>Yfw critical hit
Yfw critical hit
Fuck off.
>tfw making all KINDS of gains
How's your depression, user?
You can tell us ;_;
>all kinds
>mfw doing 420 or 69 damage
>99% crit chance
>after a long hard battle
>almost dead, but so is enemy
>1 crit attack would do the job
>normal hit
>my soldiers in xcom surprise me sometimes.
>getting back to back critical hits
>he doesn't crit every shot
if you get a crit everyshot is it really a crit?
>ywn have an equally aesthetic buff twin you can talk about whores and gainz with.
tell me Sup Forums, why shouldnt I end it now?
Double crits, senpai.
>yfw a critical hit kills a pokemon you wanted to capture.
because there is a slim chance that you have a twin out there separated at birth. you should make gainz and pray to Pastor Gainz and Bishop Feathers.