Post a more boring Zelda

Post a more boring Zelda
Protip: you can't

I really can't, to be honest.

ST Zelda is best Zelda.

She's my favourite and you can't change my mind

>best zelda

>the prettiest
>you fight her

Already that makes her more interesting than most.

What do you see in that broad?

The original Zelda

Is Hilda just Twilight Princess Zelda done right?

Wind Waker

All that sailing just puts you to sleep, and the game is so easy it practically plays itself.

Skyward Sword's

Literally made to be baby's first waifu, and is so ugly I don't even have a picture of her to put with this post

Adventures of Link Zelda

To be fair every game is easy.


I don't think so

I got you covered, sempai. Here's the gorgon herself.

I love SS zelda in the "what she responds with" six panel comic. Anyone have that handy?

But yes your rught, SS zelda is the worst zelda. Best is ST or OoT


I've always disliked every variation of this because not a single one of them is in character ever.

>I thought you'd never ask





I don't care what people say about Akairiot, I still like his Zelda


Boring? No, that would be the original Zelda or LttP Zelda. Does have the best design though.

TP Zelda is prettier than HW Zelda actually, and being stoic is at least better than being waifubait.

She's not even my favourite Zelda design but to say HW isn't the prettiest is just wrong.

Hell, even Sm4sh is prettier because of this wonderful hybrid of TP and SS.


Oracle games have the most boring Zelda.

I mean you all clearly forgot she was even in those games. Only at the end, but still.

Sm4sh Zelda is really just an updated version of TP Zelda y'know? She looks nothing like SS Zelda. And no, TP, or Sm4sh if you are so specific, is the prettiest Zelda.

one my favorite zeldas

How is she even waifubait?

>Sm4sh Zelda is really just an updated version of TP Zelda y'know?
Yeah, she's updated with features of SS Zelda, that's why I explicity said hybrid.

You're still wrong, anyway.

What features? She doesn't have the giant nose, the fat weird lips, or the freaky fish eyes.

Constant cute giggling and smiling cutely into the camera.

How exactly is she a hybrid? I don't see a single feature that she has in common with SS Zelda.

And no, I'm not.

this one's better

You mean just the Baton's victory screen?

Woah watch out she's totally a waifubait she has one skippable victory animation where she smiles.

The real mystery is how anyone can find imp Midna attractive

Saying you'd fuck midna is tantamount to saying you're a toddler fucking furfag

>implying it's just that
Nigga that's pretty much all she does. Almost every time you see her face she's got that goofy grin on her face.

I forgot how beautiful TP Zelda was till I played TPHD.

I would love to see a cel shaded version of this design in Breath of the Wild, but I don't think it would fit with the voice we hear in the demo though.

Wisdom is supposed to be boring.
That's why she's the best Zelda. Also she looks better.

Imagine being this much of a pleb

i would wreck either till nobody could walk.

Come to think of it, the classic designs from Zelda 1 through ALttP could work with that voice.


Funny, my dick finds her extremely interesting

Midna doesn't walk at all she floats. Even in Twili form

This is your Princess tonight.

ok tp you went too far this time

>zelda in TPHD

literally just bloom my shit up

Not just her personality is boring but also her design. Easily the most bland 3D Zelda.
Being in the same game as Midna also didnt help her case.
Best Zeldas are still SS Zelda, Spirit Track and Tetra.

I miss when this artist didn't draw every character the same.

She's fantastic. They perfected the Princess design with TP.

Well find a new artist then.

Brunette Zelda a best.

Just needs bigger tits to make that perfect.



Does this get lewd
Tell me it gets lewd

I love TP in these comics
