Shitmon Go worse than Undertale and Gone Home
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I got a girlfriend from playing Pokemon Go.
It's a 10 from me
How is that a surprise?
Undertale and Gone Home are the best games of the last decade and easily in the top 10 games of all time
IGN reviews mobile game?
Yeah it is. As much as gone home blows it clearly had more effort put into it than Pokemon go.
Makes sense. Two original IPs trump a licensed mobile game, no matter the context.
Hitman Go is actually pretty good.
>Mobile shit, only good part is the social aspect
At least Undertale and Gone Homo were "games".
>Higher rating than the best game of all time
Sometimes I think they just hate everything with "Pokémon" in the title.
Does she have a benis user?
I'd rather play a 2 minute faggot game than an ingress reskin so this is pretty accurate
Pokémon go is a shit ((((game))))
Is this meant to be surprising? Pokemon Go is barely a game. Don't reply with some shit about Gone Home because I don't know what it is
>Ingress comes out
>it's shit nobody plays it after the first week
>Pokemon Go comes out
>dies in a few months because it's shallow as fuck
>autists can't even understand the concept of a social life
Wow, it's just getting sad now.
Fuck you I'll reply how I like. Gone Home is barely a game as well. Also
>being so new you don't know what Gone Home is
It's not going to die from lack of depth, it's going to die when normies inevitably lose interest. Battling/trading will help for a little bit but ultimately most people i see around are literally only in it because they want to catch and evolve till they have them all, then they'll quit. Most people won't even touch gyms right now, because they'll either bug out or immediately get flipped and it's not worth the time or effort. Sadly, gyms are where all the depth is, and it's a shitfest that clearly nobody actually bothered to test for balance.
>IGN gave Undertale a 10
What kinda of black magic conspiracy brainwash shit did those people go to suck that game's dick this much?
>Gone Home
the reason the critics dont like PSMD is because they cant get past the 3rds quarter of the gaeme
what are you all 12
That's accurate. Undertale and Gone Home are way too high up, but Go is at least that many points behind Gone Home.
>there flavor of the month games
>its has social experience
>7/10 because i must converse with misogonist gamer directly
That's what you get for not buying reviews, nintencucks
The game has only existed for like a week, that is not enough time for you to be going around telling people you scored a girlfriend from it. There is no feasible way that you could have formed a solid relationship with any human being in the span of one week. Your "relationship" is a fucking facade and you're going to be disappointed very soon.
Whats an undertale?
Gone Home is very good at what it set out to do. If you don't like it, that's OK though. Not everybody has to like the same things. You just have different tastes then others.
The main fun I get out of Pokemon Go is the social experience so i'm not too concerned with the score it gets although 7/10 is accurate.
Hell, I'm enjoying the fuck out of it and so is everyone else, scores ain't gonna change shit.
I liked Gone Home better when it was a mystery and possibly supernatural. Not "Everyone left because reasons, also your sister is gay."
Gone Home had some of the most boring, uninspired lovey-dovey bullshit I've ever had to endure.
I hated it in every way, and I hoped something, ANYTHING would happen. Instead I got..."Oh, I'm in love with a girl so I ran off with her!" The End.
Truly, the biggest waste of an hour playing it.
It being pretty damn good, user.
I feel sorry for you joining this site after the ''it's popular so it's shit'' Sup Forums phase
>comparing a mobile game to indieshit PC games
so this is what gaming is now. great
There are far more interesting virtual museum tours though
pretty pathetic shilling here IGN employee.
How much does sony bribe IGN btw?
I see you guys always with Sony TVs.....
And is far more popular
>game gets good rating I don't like
>game gets ok raring and is popular
>its shit hurrrr
This is advanced autism
I played it and it was one of the most mind-numbing games ever made due to the fact the characters are annoying as shit and the game is easy and incredibly boring.
Enjoy your ban for Gps spoof
Think I'm kidding
Look up the company on the splash screen
Gues what they did to users on their last mobile game who pulled that shit.
Except that I was hyped for the game and played it on the day it was released.
Its a 6/10 at best.
We're not exactly sure, but probably through connections Fox had with the right people. Homestuck does have that sort of following that would attract people like that.
Phil Fish did something similar, and we know Stardew Valley was praised for allowing gay marriage despite being an inferior Harvest Moon clone.
This is just delusional shitposting at this point.
There is nothing particularly good about Undertale. I am not exaggerating when I say the most defining thing about it is the fanbase, which only exists because of Fox's work on Homestuck.
I think there's a problem with specifically judging Pokemon Go the way you would judge a game traditionally, that a lot of people both here and elsewhere don't really seem to understand:
The actual app you download and interact with is really only half of the game.
Much of the game, and indeed much of the enjoyment one can glean from the game is stuff that's entirely outside the app's control. Mostly physical location. The app itself is the exact same whether you download it in downtown Los Angeles or Bumfuck Montana, but the experience you will have with those games is WILDLY different and in many ways better or worse, specifically because of that.
It really is a different beast depending on factors mostly unrelated to the game itself, in ways that the vast majority of games don't have to worry about.
So judging it the way you would judge other games feels like missing the point, somewhat.
>the most defining thing about it is the fanbase
You're exaggerating
How do you even review a mobile cashshop game?
so jealous
your jealousy is funny to everyone
Undertale was more of an experience than a video game.
Fun, but over fast.
I do admire how many little things were put into it, and it's great and all, but it's really not the best game ever.
Still, honestly, there's more people bitching about the undertale fanbase (which I don't consider myself to be a part of) than the actual cringe and people who take undertale so srsly
>a mobile game re-skin gets a worse score than full games
no shit you contrarian butthurt manchild
There's at least one correct review there, and it's Pokemon Go. 7 is almost too generous for how uninteresting it is.
>Stare at the screen just like Ds only its on a phone and it has less content
No complaints here.
Pokemon Go helped me get closer to my friend with benefits.
Tying her up and throwing her into your van doesn't make her a girlfriend, user.
>Posts aren't even a full minute apart
I'm neither of those posters, but holy shit this denial is real.
Fuck off
What if he got his friend with them and they decided to post the same thing together
Then could you still truly call it a samefag?
Let's be fair though, as lame as that outcome was, there are already a gorillion 'explore a spooky mansion' games. It at least attempted something different.
What makes you think I'm spoofing, user-kun? Pretty average dragonite with bad moves there.
Because it's literally a phone game? It shouldn't even be close to gone homo
why is that picture so fucking hilarious
What level are you and are you in a big city or stuck in the boonies like me?
Had decent success with eggs from using the shit out of our few stops but no real big success
21. Big city. There's a park near my house that is plagued with dratini, got 125 candies in about 8 total hours.
I got raped thanks to pokemon go, so add one point to review but then reduce it by three for all the stds.
Awww man I'm fucking jelly about that. Got one random dratini at work. Heard parks with decent bodies of water are best. What state you in?
AZ. Our parks with lakes and stuff don't have much, just tons of pokestops and the usual cancer species + maybe one unique species per park. Every park with lakes I went to have nothing, except that one specific park.
Asriel = another name for Azriel (AKA Izrail, Azrin, Izrael, Azrael, Azrail, Ezraeil, Azraille, Azryel, Ozryel, or Azraa-eel), a Hebrew Angel/Demon, the God of Death, and some say he is the same entity as Sariel (AKA Seriel, Sauriel, Surya, Saraqael, Sarakiel, Suruel, Surufel or Sourial), demon son of Lilith and Samael, the blind God, who also identifies with the Angel Metatron (UNDERTALE's Mettaton). Yet another deity associated with Azriel is Raziel, and some believe they are the same being. Raziel (under the alternate name Galizur ("Revealer of The Rock")) is described as the "ruling prince of the 2nd Heaven." He is said to expound the "Torah's divine wisdom," and protects the ministering angels from the Hayyoth (four-faced anthropoid beasts), the "holy Creatures" that uphold the universe. He is the Archangel of the Ophanim, the wheel angels.
UNDERTALE is Jewish mysticism propaganda. Toby Fox is, quite literally, a Jewish shill who secretly tries to normalize the Hebrew Satanic cult of Remphan and Moloch and make it accessible to children.
Gas the kikes.
Damn. Lvl 16 in TX here. Haven't gotten to try any parks outside of the very tiny one here and not for very long. Gonna try a larger neighboring town for a while this weekend and see what i can get dropping a lure at the park there.
this is what hitler was trying to prevent
Mah nigga
In az what park ?
retards paid by nintendo spreading the false idea of "having a girlfriend"
Well yeah no shit
>give Undertale a bad rating
>tumblr has a fucking freakout and attacks IGN
>give Gone Home a bad rating
>tumblr has a fucking freakout and attacks IGN
>give Pokemon GO a bad rating
>lol who cares
you fell for the hipster jewish meme
>Indie games are good
>There is nothing wrong with crying in Gone Home
Check normiebook for events and things in that region, go to where other people have tons of lures up. Save all pidgeys and weedles and garbage evolutions for when you're running a lucky egg, and get pokestops over shit like zubats. Time standing around throwing balls at the stupid fucks is time not getting xp. For maximum autism, find a convenient stop route and ignore everything that's not a pidgey or other 12 candy evolution and jog/bike to pokestops until your inventory is full of that shit, release plebs and repeat until you feel like sitting down and evolving 200 pidgeotos
Desert breeze in chandler for dratinis, tempe town lake for xp/abras
Both about 20-30 mins away from me. I don't know if I have enough autism to do it... I'm only level 6 but I do want to go deeper.
Been doing the build plebs and evolve thing, thats how I'm even 16, just broke 17 a minute ago. The spot where i sit at work is nice because my gps bugs out here and sends my guy walking all over the property then back when I look back at the game. Use incense, spaz out, lucky egg once im ready to evolve shit. Wish I'd known it sooner though. My town has a nice route of stops that i can spam easily to get eggs so theres always that.
Town lake to level, its worth it i promise. Constantly packed, entire lake shore lured up. Easy comfortable route from mill to the theatre building and back, tons of abras and with so many lures running there's some good rares there too.
Dratinis can wait till you'll actually get a good dragonite for the effort investment, the xp is decent but a lot slower and there's basically only dratinis and cancer species.
Doesn't really matter when you start, even 16 is beyond all the casuals. 20+ is softcap levels, xp needed starts spiking insanely high
Sounds good thanks for the info. Just wondering my neighborhood is filled with rats and pigeons usually but I saw a magmar and rhyhorn are those hard to get at all?
Magmar is sorta rare, rhyhorns are uncommon. All my rhyhorns are from lures in parks though, and my magmars were just kind of around.
Be an obvious faggotry shilling machine paid for and pimped by the gay agenda?
Also what did you mean by dratinis can wait? Do I need to be higher level to get a better dragonite?
Basically. The Pokemon has a certain cap on the cp it can have based on your level, so if you go at level 6 youll only get shitter dratinis (in the long run). Since the investment of time/candies is so much for one Pokemon, it's better to do it when it will actually have good stats (on a competitive scale).
In case anyone hasn't told you, powering up mons is mostly a waste of dust/candy at low levels, because its easy to catch stuff that's significantly better even on the same day if you gain some levels.
Awesome thanks for letting me know.
The Gyms near me are so stacked that there is no way in hell anyone can take them over again. What's it like for you guys in the suburbs?
>game is good
>gets shilled crazily because it fills some blogger or fanbases' niche
>start to hate it just a tiny bit
All these buzzwords.
Most gyms aren't coordinated and they're a bunch of garbage like 1500 arcanines that get countered easily. You're meant to get a few buddies and go wreck gyms together, they're heavily skewed in favor of attackers at the moment.
How come Mario and Sonic at Sochi can't be rated but a fucking phone game can? I mean can this get any more ridiculous?
>You did it because you CAN. And if you CAN, then you MUST.
When will you get bored of circlejerking over how bad ign is?