When you create a character in an (MMO)RPG...

When you create a character in an (MMO)RPG, do you try to make him as close to yourself as possible or do you go the exact opposite route? Why?

>you are bold = shy
>you are a girl = character is boy
>you are ugly = character is beautiful
>you are dumb = character is smart

and vice versa.

I don't do either, I just make whatever.

You also sound like a massive fucking faggot by the way.

I'm actually really ugly in real life with no social skills so I make my character as beautiful as possible and I make her charismatic. so its me but not really

breath and count the sheep buddy, if not I suggest a psychiatrist or talking with your parents.

Close to me as possible for the first character. Handsome, smart, but not super skilled.
For a second character i go whatever, like make it a girl with my preferred look, and skills geared toward how i know the game goes.

I can be myself all the fucking time, when I play a game I want to be someone different.

I try to make the ugliest, most gaunt motherfucker on the planet.

So basically me.

But in a game, you get to be yourself in that scenario.

I always create a character in my own image - intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.

I just do whatever i feel like

>go to psychiatrist
>"i got a problem. a big problem. i treat videogames...like they are just videogames"
>psychiatrist gasps, looks up from his phone playing pokemon go
>riot gear wearing orderlies kick the door down, 3 tazers enter my chest before i can say "but its just a ga-"
>wake up tied to a stretcher on the 6th story of the psychward, got a hannibal mask on and two armed guards (one has a badge that states xirs preferred pronouns) watching me nervously from the tiny cell window

what a stupid little bitch

depends really

am i a mage? then i'm as small a character as possible, and if i have to go female to make it look good i'll do it

am i a beefy tank? then i'll go huge, or maybe tiny, i dunno

am i a sneaky fuck? then i'll go normal human or something

are there lots of cute glamours? playing a girl

gender specific armor? look it up ahead of time to find out which looks best

special stats for each race? ignored for looks

>do you try to make him as close to yourself as possible or do you go the exact opposite route?

Why the dichotomy?
Why can't I just make a character that is visually interesting without trying to make it either an exact inversion or an exact duplicate of myself?

I always make a cute boy. People always say that I'm cute, so I guess that's closer than not.

Im a big motherfucker, about 6'4 and 230 lbs. Not massive, but big. I always play the midget class. Dwarfs, taru tarus, whatever. Dunno why.

It depends on what kind of characters are possible. If I can make a fat guy, then I shape it to look like me. If only thin/muscular options available, then I create a pretty girl.

If I can't imagine the character is me at least I watching something nice for x hours constantly. It can ruin games if there is no choice, for example I love the Saints Row series, because I can play as a "ghetto" myself, but GTA is ruined. It is still fun to mess around, but not as fun if I am the "hero".

I make the goofiest looking mother fucker because it amuses me when some lanky fucker with a big chin and nose saves the day, or when a fat midget is the chosen hero or whatever.

I don't know why but when there's sliders for the face, i always give my character the worst pedo faces ever. I remember playing Archeage with friends and two of them said that my character made them feel uneasy ha ha, i played one of those manlet fucks and gave him the worst shit eating grin ever. If it's a game with in game cinematics i also tend to make some eldritch abomination tier faces

I usually make my characters funny-looking, but not overly deformed.

I always make the character the tallest, largest, and blackest possible with a bright red afro. Makes me laugh every time.

>male negro
>hungry skeleton
>shy, athletic, introvert

>short as possible without being midget tier
>latino/asian/white woman
>average build
>friendly with everyone

I'm always my complete opposite in games. If this fantasy shit was real life, I'd probably go down the Assassin's path and fight my enemies using daggers.


I just press the randomize option.

I try to throw a bit of randomness into the character and build them from that. Like choose a race at random, choose a class at random, build up who they are based on that. It's really fun doing this in Tabletop games.

I try to make either a pretty boy or an ugly girl both dumb as fuck

so as close to real life as possible

I self-insert whenever I can. I don't even like myself but I still have to.

I make a character I think looks good, I never make myself in games, it just feels stupid when i'm given the tools to make something new.

Until the end of high school I made big dudes with great strenght, kinda the ones I wanted to be (I'm extremely weak and have a bad health). Since then I met the real world and I don't care anymore. I make backstabbing sexy girls (wonder why) every time.

I want to burn niggers while holding hands with this lil cutie

I make the character my height (5'7) and as close to my facial structure as possible. I usually use blue hair because of my username and I quite enjoy Black Star from Soul Eater. I usually roll a mage or ninja type. I'm probably mildly pretentious and a bit shy/vain.

Random all the way

Depends on how I feel. Sometimes, I'll make my character look similar to me. If I pick a girl, I try to make someone cute. I always like making my character use two handed swords or fists though.

When Fight Night let you use pictures to create a boxer's face, I made Hitler. The saltiness gave me high blood pressure. I got banned in about two weeks just for being Hitler. Bullshit man.

I tend to slightly exaggerrate my own traits.

>>psychiatrist gasps, looks up from his phone playing pokemon go
oh fuck, my sides

>He doesn't know those aren't Klan members but members of the Catholic church wearing hoods of penance.

Always male character, always blue eyes. Those are the only two features of mine that I give my characters. I usually create my character based on race, class, and background story I made for him.

I make whatever I feel like at the time, really. Generally girls though, since they get better looking armor. Like, guys generally just get different suits of armor you know? And the armor just becomes more and more elaborate. Girls get way more interesting designs.

If it's an anime styled MMO, I'll make a cutie brown girl as well.

You'd think they'd change the design or something so it doesn't look like a KKK costume.

They've been using it for hundreds of years and in countries that aren't America which have no reason to give a shit about the KKK.

Most of the characters I like playing are heavy armour with a heavy weapon. If guns are involved, biggest guns.

I'll try out other stuff, but that's what I pick 9 outta 10 times.

Neither, I simply create a character I'm comfortable looking at for the rest of the game.

If it also fits inside the game, the better.

I always make cute girls because i like cute girls
I also usually make the cute girls red haired because redheads are cute

>Spend 2 hours making a character, fine tuning every single detail
>Which shade of brown should I use for the hair?
>What if I moved this slider slightly to the right?
>Finally finish, inspect character from multiple angles
>Make character, spawn in the tutorial place
>Take 2 steps
>Immediately hate the character, want to change everything

Usually a self insert with a different background. I'm a huge moralfag, so I usually end up with kind of a moralfag, and when I mix it up, it's usually a grey area of good/bad. Never pure evil, I hate playing an edgelord.

Don't know why it hasn't gotten boring for me yet. I just like playing a moralfag I guess. The different backgrounds also help.

I always play as pale bald guy just like in real life

I want to kick her face until she's unconscious and is losing too much blood, then get her to the medical ward and give her blood from a black donor, so I can permanently taint her Aryan veins and give her the eternal guilt that her life was even briefly sustained by a black person.

I alway try to make the character into a blonde hair blue eyes Aryan master race

play Hitman?

>tfw you character looks different in the character creator compared to in game

whenever this happens I just say fuck and keep playing because switching back and worth sucks

This picture is great, are hoods of penance the same in the U.S.?

Haha. Retard.


You mean half bald because of pathetic genetics?

But she's not aryan and she's not part of the KKK.
She's Catholic and she's wearing Catholic ceremonial garb.

So what you're saying is that you'd like to go to jail for being a retard.

If I can make the character bald I make them bald because I am bald. Sometimes it is hard with Japanese games because they don't give me that option.

At least Soul Sacrifice did and I made an awesome bald dude.

Oh well, my statement still stands.


I make the hottest gook I can make so I can fap to her.

Hair loss is literally proof that god doesn't exist
It's a flaw that has no reason to be there

If it's possible, I usually make a very old man from some Polish death camp with slouched posture, bald head and messy beard.

Do Americans not know about Semana Santa?

>be 5.11 dude
>every game I play as a "default" human setup I made ages ago.
>every mmo
>every rpg
>I play as an average human dude with plate armor and some magic

Feels great, familia.

Sorry but I don't believe you that being an absolute manlet feels great. But keep lying to yourself if you must

I hope you were just pretending to be retarded.


If there's a canon appearance, I'll play that (Shepard). Otherwise if there isn't I'll make the character close to my looks.

For the first playthrough I'll always make sure I make choices that I would actually make.

>not using the random option 3 times

yeah yeah 40 feet tall 3 mile long cock xd

No need to exaggerate, I'm normal with my 6.1
5.1 is being a literal hobbit.

But that's like, 180 cm, what the fuck are you on about?

If there is a faith/holy statistic I invest heavily in it, because I like the idea of inherent righteousness that comes with being a paladin.

Failing that, I will gravitate towards the intelligence/wisdom/intellect/will stats and make a wizard/mage, as I consider myself at least somewhat intelligent, and like the idea of being able to use that as a weapon rather than raw strength.

Regardless of my character's statistics, I always try to use some sort of head gear that covers my character's face such as helmets, masks, hoods and the like. Not because I'm an edgelord, but because I've always liked the concept of anonymity. If it were socially acceptable to wear a mask in the street, I would.

6 foot is the manlet cutoff point
Do you faggots really not know how fractions work?


If that's a manlet, what am I with 166 cm? A gnome?

A child

It means you're a real manlet, not a meme-manlet

>5.1 ft is 180 cm
Are you some kind of elementary school dropout?

It's similar though as black people are a sin. The kkk just go the extra step in their repentance of sin.

stop posting this

A+ reading skills, user
>>be 5.11 dude

Americans are fucking retarded when it comes to anything outside their own state.

pretty sure he said 5.11

five feet and eleven inches is roughly 180 cm, no?

>tfw americans don't even understand their pants-on retarded measurement system

oh lordy

>KKK qts

I usually recreate some design I like for my character and base my playstyle/roleplaying on that. For instance, in Xenoblade X/Dragon's Dogma, my first playthrough had an avatar based on the Shin Megami Tensei Pixie design (short red hair, slim build) with a skillset to match (healing and magic/lasers as much as possible). I picked all the options that could be considered 'manic pixie dream girl' or fair-folk appropriate (ie if there's a stupid plan, do it. If an option is immoral/causes harm to another but benefits you, take it.)

I still spend way too long making each character but at least I know what I want them to look like.

States. That's states, plural. We have 50 of them. They're like having 50 little countries. With their own culture, their own government, their own media, their own news, their own traditions... We have to learn about all of them, atop of learning about what's going on across the pond.

>roleplaying cute SMT demons

That's cute. You're cute.

and the only difference is the sauce on your burgers

>they're like having 50 little countries

Jesus Christ you can't be serious?

first playthrough generic tallish dude
second playthrough brown girl with short hair

You're not entirely wrong in mocking him, but the U.S. is pretty well divided into Yankees in the north east, hicks in the south, Detroit, the great state of chicago and small town of Illinois, the southwest which is hicklite and then there's the west coast.

I'm a dude

I always go with the default. I don't give a shit how I look. Except perhaps in Warframe.

I always make an old man who tears shit up.

I'm 22.



Yes, and?

I always make beefcakes because I like big guys.

>implying he cares

Who fucking cares.
I don't play games for "'""immersion""" or """roleplaying""" or """escapism""" like some faggot normie.

I pick whatever character would look the most hilarious while doing dumb shit.

So typically I'm the darkest niggro with bright orange hair.