>Imagine ____________ but made by PlatinumGames!
Imagine ____________ but made by PlatinumGames!
Metal Gear Solid
>it's a "Sup Forums hates Platinum drones" episode
I don't know how I feel about platinum handling nier desu
Whenever Kek la Kek was airing, that was the most annoying shit on Sup Forums.
What would a game called "____________" (literally just a series of underscores) be like?
>imagine a game that wouldn't be significantly improved were it developed by platinum!
ffs they made playable licensed avatar and transformers games. what more do you want
Imagine my dick pulling out of your ass hole bitch!
>Imagine ________ but made by From Software!
Platinum is starting to lose their luster.
After Wonderful 101, Korra, Transformers, TMNT, and Starfox Zero people have finally realized how overrated and mediocre Platinum really is.
a text-based adventure game where you play as a video game reviewer on IGN
>if only from or platinum was handling berserk
>Casuals know little to no good devs that they have to throw out platinum or from constantly
that mouth bothers me
Because she's retarded now
PG did two games right: Vanquish and Bayo.
Everything after that is retard tier shit.
Lay me the skinny, Sup Forums: What's wrong with Platinum? I know they only started getting popular because of MGR and Bayonetta,
Do they have shit writing, shit devs or what?
It's just because everyone mentions them anytime you mention a game. Platinum should have made this!
games are short
writings mediocre but no one really cares about that.
Their problem is that they pretty much make the same game over and over making minor tweaks and adding a gimmick that sometimes works, but in most cases feels like it would be better if the game just played like bayonetta.
They feel like the michael bay of video games, if it was always fun to watch michael bay movies.
>A Kill la Kill game ...... by PLATINUM
If you've ever said this just neck yourself. It was a shit anime with piss poor animation
>Imagine a [insert non-vidya related franchise/series here] game made by Platinum Games AND From Software at the same time!
Have to add that they have the most polished game feel on the market.
Omfg thisssss
Are you serious?
They make one good action game and suddenly they have the most polish?
Nintendo even has more polish.
So...you're saying they have little creativity due to every game following the action hack n' slash formula and also because of reddit spouting shitty memes on how they should make a game about X series.
Doesn't seem like much of a reason to hate them, desu. The first is just criticism and the other is >normies
>They should remake ______ but make it like Dark Souls!
W101 was good and has a lot more depth than people who haven't played it like to think.
Everything else were just shitty cash grabs though for sure, besides SF0 which just sucked.
I would not mind a Metal Gear spinoff by fromsoft that plays like chromehounds or armored core.
I would say platinum is the only game studio that actually needs an idea guy.
>Wonderful 101
W101 is a brilliant game and literally the best game of this generation
Transformers is great
Enlighten me, would you? What was wrong with Starfox Zero? I've not played it so I'm not here to argue with you. I just want to know what a Starfox game could be that it wasn't. Because frankly the formula was pretty basic to begin with.
>dude platinum and/or from should totally make a berserk game lmao
Let this meme die already.
No, but really.
Imagine if Platinum worked with Atlus on a new Raidou because Atlus should've just stuck to turn based combat.
Imagine a good version of pic related.
They look like they're from hunter the reckoning rather than fallout
why does a tomato appear and disappear when maki blinks?
I don't think platinum can handle purposefully clunky.
Platinum is at their best when it's an IP THEY created. Their original stuff is almost always 10/10 games, but their licensed games are always garbage, MGR being a fluke in that, but that's debatable to some. Scalebound may or may not be the combo breaker in this though, that footage looked iffy.
>Imagine if ___________ had an app like Pokémon GO.
Not every franchise needs to mimic whatever game you're currently enjoying.
>Imagine if we put mixed a moba and a shooter!
Shadow the Hedgehog