Why is this game so highly recommended on Sup Forums? I just finished it and it was pretty fucking bad

Why is this game so highly recommended on Sup Forums? I just finished it and it was pretty fucking bad

>Only 8 weapons
>You can only carry 3
>The entire point of limited arsenal is to have a fuckload of weapons, not just 8, 8 could easily fit in a wheel
>2 of those weapons are functionally identical, 1 only shows up 5 times and other 2 only get a viable amount of ammo until the end of the game where theres barely anyone left to use them on.
>You can cheese through the entire game with the slow mo mechanic, its too fucking op
>But if you dont use it youre fucked because the game is "balanced" around it
>Aim punching is high as fuck
>enemies can hit you even while they're swirling their weapons around after being hit by a hail of bullets
>Probably one of the worst storytelling in games
>Every character has retarded names

Im never fucking trusting Sup Forums again, also I read that every other game in the saga sucked.

Theres 2 things I hated about fear:

The audio mixing is absolute shit, you can barely listen to character's speeches

And the fucking "particle" effects, whenever a bullet hits a wall theres this fucking huge cloud of dust that pops out and lingers around for 5 seconds completely blocking visibility.

I agree names were pretty retarded but its not THAT bad of a game

oh yeah I forgot to mention the fucking shit visibility and total lack of scariness in a game fucking called FEAR

because of the shoot out
might be nostalgia google but no other game does them as good as fear 1

But the mechanic is broken.

You end up using slow mo for EVERY SINGLE SHOOTOUT. It lasts too long and it recharges too fast

so what feels great
its not like the (scripted) ai allowes much errors, they try flank you and shit and you better aim for the head if you dont want to take damage
its pretty fun

Also let me just go a bit deeper on the guns to show just how bad the game's arsenal is.

Why the fuck would you carry this after level 2 is beyond me, even when dual wielding them, the damage is just low as fuck and theres nearly not enough ammo for them as the other guns.

Decent weapon but its pretty normal so theres no reason to carry it if you're going with the AR, its pretty much like having 2 ARs at once

>Assault rifle
Decent weapon and you'll use it 95% of the time, its functionally identical to the SMG except it fires a bit slower and has 45 bullets in the mag instead of 50

Pathetic damage from range, and painfully slow rate of fire that makes it deadly (for u) on close quarters

Decent weapon, decent damage, its cool to see enemies getting stuck to the walls

>Rocket launcher
Only 5 in the game, each with 15 rockets, pretty much has to be used exclusively on the battle mechs

>Particle rifle
Ammo is too rare until late game when its no longer required

ammo is too rare plus you get damaged if the enemy is too close to you.

Dont even get me started on the grenades. Theres around 3 parts where its good to use mines (but its not required because slow mo will fuck any enemies anyway) and 1 where you can use sticky bombs

It really doesnt feel great tho, it feels clunky as fuck, especially if you're using a shotgun where the time between shots seems to be an eternity

Because it's fun to be op

its not that fun when theres no challenge

Did you play on the hardest difficulty?

The pistol is actually crazy good even later in the game if you're good at landing headshots consistently.

I haven't played it in a long time, it may not have aged well, but it was pretty fun back in the day.

>You end up using slow mo for EVERY SINGLE SHOOTOUT

The only time it's really viable is when you go against the mechs
Shooting their rockets mid-flight is the most fun shit

Because all of Alma's forms are cute.

As a horror game, it's weak. As a shooter, it's awesome.

I wouldnt be saying it was too easy if I hadnt

>Only viable during mechs

No its not you fucking retard name me 1 downside of slowing down time for enemies while keeping normal aiming speed for yourself

The graphics, level design, and scripted animations are total ass, but the gunplay and "game feel" is still top notch.

It's strange that FEAR 2 missed the mark so heavily, even though it was by the same team.

It came out shortly after Doom 3, which wasn't the action game with horror iconography which people want from those games, and filled the niche it created.

Holy fuck is this fucking retard actually complaining about the Shotgun in FEAR ?

Opinion fully discarded please kill yourself, also sounds like you played on normal or easy.

>name me 1 downside of slowing down time for enemies while keeping normal aiming speed for yourself

It's boring, the game isn't even that difficult
Also the only reason the slow-mo is in the game to justify lore, since pointman has super-reflexes
Don't like it, don't use it

Oh boy, the daily FEAR contrarian thread
You just have shit taste
Sorry m8

The graphics were actually pretty good for a 2005 game, top notch textures and lightning.

Maybe because you played on ultra easy. The shotgun is shit in extreme because its a peashooter from range and getting face to face with the enemy will result in you dying from 1 round, its also painfully slow to shoot during slowmo.

The entire game is balanced around using slowmo, if you dont use it you'll be getting aim punched to death whenever you try to take more than 1 enemy.

It obviously has a lore explanation, doesn't changes the fact that its ridiculously broken but the game doesnt works without it.

Also, being boring doesnt translates to not being viable. A lot of games have cheap mechanics like guns which kill in 1 shot, they're boring to shoot but they are still viable for obvious reasons

>But if you dont use it youre fucked because the game is "balanced" around it

You retarded son? It's anything but. I just did a playthrough of extreme without using slow mo and it actually became a proper shooter instead of a piss easy game for retards. The AI could finally kill me and I had to keep an eye on them constantly because of how mobile they are. It's very clearly how the game was meant to be played before slowmo broke everything. And it's STILL pretty easy.

because the feel of shooting shit is top notch. the effects, physics, enemy reactions and AI movements are still high quality and satisfying.

and anyone complaining about the shotgun is full of fucking shit. that gun can carry you through 90% of the game.

i also hated the environments, very boring to explore, and the supernatural stuff just got annoying after awhile

>Pathetic Damage and range
>Meanwhile it I played through it literally last week and only used the shotgun and penetrator
Nigga you fucking retarded

Sorry I dont enjoy being aim punched to the skies even when the enemy I just shot 50 times is having a fucking seizure

Because you played in easy.

The damage is shit FROM range (learn to read), it takes about 3 to 4 shots to kill an enemy from long range with it.

Then move you dumbfuck, not to mention the fact that you have multiple medpacks on you at all times so taking damage is a non issue

OP, you need to get a dosage of Git Gud.

That's because it's designed to be a close ranged weapon, user. Good up close, poor from a distance.

>if you dont use it you'll be getting aim punched to death whenever you try to take more than 1 enemy

So what you're saying is that you need to use it because you're shit at the game

I just came into this thread to check if anyone was talking shit on the Penetrator.

I believe that is not the case. Carry on, OP.

But what you dumbfucks are not getting is that in extreme, a single shot can hurt you for 80 hp or more, youi'll eat through the medkits in no time if you take a retarded approach such as "just move" (in other words "jump in front of 5 angry dudes with guns using no cover whatsoever with a gun that cant hit them all at the same time and takes 2 seconds per shot")

Also, once up close, chances are 1 or 2 guys will also have shotguns, which are almost deathly for you in that distance. Its not a viable weapon at all. Like there is no reason to use it over the AR or the penetrator

How the fuck is skill related to AIM PUNCHING? You cannot dodge bullets and you do not control the enemy accuraccy which is nigh perfect all the time even when you're peeking and a SINGLE shot will punch you to the air

>You cannot dodge bullets
That is factually wrong

Not the guy youre quoting but every weapon in the game deals a lot of damage up close, it takes 6 assault rifle b00lets to the head to kill a normal enemy and 6 bodyshots to disable them (which pretty much means theyre death)

i personally didnt liked the shotgun because i felt it was too slow

You can only dodge bullets if you use slowmo and the entire fucking discussion you're replying to is about NOT using slowmo, cant you at least read the shit youre replying to?

Fair enough, that is one of the issues with the game from what I can recall. It's been a while since I went though it.

Holy shit are you an idiot. Why in the name of fuck would you jump into crowds of enemies without slow mo? No shit you are going to get pulverized in seconds if you play like a brain dead ape. Movement implies running around the fairly complex levels, flanking enemies, using cover, taking advantage of their limited awareness and popping in and out of cover to quickly take out enemies before they can land a solid shot. If the enemies are grouped together then just use grenades. No wonder you think the game is balanced around slow mo, you have no clue what you're doing.

Think with your head here, if the enemy is moving are you going to shoot where he is heading or where he was
That's what the AI is doing, stop sitting in one spot and fucking move around, use cover to your advantage

>So Original Spooky Dead Girl
>Scary Zombie Face flashup images

Yeah it's shit

No you fucking dumbass their accuraccy is still almost perfect if you move. Are you seriously fucking saying you can move faster than bullets without using slowmo?

Unlike many other games, bullets in this game travel, they are physical objects which, when colliding with a target, will damage it. This travelling speed is faster than whatever walking speed you have and the only way to be faster than it is to USE THE FUCKING SLOWMO.


Are you fucking missing the part that this is a "NO SLOWMO" challenge?

And tell me why the fuck would I want to use the shotgun when the ASSAULT RIFLE can kill them just as fast from up close ANDunlike the shotgun is also viable from range?

Go on m8 I'll wait for a reason.

The shotgun is completely outclassed

Also you fucking retard I never said "jumping in front of them without slow mo", I just said jump in front of them. EVEN if you have slow mo, the shotgun doesnt shoot fast enough to stun every enemy BEFORE they manage to shoot you at least one or two times, which in extreme, can be fucking deadly.

Yes you can

Nitpicking b8.

The game looks gorgeous, gunplay is great, AI awesome, and it can be nicely atmospheric.

>Are you fucking missing the part that this is a "NO SLOWMO" challenge?

No you humongous pecker gobbling cunt what I am saying is that considering the fact it's a no slow mo challenge, you cannot and should not get away with doing something so idiotic. Also I don't disagree that the shotgun's kinda shit without slow mo to the point where the dual pistols outclass it, that was never the point of contention for me in the first place.

>OP criticises the game
>"lol kill yourself"
>"shit taste"
>"stop being a contrarian"

FEARdrones are pathetic

The game is overrated shit, with the only good thing being the AI

Cutest ghost

>Throw grenade
>Go to Slo mo
>Shoot grenade in mid air with my duel wielding pistols
>Turn four guys into red mists.

You cant, stop trying to bait.

The only way to dodge bullets is with slowmo, your character does not moves fast enough without it to dodge bullets. even if you keep strafing a bunch of them will hit you because enemy ai has great accuraccy.

Cool but you could also just wait until one of the nades hits them.

Extraction Point is better as an horror game
Perseus Mandate is better as a shooter

Why would I want to do that, when it's so much cooler to shoot the grenade? That's like asking why I'd bother jumping to do a slow mo spin kick when a regular melee attack with the butt of the gun does just as much damage. The answer should be obvious.

you can detonate it around cover if you shoot it

>I can't accept that you can factually do a thing, therefore you are lying and you can't do a thing

Ignorance at its finest

Not that guy but you can't dodge bullets in FEAR without slow mo, not consistently anyway. Moving around somewhat minimizes the risk of you getting hit but it's nothing you can rely on, not in more open spaces anyway.

>>But if you dont use it youre fucked because the game is "balanced" around it
That's not true, I completed the game on Extreme without slow-mo after doing it the "proper" way.

Funny thing is, I loved it after playing with slow-mo. Without, it's not a terribly fun FPS - not because it's too hard (it's not), but because you basically just sit in cover, lean and pop bots who run from one cover anchor to another. At least with slow-mo you can do really silly things like jumping in the middle of squads and kicking them all in the face.

Just because you can't do it consistently doesn't mean you can't do it
The enemy might be accurate, but it's not hitscan or pixel-perfect and you can circumvent it, whether you like it or not

>Extraction Point is better as an horror game
The game where Alma is on your side the whole time and even kills the Replicas for you? Wow! Scary!

Well, okay, the hospital was ok.

>but because you basically just sit in cover
For what purpose? That's not an efficient way to play especially with how easily the enemies can damage you when you peek out. The levels themselves are relatively complex and the enemies do not have perfect awareness over where you are so moving around the place is great. It also highlights the solid level design and AI, which might as well not exist in slow-mo because the fights are over before they even begin.

>game doesn't work without slomo
>have achievement for beating game without slomo
>on Xbox

Thats not dodging bullets though, thats just the enemy missing.

Trying to dodge anything is not a viable strategy in a no reflex playthrough, a single shot in the hardest difficulty can reduce your hp to 25%, you cant rely on the enemy missing every shot.

Whether you can or cannot do it is entirely at the whims of the AI. It has nothing to do with how skilled you are at the game, it's just luck. I mean imagine someone doing any kind of fast paced no slow mo/no damage run of FEAR. It would be a nightmare since you would pretty much have to restart until the AI decides not to be accurate.

Theres also achievements for beating RPGs butt naked and with no weapons user, doesnt mean the game is balanced around that playstyle

FEAR very much is balanced for that playstyle though. Unless you think running around with max medpacks and killing enemies as soon as they show up on screen is how the game was meant to be played.

>how easily the enemies can damage you when you peek ou
Uh, what? Lean is OP, their aim is really off when you lean. I remember going for checkpoints without even using a medkit. Besides, your accuracy is better if you're stationary with at least some guns (Penetrator, which is my favorite weapon). Not a lot of levels are complex, either. There are a few arenas where AI can flank you, but there is some linearity.

Getting caught in the open, on other hand, often kills you.