Overwatch - Lore

"Human. Machine. We are all one within the Iris."

What did he mean by this?

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Fucking demagogue.

He ment that all conscious life, both creator and created are equal in their right to exist and pursue happiness.

If he's so smart how come he's dead?

sounds gay, like most robosexual degeneracy

Trying to push his disgusting robot religion.



Cuckolding is best fetish.

Shut your mouth, meat-boy or you got some Iris love.

I'm not afraid of you, you're the worst hero in the game.


>What did he mean by this?
What do you mean by this?

Sounds like you have not experience tranquility, friend.

It's means my foot up your ass robot


nice toaster, user

What did he mean by this?

Means he learned Musou Tensei and got recked by it

"You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection."

loved the factions, sadly the rest of the game was shitty and got 0 support

>face has robot lines on it
>the robot is the real her, humanoid is just a hologram


>he hasn't played the PTR

"Human. Machine. We are all one within the Isis."

So everyone equally deserves your love? You don't get to be special, even though you're intimately wired into your body while everyone else is a sensory speck? Sounds fruity.

he meant this moba is horrible shit

I get triggered when people dont know that the blue dots are the actual "eyes"

It means exactly the opposite friendo

no one cares because it's a "competitive" shooter with no story mode where people really only have an interest in characters because they have tumblr-tier designs and repeat their catchphrases 30+ times a match.

He means resist the urge to hunt down and murder the team mate who just quit the competitive match while you're winning meaning the second round was 5v6 and you got crushed knocking you down a rank

Well it's a good thing it's already fixed then :^)


Don't forget triple projectile speed on the steel balls of death

Ok prove who has consciousness and whi doesn't. Thats not what the religion is going for, its a shinto Buddhist "literally everything has a spirit" philosophy which conveniently sidesteps the whole can a submarine swim thing.

Try me

Wrong, the projectile speed increase is only applied to the orbs of harmony and discord so they attach to their targets sooner. Standard attacks are untouched, unless they left it out of the patch notes.

Who gives a shit what this tincan says. Omnics should be in factories and mines, doing heavy manual labor so humans wouldn't have to, not pretending to know anything and wax philosophy



It means OP is a huge moron who believes "backstory" to some characters is some great epic story.

And at the other end we have this autismo going too.

Whos the dipshit that even gave warbots a personality algorithm. And what dipshit made that algorithm include existentialism?

I dont know but the dipshit probably got fired once they figured out who did it.

the le Buddhism shit is pretty cringe

AI was a mistake

Also when will they finally exterminate the gorilla infestation on the moon. I mean they even have an agent of theirs on earth, will someone get to it?


Pick one

Fuck off Zarya

Someone kindly post Zarya crushing a melon between her thighs and, in turn, making Tracer's day.

They're stranded on the moon, right? Just leave them up there and the problem will take care of itself. None of them were close to as smart as Winston

>want to try out heroes I barely use to get better with them.
>training is boring
>vs ai is too easy
>QP puts me with shit teams vs groups 90% of the time.
>CM I suck with heroes i dont try so i have to use the ones I'm good at
How do I git gud with new heroes? Do I just suffer through it until I end up on a decent team or destroy my win/loss stats?

This really isn't exclusive to just Overwatch, but I always wondered what would be considered ethical among sentient AI/robots.

Like, if if robot A needs a spare part and finds robot B dead on the floor would it be unethical to dismantle B for parts? Is it ethical to install your own memories, thoughts and experiences into other robots/AI to convince them of your world view?

Like, to tie it back to Overwatch... Let's say Zenyatta spent 10 years in the mountains in Nepal and becomes the buddhistbot that he is. He then decides it would be best if all other Omnics became Buddhist like him so he creates a program that automatically converts Omnics to Buddhism. Is it ethical to force someone to accept ideas about peace and love?

Hippie bullshit

omniggers need to fucking die

>*rubbing metal sounds*

Play quick games
>win/loss stats
Who gives a shit

Practice in PTR, brawls, and QP to learn basic mechanics and timing
Watch pro vids to learn more advanced techs
Execute in ranked

Did you get it below the lowest settings? Because I play it on low and it looks way better than that. It honestly just looks like TF2 on low.

I'm sure they have laws for stuff like that, like how taking organs from dead humans is illegal IRL.
Unless you donate them obviously.
And a program like that is pretty much roborape so another law for that.

The resolution scale man. I put it at auto, because it can go even below 50%.

They nerfed this, he's only got 25 additional HP.
Nerfed too. He only moves 50% faster.

Jesus, what would drive someone to do that? Fucking a dead body isn't enough? Damn.

>Oh no im going to prison
>How do I not get rekt
>I cant fight so i'll make up some fucked up shit so people just keep their distance

A reminder that the eyes on this shady fuck aren't the droopy slits, it's the blue lights.

I never know good placement for turrets as Symmetra, any tips?

Also I really like playing her, she's like a spider.

Personal goals to be better at OW, that and mastering all heroes, well most of them.
I'll try the pro vids, since the other stuff hasn't worked well so farfor me

What if she really did do that?

>Personal goals to be better at OW, that and mastering all heroes
But you're afraid to ruin your win/loss ratio?


Don't listen to him, nothing confirmed yet about the nerf

Why are you making things up? Are you just a really big contrarian?



Never said I was afraid, but I'm not gonna deny that messing up my hard work of having wins above 100+ over loses to get better with the rest of the heroes would be painful to see, if it ever comes to that.


Woah... So this... is the power... of pc gaming...

I'm so sorry user

>"""""""""""""""master race"""""""""""""""

I fapped to that


>Zen buffed into relevancy
>Dva buffed into relevancy
>McCree buffed into relevancy
>Ana is Teamwork: The Hero
>Mercy ult nerfed
>projectile hitboxes nerfed
>1 hero limit in Ranked
>self healing charges ults
>overtime reduced
God tier patch

You can speak french with being a snail eating hon hon hon, you know?

hero limit in Ranked
>>overtime reduced
worst changes

I mean you can't even see Zarya's face

>implying this is a bad thing

2 winston/tracer/lucio is absolute cancer, as is 2 zarya

Tracers being able to touch the point for a fraction of a second and extend overtime for 10+ minutes for as long as they want is also stupid

It's a classic attempt by a powerful religion to force itself and it's teachings on the entire planet by acting like they are the only right ones.

Ask a fucking Omnic where you go when you die and they will tell you THEIR side of the story based on their beliefs, not yours or your friends or neighbors or grandparents.

Omnics and their religion are an invading force trying to shove their beliefs down our throats.

76 got nerfed too.

>Every Omnic character is just a misunderstood good guy
>The entire war was just because Omnics were a victim of circumstance
>Omniums are a program of peace!

Where are my anti-human terrorist Omnics? I want to see the other side.



Whenever mondatta comes back, he'll be the allahu omnic character

>Mercy ult nerfed

Literally the only thing about playing Mercy I enjoyed was her ult. And now I can't even do that one thing as often. Guess I'm never picking her again. At least there's Ana now, and Zen got buffed, so maybe I'll finally enjoy a support.

His nerf is so small it's barely relevant, just stops macro users from having pinpoint accuracy during full auto

If you still do 4 shot bursts, your accuracy is barely affected because of the time it takes for a human to release/depress left click

There are none. There's no such thing as a moderate Omnic.

His brain was too big a target. Common mistake.

I got you.

Not true

Her ult charge rate got reduced, but she's no longer locked in place during the animation, and her Shift cooldown is reset by the ult

It enables good Mercy players to get off huge rezzes and live, whereas you were pretty much guaranteed to die before

Omnic's are likely fully sentient beings, but nobody knew that since the company who made them had them be manual labor slave bots and then the god AI's enslaved them to wipe out the human race.

Honestly I'd rather be able to pop off a lot of ults and be more likely to die.

After watching people play PTR it seems like Ana gets her ult almost as fast as Mercy used to so I'm a bit salty, but oh well. It's one of the things people bitched about the most I guess.

Doesn't matter. Not canon since Zenyatta is playable in the final release of the game.

Mercy's playstyle is fucking trash, good players can kill her on sight so her entire purpose is to farm ult charge and hide until your team dies in a "good spot" during a successful push.

Thats it, you just fucking sit in a corner waiting. Don't believe me? Go watch ANY high rated player stream and watch what the mercy on their team is doing.

That lowers the skill floor though, not good for the game's longevity imo

Ana is also the highest HPS healer in the game right now, especially with her grenade

This is why they buffed her damage boosting beam, there's more of an incentive for her to follow the frontliners