Will I be able to enjoy skyrim if I never played an elder scrolls game?

will I be able to enjoy skyrim if I never played an elder scrolls game?

That doesn't matter, the real question is if you are a turbopleb with criminally low standards (yes, you probably can enjoy it) or not.

Probably the best (or the only) way to enjoy Skyrim.
Although I must say that I personally didn't like Oblivion any better.

never played an elder scroll game. i started with Oblivion. played it for 30minutes then uninstalling. the get out of my fucking personal space conversations and instant fast travel turned me off Oblivion

i liked skyrim alot more

Skyrim is the entry level that you can't escape from. if you start with it, and like it, then you'll have a really hard time getting used to the older games, which are ten times better. If you start with it, and you don't like it, then you won't want to play the older games because you had such a bad experience with Skyrim. Just play Oblivion or Morrowind first.

>get out of my fucking personal space conversations
The zoom-amount can be edited/disabled in the configuration text-files.

>instant fast travel
It's an immersion-breaker but entirely optional. Morrowind's giant bug-steeds were the same thing.

I'd argue it's the ONLY way you'll enjoy Skyrim.

This pretty much.

This is bullshit. I played Skyrim first, then Oblivion, then Morrowind. Morrowind became my favourite.

Honestly, I'd recommend it.

>asking Sup Forums for gaming advice

kek lul xD lmao

Totally. It's when you have played another Elder Scrolls game that you run into issues enjoying Skyrim.

This is probably the only time where a multiplatform game is recommended on PC. Try to grab some "mods" to make Morrowwind and especially Oblivion not so fucking ugly.

post more scale booty :3

Skyrim was made for people who have never played/never had an interest in TES games. That aside, Skyrim is a very hollow experience if you're looking for actual roleplay and three things will end up happening. You like it and play it as a mindless action game, you don't like it and drop it after a while possibly doing the main questlines, or you descend into the great endless spiral of compiling Skyrim modlists without actually playing the game. At least you can run around and kill every non-essential thing in the game as a werewolf, that's about the most fun I get out of it.

i tried skyrim when it came out and got bored because they removed nearly everything that made it an rpg. reinstalled it recently with a shit ton of mods and its pretty fun.

>The zoom-amount can be edited/disabled in the configuration text-files.
oh neat if its that simple. i might pick it up again then. it really made me uncomfortable playing Oblivion.

Skyrim is like a bandade on the Tolkien abomination that was Oblivion.
Morrowind is too alien to modern games but is the most "Elder Scrolly" game out of the 3.

and that's a bad thing since it's easily the worst in the series

I started with Skyrim and learned almost all of the lore I know now (which is a whole lot) from the game. It's easy to just follow along and do a bit of research. GOAT game and I'd definitely recommend getting it regardless of whether or not you've played the other games.

Totally agree.

you can also just skip skyrim and play the older games for the best experiences

>Morrowind's giant bug-steeds were the same thing

Hardly. Having a paid ferry at specific places is a far-cry from being able to warp to any visited location so long as you're out of combat. If you tread off the beaten path in Morrowind, you're going to be there for a while.

>played Arena when I was a young'un
>played Daggerfall when I was a teenager
>stopped playing games then so skipped Morrowind
>got back into vidya in 2010 or so, got Oblivion then
>got Skyrim when it came out too

I decided to go back and play through the whole series. I revisited Arena and Daggerfall to bring myself up to speed. Arena has aged horribly, Daggerfall has too but even still it's a much better game.

I'm playing through Morrowind now and


I don't like it

I don't know what it is. I kept hearing all this praise for it and it's disappointing so far. The combat is just terrible, the environments are so empty and lifeless. All the quests are just "go here, get thing, talk to man, kill thing" or variants on those. The characters who are actually characters are neat, but most NPCs are just infoboxes. I like not being spoonfed directions and having to find my own way, but I just find myself walking through brown fields over and over.

>Elder Scrolly game out of the 3"
What the fuck are you on about, it had almost no relation to Daggerfall and Arena, and I don't think the Elder Scrolls themselves were even mentioned. Having played all the games (except Redguard and Shadowkey/Stormhold/Dawnstar) I believe Oblivion was the closest to maintaining the medieval/fantasy theme of the original two games.
Not to mention Morrowinds lore centered entirely around the second Numidium and Tribunal, it rarely mentioned regions outside that expanse of land.

Getting the dough to pay the fee can be a little adventure in and of itself which i really like. :^)

The scrolls themselves are just a gimmick.
Arena was a generic fantasy with nothing special.
Daggerfall turned it into a clusterfuck of chim chimeru.
Morrowind kept the theme of chim chimeru but was a lot more alien considering morrowind itself.
Oblivion was a return to the Arena fantasy.
>Stop the Devil. Which you even didnt see at the very end.
The only elder scrolls like part was at the very end when Cameron mentioned Lorkhan.
Skyrim had a bit of chim chimiru with the whole rebirth of the world, but was still just generic viking fantasy. Thats why I say it just a bandade.