Spend $2000 on a killer pc

>spend $2000 on a killer pc
>all he plays is indie shit and CSGO
Explain yourself.

>spend $2000 on a killer pc
But I didn't, because I'm not a moron. Only half of that.
>all he plays is indie shit and CSGO
But I don't, because I'm not a moron.

why should anyone explain himself for being rich?
fucking poor people

>Spending money on a pc for games

i like a nice bbc inside my wife's daughters

>Spends $2000 minumum on a Gayman PC
>only plays MOBAs when theyre not rarely shitposting on Sup Forums and reddit/tumblr
What's your excuse PCucks? Why do you shitpost, is it because you have no games? You could have cut the cost in half and still have an extremely good PC and have tons of money left over for a PS4 and Bloodborne and tons of change left over.

>spend $400 on PS4
>all i play is bloodborne and shitty multiplats that are better on PC

>spend $300 on wii u
>all i play is wonderful 101, splatoon and rehashes that i could've emulated on PC in a few years anyway

>spend $300 on Xbone
>all i play is nothing

>spend $1000 on PC
>all i play is indie steam shit and emulate gamecube games

What was your face when you realized modern gaming is trash, Sup Forums?

>Gamecube games
Wrong, they can only emulate certain Wii games, weird how they can't emulate an entire generation beforehand but can barely kinda emulate the Wii, like what.
Also PS4 is the only worthwhile gaming platform for Bloodborne alone, a fucking masterpiece that gets even better with the DLC.

>buy an overpriced locked down toaster with no games
>spend all his time lying on the internet to justify his poor purchase
Explain yourself.

>this entire post

>build a $1400 gaming pc with a gtx 1070
>spring for water cooling over air
>spend all day and over night testing until I find a stable overclock

>the first thing I play is morrowind with some graphics mods

i know I'm not the only one who does this dumb shit

Are you retarded, you can't read English or something?

>PS4 and Bloodborne

I dont want to play games at low resolution and low frame rates.

And i spend a lot of time compressing and rendering stuff which needs an expensive cpu.

I'm sorry you're poor, user

Just got off playing TW3 on ultra for like 5 hours nonstop
Been playing plenty of DOOM, Skyrim with mods, Overwatch, Street Fighter etc etc all at 1080p 144FPS
Get on my level OP, I'm giving my 1070 a run for its money but so far it puts its money where its mouth is

Massive kek.
Name 3 wii games that can't run on dolphin.
>inb4 dolphin version alpha 0.02

>acting like you have an actual purpose on PC
keep shitposting from your phone kiddo, you're gonna get nowhere in like if you keep wasting years of your short life being a fucking retard. i'll just enjoy my ps4 with based bloodborne and other games on it and my decent pc also to work and play some games on, if it had any

>brother just bought new pc with 1070GTX
>spends all day playing osu! on it

It is a real problem but that's because all recent AAA games have been absolute boring shit and the decent ones can ran on a toaster anyway.

Sonyggers outshitpost every other platformed combined by 10:1

And you are either using a phone, a toaster pc or a laptop to post this. if you hadn't been the biggest cuck on the planet, you could have spent that money on one good pc. You would have saved more than 400 dollars and have had a better gaming experience.
AND have actual games :^)
+1 upvote for trying to pull the NOGAEMs card on the platform with most games

Man you're mad as fuck huh kiddo? Going all out with the projections.
Look come back when you didnt come here from tumblr/reddit and also have browsed here for at least 4 years, then your post might have some worth of reading, until then youre just another pathetic mad nobody pcuck

>no argument
Ladies and gentlemen, there you have it. The average sonygger.

Looking at your post I'm not sure which one of you is the mad one.

I wish I had 2000$.

I spent 2.5k but I'm playing Doom, ARMA 3, Squad, and shit all at maxed settings at 1440p.

The sonycuck who made this thread obviously

We'll never admit that our true end goal is a system that runs the most demanding shit on max settings + mods without the need for an overclock.

Because stability; glorious, glorious stability.

>tfw fell for the PC meme and have to see nvidia and amd fanboys argue everytime i ask if x card is good

>they're calling it a rebellion
AMD desperation shows

keep projecting pcuck, you havent provided an actual worthy post aside from "no u"

stay mad kiddo

exactly what i was talking about

The funny thing is that even the budget cards in every new gpu series are likely enough to run modern games at 60+ fps so it barely matters.

Because you had no argument fag. Do you even know what projecting means?
Is there anything in my post that even could be projecting?

There isn't.

Yeah, if you buy Nvidia.

480 can't even reach 60 fps in Witcher 3 lmfao let alone with hairworks

nvidia fanboys are fun to troll

My point was by bother spending so much money when you could cut the costs, still have a good pc and also a ps4 for bloodborne?
you're just some fucking mad kid that got triggered when you see the words 'ps4" and "bloodborne" you jumped into the thread to say "no pcucks arent shitposters!" and then to proceed to shitpost en mass including samefaggotry
oh the fucking irony

You started shitposting.
You started projecting.
And you started pulling the "no u" first, then projected it as well.

And my point was that you could cut the costs even further, get better visual quality and get more games on PC only.

also pathetic attempt at calling samefag

See, what did I fucking say. All you literally do is make wasteful posts that amount to nothing but projections and "no u".
Way to prove me right yet again kid, fucking retard. Just accept you lost and shut the fuck up already, you just keep embarassing yourself more and more.

nvidia won.

AMD has resorted to selling literal bargain bin cards that are useless for future proofing. They're not even bothering to compete with the gtx1080, and much less with the inevitable 1080ti.

They're not even bothering to compete with the 1070; and god help AMD if we get a 1070ti this series.

Instead, they've created a dogshit card that's worse than their own 390, and they're swearing up and down that you should for sure buy two of them, because they're soooooooooo cheap, and use crossfire because crossfire won't be dogshit this time. Should we mention AMD drivers, or does that speak for itself by this point?

It's a fucking joke. nvidia actually understands their product's purpose and focused on a card series meant to be used solo; because a single gpu is the best way to use a gpu for gaming.


this fucking guy

You say the word projecting like 10 times but you don't even seem to know what it means
I asked you what part of this post was projecting, and then you went full retard

What is your image even suppose to be? The posts were multiple minutes apart from each other and from different IPs. Do you seriously nt know what samefagging is either?


>How am I projecting in this post?
Literally the entire post, but here since you're so eager to keep getting btfo'd like the pcuck you are, here
>admits to being a mobile poster
>crying to others about your money problem
>nuh uh pcucks dont shitpost! while shitposting
also funny how you're in full panic damage control mode after you being exposed faggot.
>h-h-h-h-h-how did you notice my samefag i shitposted from both my phone and my pc impossible!
get fucked pcuck, you dont even know how computers work, just kill yourself

>told friend if he wants to play pratically any game on the market he should spend $1000 at the very least
>okay user
>gives me the money
>buy shit on sale and use some of my parts
>he is happy he can play arma 3 on a 970(mine) at 60fps with some modifications
>just got a 1080 with his money
fucking sucker

>300 and some dollars
>a game that's just another _souls title

do you guys even play video games

>admits to being a mobile poster
I did fucking not. Can't you read? KEK
>crying to others about your money problem
I responded to a cuck (You) who were crying about money problems, and gave him tips on how to save money
>nuh uh pcucks dont shitpost! while shitposting
I responded to your shitpost didn't I? Boy, I bet you're embarrassed now seeing that you started the shitposting.

>also funny how you're in full panic damage control mode after you being exposed faggot.
Exposed how?

>get fucked pcuck, you dont even know how computers work, just kill yourself
You clearly don't know how computers work. Or Sup Forums for that matter.

Still waiting for that argument.

wow you're a shitty friend, user

survival of the fittest

didn't your mom scam you out a father?

no, i was born in a chamber

Man this kid is fucking dense, can't into reading comprehension. No matter how many times I say the exact same thing in different ways, you're too fucking stupid to understand.
You're still projecting and doing nothing but "no u"s.
>I responded to your shitpost didn't I? Boy, I bet you're embarrassed now seeing that you started the shitposting.
You are literally just saying 'you're the shitposter not me!" yet again and just keep deflecting/projecting.
Still waiting on you to make a post that's no full of projections and "no u" kid. Funny how I even restated my argument here and you go full shitpost here yet again right afterwards .
Fucking idiot pcuck, keep going your pathetic show is hilarious

>No matter how many times I say the exact same thing in different ways, you're too fucking stupid to understand.
No matter how many times I tell you, and prove that you're wrong, you keep going.

>You are literally just saying 'you're the shitposter not me!" yet again and just keep deflecting/projecting.
How is me calling out your projecting, projecting?
You literally shitposted first. Saying that I'm the shitposter when the argument started with your shitpost is just digging your own grave.

You're still avoiding this post I've stopped giving a shit about your projecting at this point. You're just repeating yourself to avoid the argument.

And you're all over the fucking place.
You've called me a phone poster, then you proceed to post a screencap with a mobile font.

why the fuck did you even bother posting?

>How am I projecting?
>literally projects like 5 times before that sentence alone
Also nice how you purposefully ignore including the "no u" part because you know it's true, you literally open up your post by doing nothing but "no u"s.
>post a screencap with a mobile font
Man you're really fucking grasping hard at those straws huh kid? man you're really fucking mad now, i can feel it from here.
Here kid, proof I'm on a PC. Also way to fail, I said DON'T make a post with nothing but projections and deflections. Come on kid learn to read. Stay mad

You're clearly just trying to delay the inevitable.

I've asked you like three times now to actually respond to this post which somehow is projecting to you.

And like I said in that post, you are indeed posting from either a phone, a toaster or a laptop.
If you had spent the money on a good computer instead of whatever you're currently posting on, and not bought a ps4, you could have saved money.
What you've read above, is somehow projecting according to you. I won't question it anymore.

The post I replied to claimed pc has no games. it does in fact have most games AND most exclusives. This is a fact and it's a google search away. I'm sure you've looked it up many times.

Yes I was wrong about the font thing. Maybe? I just didn't think anyone could have grandma sized text on a computer monitor.

No, pc has no games. Shitty mobas and indie shovelware crap doesnt count
there i win

>I'm not a moron
Your post states otherwise

Oh boy, aren't you booty bothered.

yeaaah but I play LoL at 600 fps console pleb xD

because i can broke boiiii

Because theres always that ONE GAME which needs the power

Looking at you total war

the fuck are you even talking about

Most of what I play is older 4x games. I guess I just like having computer parts arrive in the mail.

My PC is 500$, I bought it to play Fallout 4 and PC version of Dragon's Dogma.

>But I don't, because I'm not a moron.
Then why are you posting on Sup Forums?


I usally do a benchmark comparison in crysis 3 and check temperatures before going back to tibia and wc3.

But for real though, I do play a lot of modern titles on a regular basis.

They released their low-mid tier cards first because that is where the majority of gpu sales goes, nvidia released their top tier cards first because they needed to continue their "pc master race" marketing by breaking the benchmark barrier again.

Rise of the tomb raider is a better benchmark than crysis 3 tbqh