How does it feel being a cunt, you contrarians?

>facebook screenshots

>absolutely no counter argument whatsoever

Feels pretty good not being a braindead normalfag who plays shitty microtransaction riddled app games. Feels nice not being a hypocrite who calls people out on "hating" others for being "harmlessly happy" despite more than likely doing the same thing with someone else's harmless fun.

It's that way.

>yfw you have played every fucking mainline pokemon games from the first gen
>yfw you still enjoy pkm go for its mindless fun
People used to look at me like I'm a weirdo when I get pokemon X/Y at gamestop. And now I believe the same people are chasing pikachu on the street.
In the end, I don't really care what other thinks. I just enjoy what I want to do and it's enough.

But user, he's right. Facebook is just garbage to get with

Friendly reminder that mobile apps are not video games.

The whole reason why the hate EXISTS is because these people are causing accidents, vandalism, and even a few deaths.

>projection everywhere

Yeah user, I'm sure being a jaded, cynical cunt beats being a normalfag, you keep that up.

This. Why bother playing them when you got a console/pc to play with

>The whole reason why the hate EXISTS
>The whole reason

That's bullshit and you know it.

>Hurr if it makes you happy then do it
Why is this society such a hedonist garbage one?

Jesus fuck, have some sense of goddamn dignity.

>jaded and cynical

No, I'm just a person with some actual passion for his hobby instead of a dumb hipster who latches on to whatever's new.

Hahahahaha hahahahaha

I agree with his follow up post, I never let Sup Forums take away my enjoyment of a good meme

None of you guys act this autistic in real life, right?

I don't care about people playing it. I care about people spamming it in every single corner of the web and not shutting up about it. It's gone past the initial "new" hype and has entered obnoxious and what's even worse is people are saying shit like in OP or claiming it's the cure for cancer to justify spending hour after hour staring at cuddly creatures on their phone when they give shit to people that buy the games.

Then I get to enjoy it all over again on Sup Forums because having a board dedicated to this one thing isn't enough.

Fuck off back to

You sure do sound like a hipster.

Says a tripfag on fucking Sup Forums of all places.

>OP has BTFO
>Facebook screenshot

Am I on Sup Forums?

>anti-contrarians came here in an attempt to make Sup Forums an anti-contrarian
>trying to convert Sup Forums into facebook-tier autism
Holy shit bring them somewhere else

If you don't like a game, don't play it. I think Pokemon GO is shit and therefore dont play it. It's fucked up but true.

what if they enjoy mocking other people or complaining? Don't be a hater ;_; unless you like that sort of thing.

>having dignity
If you had any you wouldn't be an anonymous fucktard, but good thing you do since no one wishes to know just how degenerate and shameful you truly fucking are.

>haha I'm so angry look at me I have an angry reaction image so you know I'm angry. Did you know I'm angry guys? :^)

>Being so butthurt about people hating a game you like you have to write a novel on facebook.

Yes, I'm sure the people who hate GO have now realized what a terrible mistake they made.

Trying a little bit way too hard there buddy.

It wasn't ever this bad. People here used to shit on games for fun. This site has taken itself waaay too seriously since that gamer gate crap.

Isn't there a tumblr post you should be uploading to facebook?

You keep your internet persona up, hopefully it'll make you happy

Don't you have a 4:00am thread to piss and moan about your problems in?

>write a novel on facebook.

That was a long read for you?
How fucking lazy can you be?


I found it to be an appropriate response.
Now shoo along.

Your who post lost meaning when you too placed an emoticon to display how much of a faggot you are.

Doing the same exact thing as the person you're criticising doesn't make you better

Biggest argument against it is that it's a non-game that's going to define the way games are made for a while. It's actively degenerating the quality of future games.

More important, the game is literally just an Ingress clone with Pokemon sprites added in. Where were the millions of people playing Ingress? Why didn't Ingress get praised as an amazing, revolutionary game? Ingress got shat on because having a "game" that's just
>walk here
>get rewarded with sprites/numbers for walking there
is shallow and pointless.

This kind of consumer behavior is exactly why games like Metroid Prime: Federation Force get the greenlight.

>Go shopping a few days ago
>People keep fucking pulling their phones out in the middle of isles blocking the way

Shit is fucking infuriating.


>thoughtless "be happy who cares what others thinks" advice

This is the same thing salon writers tell themselves when they come out as pedophiles

Thread reminder that anti-contrarian Facebook group has arrived. Dont give them (You)s

what was the argument to begin with? sweeping generalizations aren't an argument, they're an opinion.

Fed Force's youtube trailer got downvoted to hell.

that happens regardless

Silly user, normie casual scum like yourself ruined those threads like you ruin everything else you touch.

Only on Sup Forums would you hear that being happy means you're a pedophile.

>liking shitty games and memes is some kind of some kind of strife ridden path of martyrdom

fucking grow up, you're not being oppressed or anything, someone online just called you a faggot for being 28 and still playing pokemon

Happens a lot more often now.

Yes! Because normally, a shit game is a shit game no matter what IP you put in the title.

But apparently this rule doesn't apply to Gen I Pokemon apps.

>bardock obama
way to show how fucking normie you are

Wow man, nice one. Totally not a stretch at all.

I dont hate pokeon go and if I did this wouldnt be the reason.

I am just sick of mobile gaming slowly devouring the console and handheld industry. I actually enjoy games that are able to immerse me in gameplay and complex narratives and game mechanics and systems. I dont like free to play mindless mobile shit and I dont want the industry to succumb to this because it's where the money is.

I am almost sure smartphones is also enabling people to become stupider, the effort vs reward system in smart phone games is almost instantanous, its the reason why people cant into or appreciate hard or challenging games anymore and is probably messing up our nations psychology on some level

Literally who

>No, the gaming market should cater to ME!
Isn't this the same logic of SJW's? If you want complex games then make your own.

It's not the same market you do realise? People who play smart phone games generally do not play normal video games avidly.

>having so much pride in a mobile app game that you give motivational speeches about it
These people are so infantile

I think his point being that this will lead to good competent devs just heading into simple mobile territory for quick easy cash rather than something with any semblance of depth. Take your pseudo politics and scape goating elsewhere.

I'm not angry that pokemon go isn't complex, I was not going to play pokemon in any way shape or form anyway. I'm not mad companies are not catering to me, plenty already are and I support them fully but the smart phones games industry is making it harder and harder for companies to even do that and continue making games I enjoy and will soon will need to play ball with it just to survive.

Not what I said but pokemon fans are dumb kids so I won't hold it against you. This is just a self centered and selfish viewpoint, fuck everyone else as long as I'm happy. People who think like that are dangerous.

Its pokemon what do you expect

>Wow look how much fun i'm having picking up these worthless pocketed monsters that I can't do anything with. Everyone else is so jealous of my fun! Hahah sooo much fun right?

This "game" sucks, but If you actually enjoy this shit, who am I to take away your fun? Why listen to the critics? I am so sure you guys will be having so much fun with pokemon go for years to come.

lmao these dumbass nerds playing pokemon

>wow you must be a really jaded person to not like something :) like just have fun and be happy man :))

>people can only dislike things because they are miserable and full of hate

What kind of mentality is that?

>This is just a self centered and selfish viewpoint, fuck everyone else as long as I'm happy. People who think like that are dangerous

Jesus FUCK, I hope you don't act like this in real life.

neo-lib logic. you have to like everything and put on a smile or else you're probably a psycho

But why do you assume that they will need to move to mobile games? Why do you assume video game consoles/PCs will become so obsolete that you can't even survive off of it. People aren't suddenly going to stop playing normal video games and switch to mobile gaming only.
Why make it seem like devs can't do both, EA and other companies already are yet they still make games for consoles and pc.

No, no, no, user. This is Sup Forums. Everything is black and white, remember?

I dislike the "game" as people consuming it are supporting bad business practices which other developers see as being profitable, and implement them in their future titles, which comes around and fucks me in the ass.

I don't even play the game and now I want to go outside even less than I already did because I'm afraid of people coming up to me asking if I play Pokemon Go. Not really the game's fault, but I still wish it didn't exist.

The same line of defence as MLP faggots, it realy makes you think.

Shit yeah you're right, my bad.

Know what feels even better?
Having FUN, you sad, miserable, cunt

>dumb hipster who latches on to whatever's new
A hipster wouldn't latch on to something as mainstream as Pokemon Go.

>But why do you assume that they will need to move to mobile games?

Because we've seen a year on year decline in the console and handheld business for the last 8 years, it's only going down while smart phone gaming has eclipsed it and is where a lot of gamers have moved to. Half the developers around during last generation and as well as during DS/PSP have now vanished from the industry, the game output of the industry has reduced significantly.

Mobile gaming is in a way a shittier gaming platform that the ones consoles and handhelds offer and in a very real sense it is the current industries safety net and that they will either fall back on or be forced to merge with when the mobile markets profit margins become the basis of self-sustainability in the games industry.

I honestly can't believe I'm talking to two people who legitimately don't see Mobile Gaming and the Indutries biggest and most proven threat. It's really beyond me how people can be like this just because they probably enjoy GO and feel better denying the reality of what smart phones are doing to consoles.

Are you defending random autists being angry that other people are having fun with Pokemon Go ?

So I should not give a shit what anyone thinks and be a hedonistic scumbag?

What is wrong with you pokemon fans, jesus

I feel like it doesn't apply to me, since I hate Pokemon GO as a video game/app, not the people who play it and enjoy it. Sorry for not liking what you like, I guess?

shit niggah, you must get mighty anrgy when people text while walking, or walk around, or watch sport, or actually fucking anything during their free time

I can't imagine being this much of a party pooper, but it does explain how a social game hurts you so.


Seriously though, I am guilty of the criticisms made by OP's post. I've learned to be a lot less cynical (with the help of anti-depressants) but fuck if I still don't get my titties in a twist when I see people enjoying things I think are stupid.


>Pokemon Go drains the battery of smartphones
>doesnt have all 750-something pokemon
>have to go outside to maybe get a chance to catch them
>have all Pokemon DS games and my 3DS ready to catch any pokemon i want in any region
>even now am tired out of pokemon
i seriously dont fucking get it, even people not into pokemon are into it, whats the secret so i can make a app that'll draw people in and rain money on me?

I don't enjoy Go
I see there is a new market.
I don't see the current pc and console market disappearing because of mobile games.
Of course mobile will be more attractive as more people own phones then consoles and gaming pcs
Most people aren't going to move to mobile gaming

He's right. He described me but I've always owned it.

>you must get mighty anrgy when people text while walking, or walk around, or watch sport, or actually fucking anything during their free time

Reading comprehension must be really fucking hard, I never said anything like this. Pokemon fans are retarded.


My God, genetics are truly a marvelous thing.

I'm gonna give you a reply and hope for another (you) :^)

>You can't critique my activity because I think its fun.
Look, you can have fun all you want. That doesn't make it good.
There are probably fans of pic related. Does that make the movie not shit because theres a fanbase?
Is it OK for them to like it?
Stop being such a sensitive bitch

You're trying to stand out amongst a sea of anons that seems incredibly undignified


Milk isn't bitter, what the fuck

maybe if you're a dumb cunt who drinks skim

She was asked what her favorite kinds of chocolates are because she's famous for a song about chocolate.

>milk chocolate
>white chocolate

then she means dark chocolate

what a dumb nip bitch

This is so fucking stupid I almost want to screencap this.

literally who?

this is embarrassing user

I'll do it for you, faggot.
Want to explain why its stupid?

you're fucking stupid

he probably likes the movie and now feels embarrassed and has to pretend you're the idiot
it's called projecting

yeah it's dark chocolate

what a dumb nigger user

there is a difference between enjoying something and knowing it is bad in the medium and something you dont enjoy that is good in the medium. It's similar to hating a triple a game and loving a glitchy budget game.

>That cocoa solid percentage

I don't think so, Tim.