I bought a PS4 and some games today

I bought a PS4 and some games today.
I'm so sorry Sup Forums, I couldn't resist

you shouldnt care what Sup Forums thinks about games or consoles lol everyone on this board is like 13 and going through their edgy everything sux phase

dumb sonygger

Aussie veee

>I'm so sorry for being an idort elder god race Sup Forums
It's fine.

All those games are pretty good, and pretty good reasons to have a ps4. What matters is if you feel satisfied with the purchase.

Good game choices, bruh.
But what the fuck is Odin Sphere Leifthrasir?

a good game

Remake of the original on PS2, updated gameplay and all that jazz. Try the demo its fun

Being an idort is great, op. Your primary platform will always be PC but there is nothing wrong with owning and playing console games despite what the spergs might say.

Nice choices
I'm playing Star Ocean V right now, it's a good game
A fantastic game

Oh and OP
If you don't buy World of FF I'll murder your soul

good man

Get the fuck out of Sup Forums and give your Wii U + games to someone more deserving, you're a piece of shit.



>buying SFV

what happened to Gootecks

>that thread with the giant pancakes

>prominently displaying console games
>leaves krakens on his monitor to show how much of a gamer he is

You're a fucking disgrace. Razer products and console gaming? If I was your father I'd beat the retard out of you.

Being an idort is fine.

Being a brand loyalist who sucks off a platform is autistic and shouldve been aborted.

Look into Deception IV

>still living with your parents
I'm Australian

My mistake. Consoles and Razer products are for the children, so I figured you as one.

Time to do some growing up, buddy.

To be fair, I bought those headphones 5 years ago when I was 14.
They're super comfortable, though

This. And he has some good picks on both sides. Needs some more DK and Platinum on the Nintendo side, but pretty solid overall. At least there's no shitty nep or atelier games.

>tfw I got SF V for 10 bucks off amazon due to a pricing error
I haven't even opened it, might just sell it

is it still considered being an idort if I just have a PS4, Vita, and 3DS? I don't really see the point of having a Wii U or XBoner at this rate

>not being a brand loyalist
shame on you

I recently bought a PS3 and about 20 games but I'm tempted to get a PS4 just to play Phantasy star online 2.


>Stronger PS4 on the way
>Buying multiplat on
You fucked up mate

>Playing SFV on a platform where you're not only the minority, but the majority of the playerbase can block playing with you completely

Can't you just alt-tab to break the game on PC?

No but you can always claim to be one in the internet. What really matters is your having no fanboyism anyways