Why the fuck is No Man's Sky so expensive? it smells like a scam

why the fuck is No Man's Sky so expensive? it smells like a scam

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>5 billion years to explore
>multiplayer but you can't actually play with people


Published and at least half funded by Sony. They want to make sure they turn profit on the game.

Its surprising people even expected MP when worlds that get generated don't even save what it generated

Can't wait to pirate it

I seriously don't get the appeal of this

Is it just something to look around in while you're actually doing something else or what

If this doesn't get people interested I don't know what will.

You seriously don't have 60 bucks. Jesus Christ.

I fucking hate poor people.

I just don't want to spend it on shit


4gb game

Pokemon Go has more content

Looks like shit

Why don't you buy everygame in steam user? They all cost less than 60$.
Or are you telling me you're to poor?

>ask people what you do in this game
>the response is always "...ANYTHING!"

that doesn't tell me shit. you can't do anything... do these people even know what you do?

I was interested when they announced this 3 years ago.

And then it kept getting delayed.

And then it went from some $20 indie game to a full $60 release because of the hype that somehow survived 3 years of waiting.

I'll get it when it's on PS+

It's Mass Effect 1 planet exploration except you can control a spaceship while exploring.

It's actually a 6GB game you retard and you can't compare a game of this calibre to Pokemon Go

it's expensive because they have to take some of that money to pay for the bribed reviews.

IGN is pricey.

Looks pretty boring

the game looks like it gets really boring really fast

Better have multiple types of ships to use

>chop down trees
>make a fort
>fuck it
>use space ship to blow up planet's moon
>fucks up the tide
>tsunami sandstorm comin', brother
>take shelter in my badass fort made from cavemen bodies (this planet was a few million years from becoming the next earth i think, oops haha)
>storms lets off
>mud everywhere
>hurl it around recklessly
>get bit by a snake
>take it to my ship
>drop snake off on random planet
>it bites a tree
>weird ass reaction between the venom and tree
>blows the fucking planet up
>ride the "debris" back to my ship
>game has been more epic than anything else fucking ever and i still have 4.99999999999999999999999999999999 billion years of gameplay left

No, they're just getting slowly starting to realize that this game isn't what they were expecting, but instead of accepting it they choose to remain delusional.

It's sad, really. There was someone on the PCGamer article that said people who weren't excited about this lacked imagination, and that they were going to go make a dragon out of Play-Doh. Then someone else pointed out that you can't actually make anything in this game.

Videogames are inherently a scam, dipshit.

That's a pretty good list of things you can't do in NMS.

i think it looks cool, but i will also say it looks like shit because one can get into serious problems here on Sup Forums, when you say you are exited for no man's sky.

my favorite new meme

Maybe you're just boring shitty people yourself the game looks amazing.

>INB4 shill.

"u poor" is the worst argument ever

You're a shill and you also don't know how inb4 works.

every game on steam is a lot more than 60$ retard, what's your point

Wait, there's seriously no multiplayer?

>no hunger
>no thirst
>no building
>ship invulnerable when landed

Can you fuck the fauna in every planet? This is very important.

Yes, but all their orifices are equipped with sensors that will immediately alert the space police to your actions.

Should I trust this Murray guy?

No Multiplayer? But that's the most fun part.

No multiplayer and the gameplay seems like it's going to primarily revolve around just travelling to planets to stick your gamertag on it.

Holy shit I am almost ejaculating in my pants right now
>game about exploring new planets
>fights aliens and shit in a cool fighter

You can kill the wildlife of planets or swim around in bodies of water. I'm not sure what you're missing here. Just play the Minecraft theme in the background if the lack of building annoys you that much. 5 billion galaxies. Can't leave your mark on all of them...

Would be impossible to implement considering the scale of the game.

Looks very generic and uninteresting. Certainly nothing that's never been done before. Not sure where the hype is coming from.

Good. I enjoy an audience. Pre ordering right away.

They will immediately start shooting at you, so that will probably make it more exciting as well.

Note: there are carnivorous plants in the game

>Certainly nothing that's never been done before

Can you name some games that have done what No Man's Sky is doing?

Elite dangerous did it somehow...

I can't wait until someone uploads a video of them walking around the planet and noticing it's actually super small.

>pay $60 to explore procedurally generated environments with a shitty survival system slapped on top and just about no interesting interaction possible

yeah nah no thanks, you literally just load up the game, look at a couple different recoloured plants/animals for 30 minutes before being bored as fuck and leaving

what an awful game

>Certainly nothing that's never been done before

nobody is claiming NMS does anything new. Procedural generation is a old as fuck technology. See Daggerfall.

The game will stand and fall with how good the Procedural generation is. And so far it looks like they did a pretty fucking awesome job.

It feels like starbound. Along with all the shit that made starbound garbage.

Inb4 critics are payed to rate it 10/10 then all the gullible idiots buy into the scam.

You can see

I don't buy the "planet-sized" meme but they're easily big enough so that they seem flat if you walk on them, and they look like it'll take severals hours at the very least to get back to where you started by going in a straight line.

>no hunger
>no thirst

And this is bad?

What's a good analogy for No Man's Sky?

A Microsoft Powerpoint presentation with a few dozen photos from Earth playing on an infinite loop so you can explore their huge depth INFINITELY

>buying a SP game that is on GOG

The point is people would rather spend there money somewhere else dumbfuck.

More like:
>land on planet
>walk around planet in 7 minutes
>look at some ayy lmaos
>mine some stuff
>put it in your ship
>fly to neighboring planet

this is the extent of its gameplay

>60€ on PC
Is this a joke?
Space games are rare nowadays, it's not fair.

it's $60 just like every other game, what's the problem here

Are there black holes and shit like that or is it just planets and stars?

There's black holes, asteroids and apparently double star systems are a thing.

Sup Forums can you imagine the shitstorm when this game is as shallow as it seems and everyone has that realization that the dev's have been dancing around questions that would kill hype because it would be illuminated just how shallow and boring it's going to be? I can't fucking wait honestly, you thought tortanic was big? Wait till this studio get's everyone to buy their shitty game with nothing to do in it.

>you leave a planet and it disappears


Fucking retards.

>that realization that the dev's have been dancing around questions that would kill hype
Like what?

I can't tell if the false-flaggers are getting more elaborate, or if there are really people with expectations this outlandish.

The lack of multiplayer is the first thing that comes to mind.

>yeah it's a mp game
>no it's a sp game
>well you COULD sorta meet other players but the universe is so big it's unlikely

They tiptoed around and gave like 4 different answers to the same question over a few months.

I honestly think it's sarcasm.

When asked about things like multiplayer they say it could be possible but the "sad thing is that you guys will be on the other side of the universe so it would make finding your friends almost impossible". Dancing around the fact that there is no multiplayer, and it's just a boring single player experience.

They have already confirmed that planets/levels are not round.

When you enter a planet you transition into a "interactive loading screen" where you can fly around a screen before entering the atmosphere (think Destiny loading screens).

Then you enter a flat level that has invisible walls. They said some bullshit about the level being more "focused" and being able to capture the essence of the planet in a smaller more concentrated space.

>crosshair not even near the enemy
>fires and hits it anyway

fucking what

Hahaha holy shit that's a pretty fucking funny excuse

I'm honestly not surprised.

If you look at the way they word it, there's never been any confirmation of multiplayer, they're just fumbling around trying to hide it.

>ha ha the universe is so huge, how would you EVER meet another player?
(We don't have multiplayer, but i'll frame it as an appeal to realism: you realistically won't ever meet other players even though it should be possible)

>are you a murderer?
>ha ha doesn't everyone murder bacteria all the time?

>make a shittier version of space engine
>slap some guns and enemies in it
>that'll be $60 thanks :^)
Only faggots will fall for this scam.

That's probably a lie but still, source?

Alright, but they've been clear that it was a minor thing anyway, so I don't see how it would generate hype if it was in. Any other examples?


no story
planets will end up being all the samey after a few hours

My question is how the hell did normies fall for the billion quintillion years to finish the game meme?

You look up no mans sky on facebook and you will see genuinely hyped people going on about 'cant believe i wont be able to finish it in my lifetime...' etc etc

>completely ignoring the fact everyone is slowly converging towards the center of the galaxy
Yes you WILL eventually bump into people if you get far into the game.
That lying slime should just flat out say "yes we have netcode and people who are on the same location will meet each other" or "no we don't have netcode, it's a SP game".

Fucking bastards.

I wasn't asking "what did the game do wrong", I was asking what questions the devs have been dancing around

No multiplayer at all confirmed. Anyone falling for this retarded dancing around the question bullshit deserves to lose their money.

Everything looks so fucking bland, like the walking animation, the shooting, the "space battles" everything feels stiff ad lifeless, it doesn't sem right, they could've put some more effort into makeing me feel like an explorer, pretty sure you won't be able to see your feet or hands

Well these.

They said there would be environmental cues, then monoliths giving story, now it's "no story"
The grind was never mentioned but is clearly there.

>yes we have netcode and people who are on the same location will meet each other


>However, Murray said player models will look different than anything else in the game, so if you do meet another player walking on the surface of a planet they should at least stand out. And, seeing another player will effectively be the only way anyone will know what players look like, since it's a first-person game and you can't look at yourself. Not that spotting another player will answer all our questions, though:

Look to me you just haven't bothered searching and now you're getting mad at devs.

Heres a source
Around the midway mark he confirms it as they enter a planet.

Dude if the game is as big as they suggest nobody will get close to the centre. So much so that the goal of "getting to the centre" isnt a goal at all.

This just adds to the fact there is no real objective or its a complete piece of bullshit to capture american kids who havnt been educated to understand space properly

If you take the actual definition of the word it is a multiplayer game it has multiple players playing in the same space quit trying to relate the term to how COD/BF/almost any other game takes it.

How old are you?

An adult with a few years of games experience should be able to see through the hype BS this guy spews. This is like spore meets fable

>They said there would be environmental cues, then monoliths giving story, now it's "no story"
Nigga there's lore and there's stories, monoliths giving you stories about a particular race doesn't mean the same thing as your character having his own story. It's a different concept.

>The grind was never mentioned but is clearly there.
Based on what?

You can probably jump pretty far when you have an upgraded jumpdrive

Then why tiptoe around for ages around the question? It's the first time we get that answer, in other interviews they claimed the contrary.
Also why bother spending time and resources on netcode (that can easily add 40% to a game dev time) for such a seemingly small feature? Especially for a small indie dev?
>Yes you might bump into people but you have such tiny odds it might as well not be possible at all, but let's implement that as well!


>When you enter a planet you transition into a "interactive loading screen" where you can fly around a screen before entering the atmosphere (think Destiny loading screens).
Source? I also don't remember any shit like that in Destiny either, though I only played that for a few hours.


The developer guy has a weak and petty character. And Anthony is an awesome guy.

But most importantly, the game is pointless. And several friends from different gaming backgrounds concur.

> game with infinitely less content than NMS, and just fuck loads of number crunching bullshit

mmm, really showed him.

The thing he's been completely reticent about is why you can't find a friend and play along with them. He's basically said 'yeah, you could do that, I guess, but you're probably going to be half a universe away, and even when you get there, you'll have a hell of a time finding each other,' which basically translates to 'why would anyone want to do that?' which basically translates to 'there's an actual reason you can't do that' yet he has utterly refused to state this outright. So you still have yokels who think you can pal around if you put in the time, and the dev team is just warning it might take a while, not that they're prevaricating.

> Outside has more content than a video game

k mom

That is an attractive as fuck doughnut.

So is the game big or not?

The world is small if i have a private concorde. Use your brain mate.

>game is so big nobody will meet
>goal is to reach centre of universe!
>i thought it was so bug we couldnt conceive of travelling and reaching destinations in a traditional sense?
>dood upgraded ships means we can travel fast!
>so its not completely unexplorable, if its very big but im capable of travelling far and fast. Why cant we meet and why are you insisting its so vast?
>[backpeddles behind you]

>to see through the hype BS this guy spews
What exactly did they promise that seem technically out of reach for 15 devs on a 4-year period.

jesus fucking christ i'd beat the shit out of you irl if i knew where you live you fucking cuckstain

Because hes a child who cannot fathom cost and resource management. These are the same people who rage at Konami for making business decisions.

Follow the comment reply chain, ive posted source vid.