Who does Sup Forums main on Overwatch?
Soldier 76 reporting for duty. Versatile and useful in most circumstances.
Who does Sup Forums main on Overwatch?
Soldier 76 reporting for duty. Versatile and useful in most circumstances.
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Fuck off
D. Va, her sexiness makes it feel like I'm femdoming my enemies
Secondarily Torbjorn
Then Lucio
Then Reinhardt
>having a main in a game based on counter picking
don't main anyone but he has most played on my profile
never stopped playing him
Zenyatta because he's such a good healer and an asset to the team :^)
He's so easy yet so useful
She's cute, not sexy.
>feel like I'm femdoming my enemies
are you a dude?
>Implying Overwatch is about counterpicking when it's actually about maining.
Though I switch out of her often, her counters hit her hard and she has ZERO short range capabilities. She's also shit on a lot of maps.
I prefer Junkret. He's intelligent, nihilistic, and has a wicked sense of humor.
76 is so underwhelming in ptr now that McCree is back to being powerful, also that spread nerf makes him nonviable for long range.
I've been unironocally liking Reaper. Maybe a little too much.
And you're why I refunded this game.
Fucking punk.
I like getting direct hits and fucking people up, also really fun to play.
and i want to fuck her
Offense: Soldier 76
Defense: Bastion/ Hanzo, whatever team needs
Tank: Roadhog
Support: Lucio
I simply can't enjoy characters that don't have some kind of dps functionality
Looks like someone got counterpicked
being a literal healslut makes me cum a little
it's a mix desu, it's about maining but maining enough heroes (at least 3, one for attack/defense, tank, and support) that you could pick to cover any weaknesses
I keep seeing these 2 dudes with similar player names, I've never seen them play anything but Reaper attack or defence, and all they try to do is harass the enemy as far from any objective as they can. I've literally just played a match with them where they, and the entire team except 1, quit after Round 1 because they lost. Pretty sad really.
I play everything except Hanzo and Widowmaker, because snipers are dumb. If you wanna snipe, play McCree or Zenyatta.
>play Zenyatta
>everyone tells you to fuck off
>get team saving ults every time
>still get told to fuck off
Being robot is painful
Where's my Zarya familia
>Brutal as hell close range
>Instant "Oh fuck, I'm sorry" button
>Heals based on how much you kill
>Easiest and most devastating ult in the game
The ONLY thing that sucks is how garbage he is at any range that isn't right next to someone, but to be fair that's the entire goddamn point. It's fun as fuck to sneak behind the other team and just wreck them and then wraith form away once it gets a little hairy so you can heal and then rinse and repeat.
I can't find a single particular use for his teleport aside from the odd moment I need to get somewhere that's otherwise unreachable.
I play a lot of Reinhardt, he's fun as hell to play and also looks cool.
It's worth it though. Rubbing your balls over Rein and Roadhog and Zarya so the enemy team's tanks are garbage is worth all the grief. And then you get the gold healing medal over the team's Mercy and start howling incoherently into your microphone.
wish i could play her better. Shes crazy good.
If you manage to play her properly, she is absolutely insane. You need to learn to time your shields to go in and out of fights, try to get 100% charge and then just wreck shit. I got a 70% winrate with her with over 70 games.
Mercy/Lucio depending on the map
Reaper if someone else wants to play support
His teleport is good for getting behind enemy lines, as long as you time it when nobody is looking back
Cheers loves, the Cavalry's here!
>Reaper Funko
Do you have the whole set user?
>main Pharah
>get Thunderbird drop
thank you jesus
torbjorn and sometimes junkrat
and I like all the supports barring ana who I haven't played yet.
>21 hrs
>52 wins
attack: reaper (was mccree, but no reason to play him over reaper right now)
defense: widowmaker
tank: d. va
support: mercy
>not maining at least one for each role
These guys knows what up
>Picture shows the player isn't changing from Trashrat to a tank or a support and instead is probably squealing uncontrollably in chat
I had to switch to Lucio
We lost regardless
Pharah, but after this next patch that's probably gonna change
I'd bet money the trashmouse would be more helpful than the genji and hanzo they no doubt had
I never give any checks post game to pharrah, junkrat, or bastion
use a character that requires skill then I'll consider it
at least he tries to tank, can't say the same about many other players
Solider 76
Soon to be Ana as well
I enjoy most the other heroes too and switch things up a bit, but those are the heroes I play the absolute most with in each class.
>maining in overwatch
You're supposed to master every character and switch to suit the current situation. You're a burden to your team
the fuck is wrong with that art style? Do they even know what blending is?
Mostly Reinhardt because people don't know how to go to pound town, I also dabble in D.va when I can because infinite ammo and zipping around is fun.
He really is. I'm never gonna leave him after the buff.
any idea when the patch will drop?
I main a character most efficient and fitting for the current map and team composition.
Attack: Pharah
Defence: Junkrat
Tank: ...I er... can't tank... I always seem to die too quickly as a tank, I'm really not much use
Support: I wanna play Mercy way more, but I find Lucio is usually better because of his passive heal I don't wanna go back to playing Mercy and risk throwing games because I basically stop getting eliminations as support
>other team is perfect hard counter to your team
>you can't switch
>you lose and can't do anything about it
>no hero switching
No hero switching would be an awful idea
>that question
>when every second thread is about homosexuality
have anubis and hanamura been fixed for their blatant bias against attack?
1 hero per team is coming with the Ana patch. No switching is a terrible idea.
>attempt to learn every character
>might manage to be competent with them all but will never git gud
>chose to git gud at a handful from each class that suit your play style
>asset to your team whichever class you need to play
>no guiz play all of them that's what the devs intended!
>wanting this even closer to LoL
this desu
What's wrong with Anubis?
It's already been announced, you fucking moron.
Just don't think I've seen another femanon on Sup Forums, you fulfill your stereotype well
>no hero switching
You best be shitting me.
Ok thats fine.
Much better but now you'd have to add different balancing from quick play since things like Winston are balanced according to double stacking him.
how much of a downs kid do you have to be to not be able to play every hero other than widow and maybe mcnoon at a competent level
>he can't master every character
Thanks for proving my point scrub git gud. Can't believe people like you play team based games and drag everyone down
I wish this was a normal mode. Not just for the no hero stacking but also for no switching during the match.
not the most impressive but fuck its fun to go on a rampage
anubis has that terrible choke point right at the start, you can hold it down with a torb, bastion and Reinhardt to shield them.
Maybe they just don't suit how you like to play? I fucking hate flanking as Reaper, getting that fucking close to the enemy with such low mobility feels like a death sentence, even with his wraith form, you're guaranteed to be hunted down. I know, because when I play Lucio, Reapers are after me constantly until they realise they're more likely to die from it than I am.
All my picks are relatively high mobility because that's just how I play
Which is all irrelevant becuase you said
>how much of a downs kid do you have to be to not be able to play every hero other than widow and maybe mcnoon at a competent level
And I never said you wouldn't be competent, I specifically said you'd be competent with each character but never git gud, which is why it's vastly better to choose a couple from each class and work on actually being good with them rather than just being okay.
But it' right at the start for attack and very far away for defend, so you outspawn them before Symmetra puts down the teleport. Also Pharah jumps over it easily.
If my team has a balanced composition I'll usually pick Zarya to top it off, her uptime and survivability are insane.
you're just arguing semantics at this point piss off
Die, filth
>he thinks he's good with every character
Lemme guess, it's always your team letting you down right?
the other faggots were the ones arguing semantics lol
you forget that there's another 3 players to pick off flankers
>I misread your post but it's your fault
>whatever team needs
>needing any of those
>playing 76
>we wipe out 5 of the enemy team
>find a mercy running away, shoot at her
>she runs in a room, crouches in a corner behind a table
>magazine is empty, so I walk up to her, stare at her for a second, and finish her off with a melee
>she didn't fight back or try to run away, she just accepted it
I feel like a bad person
No I don't have that problem because i can carry even the worst team.
EVERY situation
I do hope for a regular mode with this. I'm sick of playing with retarded randoms that forces me to switch because they won't pick a character that we need, but instead the character I already picked at the start of the countdown.
same thing happens to me all the time except at the last second before i kill the mercy she resurrects her entire team.
This except Junkrat for Defense.