What is the best RPG game of all time?

What is the best RPG game of all time?

Icewind dale II.

Mass Effect 2



Ultima VII


>RPG game


WRPG: baldur's gate 2

JRPG: chrono trigger

Suikoden 2

It's a h&s game, just like ToEE.

The best RPG, purely from a role playing mechanic, is undeniably Arcanum. It has THE most multi solution quests and the most options for solving them in different ways based on how you've built your character.

Fallout 2 is a pretty close contender, though, so you could probably say that both Arcanum and Fallout 2 are the best.

Final Fantasy 5
I'm a fuckin weaboo and haven't played any WRPG's not named Elder Scrolls and Fallout


fuck off todd

Not gonna reply to the guy who posted Skyrim, but I'm gonna call him a faggot.

You're a faggot, no (you) for you.

He's not entirely wrong, though. There's no objective way to determine which RPG is "best", as you dumb fucks can't even agree on what a RPG is. One of the easiest ways to judge whether the game is good or not is via its popularity and Skyrim is definitely one of the most popular "RPGs" ever.


I wasn't aware popularity = best now, thank you for enlightening me.

Popularity can be measured, the opinion of a worthless autistic virgin beta NEET cuck can't.

Western and Japanese RPGs strive for different goals, so it's wasteful to compare them.

For WRPG, I'd say Baldur's Gate 2. Fallout 2 and Arcanum are great content wise, but such a fucking bother to get started with and visually are terrible. Aesthetics are important. Not the most important, but when you look this ugly (like all the faggots who might reply to me) it becomes a problem.

For JRPGs, there is no "best game", since they all fall short somewhere. Maybe they are terribly linear for a big part of the game, or the story is so simplistic that playing them seems pointless. Maybe they have a great battle system, but a terrible world.

I'm inclined to say the best JRPG is the first half of Bravely Default, before the loopy loops. The game is a beautiful and well written, modern take on the Final Fantasy formula, that just fucks itself up later on. Paper Mario 2 is a good contender, but the story is pointless, even though gameplay-wise and in regards to the overall dialogue it's amazing. If I'm going purely by personal enjoyment though, the best JRPG is Final Fantast Tactics Advance 2. The pointless story is made up for by the great dialogue and the great dialogue isn't ruined by an awful dub. It would be a no-brainer if the story was something to write home about.

Fallout has great aesthetics, though. It's also older than BG2, does BG2 look ugly because Skyrim looks better?

Old school (aka, THE best)

>Baldur's Gate 2
>Planescape Torment
>Fallout 1 & 2

The rest are contrarian trash

Modern RPGs

>New Vegas (the best modern RPG imo)
>Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines
>Mass Effect 1
>Dragon Age Origins

The rest are again, contrarian trash or casualized trash

>everything outside my comfort zone is contrarian trash
Wow, you're a massive faggot. I mean, I agree with your picks, nice to see some FNV recognition. But you are still a faggot.

>because Skyrim looks better
That's really arguable, Skyrim is so clumsily made you can't take a single screenshot without some eye-raping texture seam.

There's a difference between style and technology. BG2 has style, neither Fallout (VISUALLY!) nor Skyrim do.

>no one has posted Final Fantasy VII yet
It's mostly deserving of its praise.

Insert whatever good-looking-but-not-so-good RPG you want. Like, I dunno, Pillars of Eternity (I liked it but it seems like a lot of BG2 fans didn't)? Also consider that if you compare BG2 to unmodded Skyrim, you might as well take unmodded BG2. What was the maximum resolution in that game?

I just think Fallout looks good. It's not terribly colorful, but that's just how it is. The towns are made of crap but that's a part of the setting. The character sprites are nice and the death animations are top notch.

You know, if you think that original Fallouts didn't ooze style I have nothing to talk with you about. Don't reply to mine or my son's wife's posts ever again.


but it's got style, it's just visually ugly in every sense

Arx Fatalis

get out

It's not ugly, it's post-apocalyptic with hints of art deco and 50s Sci-Fi. You like colorful DnD fantasy, it's fine, but that doesn't mean that Fallout doesn't convey its blasted world beautifully and with style.


>ctrl-f wizardry
>ctrl-f might and magic
>no results
wizardry 7
might and magic 6
ultima underworld
ultima 7

One that isn't isometric and has actual good action combat.

pool of radiance [or any other gold box game]

final fantasy tactics

dumb frogposter

Modern RPGs are not even close to be comparable to the old ones as plot, actual role play, and character interaction / depth.
They are more about action and exploration, sadly. Probably many shouldn't even be called RPGs anymore :(

Stay mad.


Great taste my man

>entry level common place titles

>Mass Effect
ok this is just a bait, you got me

I'd do with Morrowind. One of the earliest open world games, back then when it actually added something new, rather than now that it is just a way to artificially expand the length of the game.

Where would Dark Messiah fit into this?

>names the most well known and popular RPGs
>wow great taste

Action game with RPG elements.



Have you played the second Bravely Default game? What's your opinion on that one, if you have?

I'm going to throw the first Xenoblade in as a contender, at least for a console JRPG.

>Old school

Dude. A lot of modern ones are trash, but don't even try to claim that older rpgs provide more character interaction or reactivity as Fallout: New Vegas.

The only game that would come close is Arcanum, and that even pales in comparison.

CRPGs are my favourite genre, but Baldur's Gate needs to be called out for the absolute fucking garbage that it is. The writing, combat,player choice, roleplaying capabilities. everything, is fucking atrocious.

baldurs gate 2 better than 1 xD nice meme

Deus Ex

I'm pretty new to WRPGs but the RTwP battle system looks most interesting to me. Is Pillars of Eternity good? Where does it fall short, if anywhere?

Pillars of Eternity is fun, but too opaque, Obsidian drops too many lore dumps, and the companions in the game are shit tier which is strange when comparing them to NW2, Kotor 2 and Torment

>Is Pillars of Eternity good?

It's okay. It's nostalgia: the game, though.

not as good as BG2 or Fallout, but better than most modern RPGs like Dragon Age

It may be the best of its series but there are plenty of non-FF RPGs that are better.

pretty much in the ending, companion quests, crafting armor/weapons etc.

the game has "lots" of problems but it also does many things right

if the ending was better I would say defiantly play this but since the antagonist drops his spaghetti hard at the ending and that huge plot twist thing being there, it kinda ruins everything

it's still worth playing of course but I expect that they massively improve certain things in pillars 2

yeah, the first game overall felt a bit lackluster, but the franchise has a lot of potential

I feel like Pillars had a little bit too much micro. Infinity Engine games worked because a half of your party was plain fighty types with nothing to do other than clicking on enemy, so you only had the other half with spellcasters to control. Meanwhile in Pillars every single member has a bunch of skills you can and should use, so you're effectively pausing twice as much to manage combat.

>names the most well known and popular RPGs
>wow great taste


Okey, so you are playing morrowind/witcher/skyrim/RPG-game, and you sneak into a house, what are people/Npc's doing when they are idle at home?

Just stare into a wall? Pretend you are the gamedev.

>NPC houses should be knock on door basis to let in [Y/N]
>NPC's should get mad when you are in their house for too long [Y/N]
>Some areas of the NPC are not permitted to enter, and you are asked to go leave that perticular room, if not, they get more angry before eventually calling guards[Y/N]
>NPC that has 100% friendship doesnt care if you steal their shit [Y/N]

You guys act like you are experts, but what would you do, if you were the game developer?

Baldurs Gate 2

>NPC's should get mad when you are in their house for too long
>Some areas of the NPC are not permitted to enter, and you are asked to go leave that perticular room, if not, they get more angry before eventually calling guards
>NPC that has 100% friendship doesnt care if you steal their shit

Gothic has all of this. Gothic 2 too, but to a lesser degree.

they can, one just doesn't have a great taste by naming them

You first

Why do people always bring up Chrono Trigger as one of the best RPGs ever?
It's just a run of the mill weeb dungeon crawler with a time travel plot.

It's the most popular JRPG that isn't Final Fantasy, and better games like Terranigma are played by almost nobody.

why hipster on Sup Forums always confused polish and responsive gameplay with casualizing

What do you referring to?

Gothic 1 and 2

Fallout 1 or 2
Baldurs Gate 2
Super Mario RPG
Chrono trigger
FF6 or 7 depending on taste
Gothic 2

Polish, basically.

Everything about Chrono Trigger is smooth as butter.

On topic...

JRPG: Lufia II
WRPG: Fallout: New Vegas


Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together.

Witcher 3 is up there.

Gothic 1&2

The Return of Werdna
Any other answer is a meme

My problem with TO is that Vice is basically a coinflip for you. You went law, Vice went Chaos. It made all choices feel arbitrary.

What makes it the best?

I really don't understand why people hate PoE's ending. Like, not at all. Then again people keep shitting on the lore and world building and I thought that was the best aspect of the game.

I really don't know, as most of the stuff that is claimed to be great about it is completely run of the mill. There's no point in even finishing the game at an earlier point unless you're on NG+, which requires you to do the whole thing to unlock it in hte first place. Aside from that, the game is linear as fuck until the end game, which is par for the course for Square RPGs.

Agreed on everything.

>no grinding, level up only possible by going up the dungeon's level
>no handholding
>actually difficult puzzle that requires gameplay knowledge
>wireframe graphics so it can't be judged by graphics alone

>>no grinding, level up only possible by going up the dungeon's level
Neat, never played a dungeon crawler like that.
>actually difficult puzzle that requires gameplay knowledge
Can you give an example?

Well, this is nice, but that isn't enough to make it the best. Does it have outstanding encounter design? Character building? Is this game a shining example of map design?

Trails in the sky?

>Can you give an example?
Literally the first puzzle in the game. You can only solve it if you've played the previous games because you would know that Milwa spell can reveal secret doors, and which enemy has that spell.

And it does have outstanding encounter and dungeon design. This is Wizardry IV after all.

>You can only solve it if you've played the previous games
You know, you're not exactly making it sound like a shining example of good game design.

Of course not. Wiz4 is unplayable. Everyone hates it.

I know you are trying to get some internet cred but no.

It's unmodded oblivion guys. There is no need to be upset, just accept it, the rest of us have

Gothic 2 Night of the Raven.

You ruined this word you faggot

I motion for Sil for it's polished simplicity that retains depth, or possibly ADOM while I'm on the subject of roguelikes. Maybe Nethack too.

>popular titles can't be good

Map design from hell.
Each floor is imbued with pure hatred towards the player.

Planescape: Torment

>No KotOR II
>No Ass Effect I
Your list is shit, kind sir.