Start to suck at a game

>Start to suck at a game
>"This game is shit!"

Other urls found in this thread:


>this is what ASSFAGGOTS/SSB/CSGO/2hu/etc. fags actually believe


I was guioty of this today while pvping in DaS 3 the shit was just boring and I just couldn't even care enough to try and win

totally me

i would never dismiss a game just because i suck at it


>currently in a circlejerk with a bunch of dedicated players/devs of a fangame that's free on steam
>since it's free a bunch of children and br's make let's plays/reviews of it
>devs spend all day finding said children's videos and having a laugh with the rest of the playerbase as they cry it's too hard and the controls suck
It's like a youtube easter-egg hunt but the reward is salt instead of candy eggs

>start to suck at
thats not really how it works. if the game suddenly changes that radically in difficulty or has the ability to swing from playable to unplayable in a single sitting its not well balanced, thats pretty much it.
>b-but online games
then its matchmaking is shit.

>poorly balanced
>unfair artificial difficulty
>shitty matchmaking (if mp)

yes, its shit
git gud at making games with fair challenge

>then its matchmaking is shit.
If the game hides you away from all the actually good players that will make you get better, then it's shit.

Which game? I would also like to cry that it's too hard and say it sucks.

>literally click "matchmaking", instead of server browser
>expect it to function like a server browser instead of...oh, whats the word for it
>oh yeah

other shocking revelations you may not of known: the quit button means "quit"

>Game is poorly balanced
Lol Git Gut XD

I'll be accused of shilling for this but
Devs and I had a good laugh at this one for a long while. It's a cult classic.

>Start to suck my bf
>"You're shit at this"

I unironically find daisy ridley's weird face and scary teeth attractive

I understand that feel, user.

I always said to myself aloud when that happens, but don't honestly mean it
"This game is fucking shit"
"Fuck this stupid ass game"
*starts rambling on about something random about the game*
*finally manage to beat it*
*10 minutes later*
"This game is pretty good"

>lose to a good player
>"fucking wallhack + autoaim, reported!!!!"

>free to play wipeout
thank you user

>tfw I'm attracted to xenomorphs and ridley helps that

dat trap doe

Somebody post qt Daisy pics

too lazy to find the hq webm version of this but this'll have to do for now

>Realize enemy is better than me
>I know that deep down they are mad while I get to keep searching for opponents of my skill level or lower

Now that's a qt looking Ayy

is it jizz?