Anything else that should be added, Sup Forums?

Anything else that should be added, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread: Action Game/?snr=1_5_9__409#p=0&tab=NewReleases

>Any Kingdom Hearts
>Better than Otogi

Funny kid.

>putting God of War that low
God of War inspired half of these game t b h

new furi game

>Bayo 2 above Bayo 1
>NMH2 above NMH1

Come on, man.

Vanilla NG3 and RE are different enough that RE should at least be in okay.

It's better than Lolipop Chainsaw.

Also add Oneechanbara to that list, it's certainly an Okay game.

>>Bayo 2 above Bayo 1


>4 cinematic experiences in the top tier

No sir, I don't like it.

>no okami
>no vanquish
>bayo 2 over bayo 1
>both KH in anything besides okay tier
>NHM in okay tier

Is this bait?

/cgg/ had Viewtiful Joe on their list of acceptable games to talk about.

No one ever played it though, but it kinda fits the criteria of "over the top game with enough depth and lots of freedom for gameplay".

nigga what?

>Sup Forums's official

*My official

I can get behind the two Platinum games, but for the rest, I'll consider your opinion as bait.

Fuck off, that's literally and factually MY list.

>Character action

Are the Sigma games any different from the regular Ninja Gaiden games?

>Anarchy Reigns
>okay tier

>God of War 1-3
>Fuck You tier

Please try to keep your biases out of these tier lists.

Oneechanbara is that game I would like to play at some time, but I always have something more interesting to play or to do when I remember that it exists.

I've read that it is pretty fun, but I also get the impression that people only like it because of the animu tits.

With a list this shitty, no wonder this genre is dead, except for God of War which was smart enough to evolve away from this awful game style.

>bayo 2 above bayo 1

yes, in pretty much almost every way

>nmh2 above 1

yes in every way except charm

is this gonna be /cgg/ replacement?

this bait milkshake sure seems to attract all the boys on Sup Forums

>bayo 2 over bayo 1
The forced witch time on top of annoying boss design brings it way the fuck down, not to mention umbran climax eclipsing executions in almost every single way

The only thing it has over Bayo 1 is no fatal QTEs, but that's only a downside for the first playthrough

new gow is literally tomb raider(2013)

>Bayo 2 above 1
>MGR above anything
>DMC4 above DMC
>Kingdom Fucking Hearts at all

Also GoW gets a bad rap just for the ebin press square to finish move. They all belong in OK tier, maybe even put 2 in good tier.

DmC DE belongs in at least okay tier

Anrachy Reings belongs in the trash

Ninjga Gaiden Razors Edge goes in okay tier

>2 hours long
And I paid $30 for this

Generally easier, more content the blood was sensored for Sigma 2 for some retarded ass reason.

If you've never played them, and don't have an Xbox, than they'll be fine.

The anime tiddie is nice, but the game is legit fun. Cool combinations are fairly tricky and rewarding.


Man, I should have saved the OP.

It had some good stuff written in it.

Doesn't mean the series isn't shit

I know that the "DMC1 is the best game ever!" meme is strong. But despite its short content, DMC4 is still a god-tier game if you are willing to invest more than one playthrough in it.

I've gotten way more play time than that. This whole genere is built on replayability.

No fatal QTE's is never a bad thing.

2 is only better if you only played through both games once (which is playing them wrong). 100% both and you will see 1 is better.

what is it then?

>Ninja Gaiden 3 on par with Yaiba
Shit man at least put Ninja Gaiden 3 one tier above Yaiba. It's not THAT bad.

It's a third person shooter. Are you for real nigga?

it's still there on archives and google images

OP's pic is much better at triggering passer-by anons and attracting attention

-Wonderful 101 should be in Good tier
-all Kingdom Heart games should be in shit
-MGR should be in okay tier
-Dante's Inferno should be moved to Good tier
-GoW should be moved to Okay
-Bayo 2 should be in great tier
-new category: God Tier
-DMC 3 and God Hand moved to God Tier

For me Bayo 1 and 2 stand on equal ground because of such things.

They're great games, but they're not as good as some people make them out to be.

>leaving NGB, the GOATest of GOATs out of God tier

I'm a massive fan of pretty much everything on the top two tiers, but couldn't really get into W101. Played a couple of levels, and didn't really 'get' it. Does it get any better later on, or am I just bad?

the camera ruin the game from being god tier

Welp, that was easy.
Seeing it again makes me glad that I bothered to compile all that info in one pastebin before the place died.


yea but it's not as bad as NG:B
if anything, an almost there tier and put only NG:B there

say your prayers kiddo

but fatal QTEs are only a bad thing for the first playthrough, once you do them one time you'll never have a problem with them again

it's good

it's a solid game and I enjoyed doing the playthroughs I did, but it just feels more lifeless compared to 1 or 3 despite having one of the best combat systems in the series

I would put it equal to DMC but not better, imo


Nigger, I'm not gonna memorize that I have to press X, then Y, then X and jump in a specific area of an specific verse.

Besides. These games should reward skill above all else, and memorizing QTEs is not skill.

>the camera ruin the game from being god tier
Entirety of camera control in Ninja Gaiden is literally just pressing right trigger once in a while -- to reorient it.


After people bitched about "broken" camera in vanilla NG enough Itagaki added a mode in NGB where right stick actually controls camera like in DMC instead of switching to first-person look.

I think he almost did as a joke, because it's so slow it's completely useless.

Just press right trigger seriously.

>Nigger, I'm not gonna memorize that I have to press X, then Y, then X and jump in a specific area of an specific verse
Game telegraphs you exactly which button you need to press a second in advance before button prompt even appears and when it appears you have two seconds to press it.

Colour of the semi-transparent circle that homes in on the button prompt corresponds to button colour on the controller.

That same circle also helps with the timing because you need to press the button sometime around the time circle touches UI button

Where does Senran Kagura fit in?

well, since those shitty grasshopper games are considered okay, I'd say SK fits there too

In the "you'd be better off opening a tab in sadpanda-tier"

it's kinda there
but the interest is just not there

>Kingdom Hearts
what the literal fuck

GoW is between good and great tier

This is pretty much what I think.

DMC4 has amazing gameplay with tons of stuff to practice and is a game that I can always revisit and have a blast with.
DMC1 is also pretty enjoyable, it has a good production value, inspiration, style and love put into it. Which makes it a remarkable game, but its core gameplay is not as good as what newer games pulled off.

More like okay tier

>No one ever played VJ
The fuck is wrong with those people?

>DMC3 above DMC4


Well, I'm sure they did at some point.

But no one ever felt compelled to have in-depth discussions about its gameplay mechanics, nor to make webms, or cool combo videos.

Senran Kagura 2 is legitimately in okay tier. The rest, that depends on how kind people want to be.

VJ is hard as a game and kinda hard conceptually to wrap your head around because despite immediately following DMC1 it shares very little with it. And in fact with any other Kamiya's games. It's still his only 2d game.

Only Pops did videos for it, but i guess even he gave up eventually

Dante's Inferno was a great game

Where does Nightshade go?

>Character Action

I see we've made up another nonsense """genre"""

Keep it up and we'll soon rival Sup Forums for ridiculous subcategorization

i 100% both bayo 2 is better

Okay tier
They're certainly not bad games,they're fun at times, but they're nothing special when it comes to gameplay

>Shinobi not in at least Great

List invalidated

Character action is not a new thing by any means.

Bayo 1 is harder and more technical. Bayo 2 is more fun.

Bad games can inspire better games

>kingdom FUCKING hearts
I always suspected CUHRAYZAYfags were just what autistic deviantartlets evolved into at the end of their awkward puberty. Nice to see it confirmed.

The term is like 2 years old or something.

I don't fully support it, but the only new thing here is you.


Mario has been performing Character Actions such as jumping, coin collecting and shooting fire for decades, mario is my favorite Character Action Game

And Multiplayer Online Battle Arena is older than that

Doesn't make it not a nonsense term with no semantic value used exclusively by clinical retards

I enjoyed it, but i dont think it has a huge amount of depth to the combat.

Once you get that divine armor holy spell or whatever, there's like no way you can die.

Not an argument.

This fucking genre has been plagued by its naming conventions for YEARS. Call them beat em ups and some Double Dragon fan comes out of the wood work to piss all over the thread. Call it a hack and slash and here comes the Diablo fans. At some point people got sick of it and came up with their own name for the genre. And yet, here we are. Some faggot still bitching for no reason. Fucking kill yourself.

Proud mode KH is just as good as these games. Some standout fights are great and feel amazing Action Game/?snr=1_5_9__409#p=0&tab=NewReleases

Character Action is a real term you stupid fuck.

>Call them beat em ups and some Double Dragon fan comes out of the wood work to piss all over the thread

All you have to do to fix this is to call them modern beat em ups which is exactly what they are

Steam categories are user generated, but if anything I suppose that just shows people use it.

That was a statement, sweet user, not an argument. Just because it made you feel hot under the collar doesn't change what it is.
>PROUD mode
Toddle off to your hugbox, you Disney loving sperg.

Yakuza to ok tier


>Having camera issues with fucking NGB

just how shit are you? NGB has the best camera out of all the games on the list

Then I guess we'll have to add Scott Pilgrim vs the World and Dragon's Crown in the OP image.

Those are further away from classic beat em ups than DMC and God Hand fuck that trash

KH2 FM on critical mode is cuhrayzee as fuck.
Actually play the games before you sperg out.

KH1's combat is kinda meh but I don't see how you can't think KH2 FM's combat is some of the best shit in gaming
>fast paced combat
>no RNG
>huge amount of combat options, from summons and reaction commands to drive forms
>game is beatable at level 1 without being tedious, making the game one of the most well balanced arpgs ever made
>lots of control over your character's movement
>weapons and abilities that actually make a difference and affect how your attacks look and work to an enormous degree, with the player getting a large range of abilities at a good pace giving the player a strong sense of proper progression

There are no 2D games there so no

I think they'd fit pretty well in okay or good
This fight is winnable and fair without being tedious or taking a long time when your character is level 1, despite being an end-game bonus boss.

No they aren't, regardless if you like them are not.

The Yakuza games are more of a beat em up. Not Character action.


There aren't any good videos on youtube though because the game is obscure as fuck. I had to just grab a clip from the demo reel, which is a far cry from the game's potential.

Somewhere between okay and shit
They're REALLY simple and don't really evolve any at all as you progress beyond some enemies getting tougher. Its also too easy to over-level and win fights simply by being higher level than everything else