Claim your developerfu.
Claim your developerfu
Other urls found in this thread:
kojima is a salesman not a creator
>Look Ma! I can also be unoriginal and shitpost old copypasta!
I'll have the autist then
Is this the only photo of Carmack that exists?
Claiming my main man Kenichiro Takaki.
Someone else who is nice and wealthy please take SWERY and treat him to a nice comfortable life. Please.
Hottest dev coming through.
Ill pick Todd Howard, he sure does make great games, I suggest you buy all the dlc just to see how good he is
he made me his bitch
I'll take this cool dude.
It's one of the very few photos where he's actually smiling
What a hunk
Todd! We all know it's you. Go back to your thread!
Introducing my Rockstar troll motherfucker.
May the tears keep you young many years to come.
>black suit
>black shirt
Oh sorry, I thought you were him for a second, I admit my mistake.
I love my little autist. so long as he's writing and not "rebalancing"
I claimed this faggot.
Nobody's claimed this hunk of burning love yet?
Color me surprised
Touch my heart. Make me cry like human being.
He hasn't made a good game in a decade
he wrote pillars and see what happened
bitch left the game industry to work on drones for Amazon
The real DMC dev
Choices are:
>Naughty Dog
considering their stock prices and how much soccer mom shekels they racked in a couple of days ago on Prime Day I don't really blame her
I like the man but his games suck. Just finished Stranger yesterday. The more I played, the worse it became.
Sawyer directed pillars but he didn't write it. He also didn't write much of New Vegas alone, he wrote very few lines of actual dialog and mainly just made sure the tone and the direction of the story was up to standard.
I'll take orange man
That's honestly the first time I've heard someone diss stranger's wrath.
The voice acting and end game (specifically the bosses) just wasn't fun. I didn't have as much trouble as some people on the two fuckers but it's awful game design. It's like he gave up and just said "Well, lets just put two previous bosses as the second to last boss." without actually play-testing it. Also the timed running section at the end sucked.
Liked the story with the Stranger though and the twist, but fuck those annoying dickheads you're saving. If I played this two generations ago when it came out I might be speaking differently. It's an 11 year old game at this point.
I want him to fuck my mind
>"he makes the best game of all time and respects it's predecessors
>"the customer support for such a small dev team is absolutely insane, if not the best in the video game industry
>"Game has stayed true to it's roots, always new content updates to keep players happy
>"The devs are literally players
Swery a best, Suda a shit
How's that episode 3 coming along swery?
Sorry bruh, I'll have him draw something nice for you.
OP said developer not writer
this photo of todd looks kinda like Bob Dylam pn the cover of Blonde on Blonde
>making the same autist robot smugface for 20 years straight
the price of genius
But I would not feel so all alone
everybody must get preorders!
Will he commit sudoku when the buyer's remorse threads start popping up?
This handsome devil.
>got into juvie for stealing an Apple II when he was 14
>considers rocket science easier than game developing
>chokes an interviewer
>btfos a sjw
Only retards hate this man
>tfw no more Ogre games ever again
I don't care what people say about him, I love him just the way he is.
Check out these nerds.
One of the few indie devs I actually respect and buy shit made by.
This madman
I don't even care that he sucks at his job, he's hot
mewgenics when
super meat boy forever when
anything when
He is playing around with Pokemon GO. Probably this Oct. or next Oct.
>cancel Lily Bergamo, a anime waifu action game that looked visually interesting
>turn that into Let it Die, a F2P souls like action game that is being published by chinks
Goichi Suda is washed out, he is alongside Oatmeal cookie
i can fix him
Why do you have a picture of suda labeled as itsuno?
>tfw you'll never cuddle with Kojima
>thirty years old
>straight all of my life
>look at Kojima's face in the Sony partnership video
>immediately turn gay
He can Zone of the Enders my Metal Gear Solid, if you know what I mean.
he prefers making smartphones games though
>you'll never watch Escape from New York seven times in a row with him
EA fucked his shit that bad.
>shadow of the damned was suppose to be pure horror game til EA says make it like no more heroes
This fella
Swery loves Suda though
I don't, but he could make my snake 100% solid.
He can canceled game you're unfinished game?
No, I was saying that he could Snatcher my Policenauts.
>not Policenuts
ya dun goofed
You cant take him away from me.
There can be no other
>btfos an SJW
The father.
>All the good Devs are claimed
>Even Japanese Phil Fish is claimed
Fine... I'll claim ZUN
no ones claimed Swen yet?
>>All the good Devs are claimed
Oh, how wrong you are.
Great taste nigga
somebody asked him about the gender gap in VR
after Lucky Palmer goes about how few women applied to them in the first place, which is something universal in the tech field, Carmack adds
"we have a hard time hiring all the people that we want. It doesn't matter what they look like"
translate that how you will
could mean anything from
"we have a hard time hiring/selecting actually skilled people, ignoring gender"
"I would hire anybody on earth, except you"
Who is this semen demon
4 me, this guy
All your robots belong to me