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Probably getting a new CPU later this year.
find it pretty weird that 1080 only shows as 4gb when its 8gb, but hey if it works i aint complaining..
why no 144 hz yet?
The ROG PG278Q is 144Hz
>He doesn't know about le 4GB gate
What do you possibly use all that storage for?
but you have it set to 59hz bro, better change that shit right now
>find it pretty weird that 1080 only shows as 4gb when it's 8gb
You have an Nvidia card and this is weird to you?
It's a speccy thing.
GPUZ will show the correct size.
>tfw bottleneck
>tfw terrible frame times
Can't wait to upgrade to a 6700k.
please enlighten me
Even if set to 144Hz it shows up as 59Hz in speccy.
Speccy is a piece of shit.
The 10XX don't have the 970s retarded issue.
It's not a 1080, but It was a cheap upgrade from a 660ti.
Finally feeling like a part of the PC master race.
Gonna upgrade to dual channel 16gb next.
I need a new fuckin monitor
are you sure? cuz my speccy shows the correct hertz
How long would it take to listen to one Terabyte of music?
well i guess it depends on lenght of the music and the kHz
Reminder from the last time this thread happened.
Please set your fucking ram speed. Half of Sup Forums apparently doesn't know that you have to do that.
Don't know. I lost my previous 2TB drive full of music, which was neatly organized. This one is just everything thrown onto it, so I don't really listen to it much.
whats the point of that seteup, you can scrap like half of these hdd's
And then I won't have any space left.
Good idea.
reminder that it literally doesn't even matter in terms of system ram
Reminder that if you have an older, overclocked CPU you can gain over 20 frames in CPU heavy titles with fast ram.
>tfw I dont get temperatures lower than 75 while gaming
im just waiting for a smoking hole to appear in my mobo tbqh
Nah m8 it's an AMD chip.
85C means it's operating at chilly temps.
reminder that there are practically no cpu heavy titles
reminder that a $70 pentium dual core processor probably crushes your old, overclocked processor
Are you sure you set it to 144hz? Check your windows and nvidia settings
Also holy fuck do you really need over 1.5v to hit 4.4?
Have future proof build. Feels kind of bad because I can't find any reason to upgrade.
Except RAM maybe.
>source games
3.2 Ghz Tri-core CPU
500mhz GPU
why not?
why not?
You'll gain 10%+ minimum is stuff like Witcher 3, AssCreed and Tomb Raider.
In terms of performance per dollar, if you have a Sandy or Ivy bridge, fast ram is the way to go.
why in the world not?
eh, probably not but my computer doesnt boot if I change anything in bios anymore and AMD overdrive is sketch af
then will have to delete stuff, which is a good thing because you are obviously hoarding
everthing is onlyine anyway
Yes, I'm pretty sure it works fine, because it has a button on the site to switch refresh rates and speccy just doesn't care.
I don't see the point, wouldnt it be worlds better to have a 1440p 60hz?
1440 is a huge improvment over 1080 IMO
First desktop in 12 years, don't laugh
I have a snibby crab
I mean I had to set it to 144hz through the windows display settings for it to start working, you should check just in case
>everything is online anyway
I sure love to stream low quality garbage. Good to know you have no idea what you're talking about.
check monitor OSD it should show what hz it's running on
>reminder that a $70 pentium dual core processor probably crushes your old, overclocked processor
An overclocked 2500k or 2600k performs pretty favorably with a 6500.
144 is a huge improvement over 60
I'd rather have 144hz desu
>higher resolution is better than 2.5x refresh rate
you must be insane. higher resolution adds basically nothing to the experience of playing a game. refresh completely transforms it
you can't go back from 144 to 60 again, seriously, it is so jarring
better have both though
Any reason you spend extra money on an overclocking board and then didn't spend the extra 30 bucks on an overclockable chip?
The fuck senpai?
Dude, I know how my screen works.
I too upgraded from a 660 ti recently
that card was a trooper
being able to run games a max settings again is nice
Not video games
>low quality
just give it another 5 years, remember what it was like 5 years ago?
streaming? in hd?
I also just noticed, why the fuck does my CPU fan only get to 89% when my taget is 65 degrees and max temps reach 80?? I have a phanteks tc-12dx
>x2 960
woah, double cucked
Streaming anything is still garbage.
you sure? maybe you should check.
I got the CPU for $140 and the board for $90 via eBay and magical newegg sales. Still need to sell my laptop with a 780m in it.
I'm afraid of trying out 144hz.
I don't have a lot of money and only upgraded my GPU after 4 years.
I already can't go back to consoles because of sub 60fps. I'm afraid that if I play at 144hz, I won't be able to afford to feed that framerate in the future and it will ruin 60fps just like 60fps ruined 30fps, leaving me unable to play video-games.
do it bitch
I have another 16GBs of ram that was in this thing but the sticks are in another pc right now
thats not for you to decide
it will come to that point
All that and a 760?
Just need 144hz monitor and a new gpu and I'm set for the next 50 years.
That's a lot of storage senpai
how? Its essentially impossible to see over 80fps and I find myself having trouble noticing the difference above 50. Am I missing something about refresh rate?
Went from 1080 to 1440 earlier this year and would never go back, 1080 feels tiny now
multiplayer fps games???
No, it is for me to decide. That's the point. I don't like to stream anything besides live events and even then I'll download a better recording later.
yeah I'm going to nab a 1060 when they come out
I've just been buying different parts at different times
it doesn't matter, you need at least 60-72 fps and it will look great
you don't need exactly 144fps to enjoy 144hz refreshrate
b-but our eyes can only see 24 fps baka
get gsync monitor.
if you get 90 fps or something, you still get 90hz with no tearing. if you get 78 fps, you still get 78hz no tearing.
better than 60 is better than 60. even 70 hz is a gigantic improvement on 60. you wouldn't think so, but it's literally like 17% more frames..
Look at the graphic you dip, I never said anything about 24 fps.
I play rocket league at 144 FPS and I went to my friends house and played it there but he only has a 60Hz monitor and playing it at 60 FPS felt like I was watching a stop motion film
>"I don't have a lot of money and only upgraded my GPU after 4 years."
I'm sure he's gonna just be racing to buy a 144hz gsync m8
60 fps- 16ms
144hz lag- 3ms
60hz lag-25-30ms
it's about responsiveness, games feel better, also you do not need vsync at any fps at 100hz+.
Hopefully will be able to afford some more RAM and a new card soon.
Anyone knows how to lower cpu temps?
If you've never used 144hz before, I guarantee you will circle your mouse around your desktop in awe for a good 5 minutes before even trying a game
I want to use your scrote as a punching bag m8
Up up down down left right left right b a b a start select
now you sound like those people who didnt want to give up windows xp
upgrading very soon.
cpu fan?
forgot pic
Okay, so streaming will get better, but storage will also get cheaper. Get fucked.
I went 40 inch monitor at 4k.
No regrets whatsoever, but I do play slower paced games.
Speaking of which.
Any of you guys have a Sandy Bridge Gene-Z board with Windows 10?
Heard some that there were some compatibility problems and the deadline is coming up.
Have you ever reapplied thermal paste ?
to what? gpu maybe, everything else is fine for at least a year or two
I have, didn't notice shit. Resolution on the other hand....
That, and the fact that the majority of people (including me) have rigs that can only run shit like CS:GO above 60