What games portray God as a good guy? As in THE God and not just a fake god that needs to compete with other gods.
It seems like only JRPGs like to even mention God as a real entity but they always make Him evil.
What games portray God as a good guy? As in THE God and not just a fake god that needs to compete with other gods.
It seems like only JRPGs like to even mention God as a real entity but they always make Him evil.
The god can't be evil, if god tells you to rape a 3 year old then it's good to rape a 3 year old, if god tells you that slavery is allowed then slavery is great. God is the source of morality, good thing he doesn't exist.
God IS evil though, at least the creator God is. L2 gnosticism
>god is good or bad
he just exists and you are along for the ride
kind of like hideo kojima
Fuck off kike
>What games portray God as a good guy?
Which God?
God can't be all good and all powerful at the same time. If he was all good and all powerful, nothing bad would ever happen.
Oy vey, I have been found out.
Of course he can. If he was all powerful no mistakes would ever be made.
>good guy
Das rite goym, i made it so it feels good to touch your junk, but if you do i'll place you in my torture chamber for eternity.
The thing is, user. if a gameworld had a GOOD god there would be nothing to do.
The BIGGEST actual argument for a lack of God IRL is that evil exists, which means he created it.
Same in games and stories, a good god is by definition an overpowered force of good.
Then what is the point of looking for the artifacts, or what kingdom are you going to fight for if Peace is eternal.
If there is a god, it is evil.
If he was actually a kike wouldn't he believe in God?
What's his end-game for making others disbelieve? I'm not sure I'm following your logic here
there are no mistakes
it's all his will
What if the world had a good God, and thats why the world is in shit?
And the conclusion of the game is that you need a cold, tyrant god, else everything goes sour.
You could choose in the end to try to make things right and stay with the good god, basically sinking with the ship, or going with the alternative Lex Luthor figure, a human who can assume the role, and act like a despot, getting shit done no matter the moral implications.
jews worship a lesser war god
Because if there's a good God in a world where bad shit is going down then he's not THE God, he's just a pretty tough dude that in the grand scheme of things can't do shit
Religion had to run with the 'mysterious ways' bullshit to try and gloss over the fact that He can be a huge cunt
how do japs view god? There have been so many times in anime/games where some evil guy gains a pretty good, but not OMNIPOTENT power for them to say "HAHAHA I'M A GOD NOW!"
*snickers* Pshhh *tips behind you* Nothin personnel theists
Mate both Jews and Christians worship the same god who revealed himself to the prophet Abraham
How would that be communicated tho. There's absolutely no way a world with a good god can exist and be bad for it's citizens. If a good god is 'a sinking ship' then he's not a good god, but an incompetent or foolish one, which is not good.
>God wants someone to kill a person as a "test"
>Ay lmao just pranking bro totally wasn't serious about that!
Then God is an asshole.
You are being too christian about this.
Most of gods worshiped throughout history are not all powerful, all knowing, all capable, all good beings.
Only the jew god, which christians and muslims ripped off, and he is the most boring one.
>can't do shit
He can but he doesn't, because sheltering your children inevitably turns them into faggots. Case in point, you.
In Demon's Souls Saint Urbain, his followers and (I think) Ostrava all made mention of God.
The entire thread is about Judeo-Christian God dingus
And in that definition of GOD none of those are GOOD per se. They are often selfish, greedy, violent, murderous, etc. We can not coexist with deities.
enjoy hell :^)
>killing is wrong
neck yourself pussy
>religious discussions on Sup Forums
better off discussing music
Being an incompetent and naive goody good character is a well use trope, I am sure it can be applied to a deity in some way.
What I'm wondering is if everything in the bible is legit, how come we're stuck in the boring era? Where's our goliaths? Our worldwide floods? Our parting seas? That's why it's bullshit.
There's a difference between "can't" and "won't". If bad shit didn't happen, we wouldn't grow stronger as human beings because it's those experiences that temper us and challenge us to better ourselves.
>Yo these sheep you sacrificed to me are fucking dope you're the best Abel I love you so much
>These carrots are fine too I guess
>people disagree with me oh my g*d puke.jpg
Every time.
But not in the OP requested way.
>implying he was taking sides on anything
Learn to read user.
And Muslim.
Either mention all three, or just mention the Jews. Either all aspects, or only the original.
Saying "Judeo-Christian" just makes you seem like a butthurt cultist out of touch with reality.
And in a world with a 'good god' we would not need to improve ourselves because there's no danger to us at all. Literal paradise.
Why would humanity need to be bettered if there is a perfect omnipotent God that could make the world a perfect utopia with no problems?
paradise ain't free
>implying (You) didn't get told and that prompted you to post animu gurlz
>in a world with a 'good god' we would not need to improve ourselves because there's no danger to us at all.
Adversity encourages us to better ourselves. Without that we would stagnate. Are you 12?
Consider parents who love their children very much. So much, that they shelter and spoil them. So much, that with their love and constant affection they ensure the children end up as bad people.
This can work with a deity. Too good to do the reasonable, practical thing, the word "good" here being well meaning towards the people.
Road to hell, good intentions, like pottery, etc.
Dragon Quest
Have you ever read the bible?
Well considering it's listed as being evil and wrong in both old and new testaments, either god is a dickhead, hypocrite, or what have you.
I'm unfamiliar with this story and it's been years since I've touched a bible. Please explain.
>he's just a pretty tough dude that in the grand scheme of things can't do shit
Can't help it when the Demon God is stronger than you.
One person in this world notices he can get away with murder, because nobody knows what to do.
The God is too good to punish that person, rather tries to persuade him into being good again. Also the God is too good to act directly, rather tries to allow his subjects freedom and acts indirectly, through proxies, but not by having any of them in danger or harm's way.
This gets very complex and very inefficient very fast, and all the God does is try to be completely and utterly good.
i like it when god is neutral.
>As in THE God and not just a fake god that needs to compete with other gods.
I know this is shitposting but do christians really think any time another deity is present in media it's some kind of competition?
God aside, which game genuinely shows the church as the good guys?
Can you read? IF there had been a good, omnipotent god like the judeo-christian myths, we would not HAVE to improve, grow, or do ANYTHING at all but exist because there would be zero negative scenarios for us.
This is why we know god isn't good. Evil and wrong doings happen because they are allowed to happen.
You can not expect the nobility and purity of sacrifice, effort, etc in a world that was crafted for you.
abel is a shepherd, cain is a farmer
abel offers a lamb for his sacrifice while cain offers the best of his harvest
God blesses abel and rejects cain's offering so cain gets mad and murders abel, committing the first murder in history
cain is cursed to wander the earth forever
for more info, see SMT Devil Survivor 1
Not really, partly. why?
I like it when people kill their god. Warcraft lore is mostly garbage, but the idea of the trolls having a powerful warlike empire, and it all collapsing when they decided to summon their gods, so they can kill them to absorb their power is such a good idea, love it.
better off discussing porn
Not him but i like reading about mythologies. Is the Bible legitimately the best source of judo-christian mythology stories? Does it include the interesting ones or just boring shit?
god makes the rules he doesn't follow them dipcuck :^)
>Can you read?
Can you? Go back and read my post again and actually think before replying.
and why isn't it free? why would he keep it away from us?
The brothers Cain and Abel love each other and God very much
Abel tends to the animals on their farm while Cain tends to the crops
God has a huge boner over Abel's live sacrifices while Cain has to make do with lettuce and shit and pretty much just gets ignored
Cain gets sick of this after a while and kills his brother out of jealousy so God makes him wander the world for the rest of eternity
>God gives his creation free will
>They rebel
>He throws an autistic temper tantrum damning everything in existence because he apparentely didn't have the foresight to see it coming
No joke, I wouldn't be surprised if god is actually the equivalent of a fucking 5 year old or something.
>The God is too good to punish that person, rather tries to persuade him into being good again.
Then he is not god, again same issue. GOD as in the christian entity is SUPPOSEDLY OMNIPOTENT.
Always present, always aware, always vigilant. Your scenario can not exist unless he's not any of that, in which case whats the point.
"Good" is by theological definition God's will.
If your child is born dead, thats God's will, and is thus a good thing.
God is how we define good. God can't be, by definition, anything but good.
Thats the Judeo-Christian-Muslim way of thinking. Read a book.
The same reason he kept intelligence away from you.
God isn't good. Jesus was not sent to save man, but to punish the wicked. Anyone who says God is all loving or should be is wrong.
He gives people freewill so they can do what they want. Hence, some of them do bad things. Do you want freewill or do you want only good things and good people to ever exist?
>God demanded blood sacrifices
why should everyone go to paradise? are you some kind of communist?
Yet he despises hypocrisy, the very thing he would be doing if that were true, dipshit.
The christian god is retarded and doesn't make sense. You can't discuss something thats retarded and doesn't make sense.
The thread has evolved past that, praise Darwin. Get with the times or die off, puritan.
Enlighten me, Smart one.
He didn't give humanity free will. It was the serpent who showed man the truth of the world and caused him to make decisions.
I always thought stuff like this or the expulsion from the garden of eden were such stupid fucking plot holes when you're told god is all knowing, it's obvious whoever was writing the bible kept forgetting about that.
Lol that's fucked up.
hypocrisy means disbelief you dipcuck :^)
And thats not good at all. If we can not measure good in a god as we do with a human we can not call it good. It's the rethoric christianity etc use to make their case without anyproof or foundation other than the human confusion and struggle.
Dragon Quest
fucking savage
>the kike god didn't intend for a&e to leave eden
not so omnipotent now is he
If he didn't give humanity free will, then he would have know that Adam and Eve would eat the fruit which he specifically said DONT TOUCH THIS SHIT NIGGUH and then proceed to rage when they do.
Eve had to make the decision to eat the apple or not you dip
it's not that fucked up, God always demands blood sacrifices and Cain didn't get that. Cain's fault for being a faggot farmer in the first place
If there are blood oranges why can't there be blood carrots?
>A creation of God gave humanity free will so it doesn't count!
>Don't ask me why God didn't prevent this, shut up
>faggot farmer
t. hunter-gatherer savage
Hypocrisy literally means doing something that you tell others not to do. Which in the old testament is frowned upon, and in the new testament causes Jesus to throw fits when he says people acting like that. :^)
God's not directly in it, but Castlevania: Lords of Shadow is the closest I've seen.
Good thing the thread is about capital G God, not just random gods
Judo-Christian mythology is no more true than Greco-Roman mythology.
>Jesus was not sent to save man, but to punish the wicked.
Hah nice Reddit-tier misunderstanding of theodicy.
You don't understand what I said and I'm pretty sure Jesus was sent to spread the message and get himself killed for others sins or whatever.
play as god to save humankind.
also a very hard game