they didn't neglect to add jiggle yet there was so little? Doesn't that confirm it then?
She's wearing a bikini and a thick jacket on top, not much jiggle would happen anyway.
Is that her VA? They're both titty monsters?
Crossdressing dudes is oh so progressive. Hot chicks with massive tits are no longer socially acceptable.
RLC is pretty flat
You dont understand, cloud crossdressing promotes transgender so it's "progressive" whereas tiffas tats are misogynistic therefore need to be ruined for everyone.
>tfw pre-meditated rage of a thousand white hot boiling suns of infinite fury
I will rape the entire staff of square enix if they pull that shit.