Pokemon Go is literally ruining lives

Pokemon Go is literally ruining lives

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just nintendo my mobile app, family.

what a disgusting whore

>That last paragraph
What a terrible human being.

I think she might be autisitc

>shutting down gamers as a whole
What a stupid cunt. I actually felt sympathetic for her until she busted out the prejudice.

....why would anyone ever hire someone with hair like that?

>that hair style


>wants nerds to be miserable
This woman is a complete monster.

>mfw I can´t distinguish between honest articles and satire anymore when it comes to pseudo feminists.

wow, what a mysandrist

5/10 complaining about getting attention..

Really makes me think..


>white hair
Not reading that shit

Where do I apply to write stupid shit for money in newspapers? I can write stupid shit easy as.

>that last paragraph


we need more of these people who think this way.
Fuck gaming has turned to shit since the whole nerd fad came about. I'm tried of faggots saying how nerdy they are when they were the same people who shunned us. Fucking pisses me off to no end.

>Maybe i give off friendly vibes, despite my best efforts

What a miserable human being

I would describe it as chlorine pool hair

thats it nigger im so done



This is literally just someone who's kind of a bitch using a newspaper to blog. Why do they get paid for this?

She is literally triggered by casual conversation in public. Are we just not allowed to talk to people anymore?

The only thing I can comply with is nerds trying to "get laid" as many comments have surfaced on the internet stating success in the sex game due to the game.

That last paragraph completely destroys an possible argument she may have had by generalizing all people who play video games as basement dwellers.

>that last sentence
>not making a reference to repels

what a fucking poser

>friendly nice guys just trying to play a game with people
Like what
What's the problem
You complained about wolf whistling and cat calling and people stopped doing those.
Then you complain men aren't confident and never approach women.
Then when there's a social app which 99.9% of the time will not lead to further encounters and is designed to be played with friends, you think people are weird for trying to play with you.
What the fuck is the problem?!

Fuck, that reminded me that bugchasing is a ting.

>woman gets attention for liking pokemon and gets hit on by socially awkward spergs, thus making gamers rapists

Yep, it's hard to be a woman alright.

>a pokemon autist got BTFO by a woman

I love how everyone here is getting so triggered by this article. You autists just can't handle when you're on the receiving end of being called out for what you are, huh?

> weirdos
just say like it is, senpai
they were too ugly

who is this cunt crevice?

>people are using the pic I uploaded

>anti-social person goes outside
>social people try to talk to them as they often do
>anti-social person gets uncomfortable as they often do
I am so glad these events have been documented.

This is how people meet and have relationships. Someone somewhere at some point in time has to talk to another person for whatever reason. If you aren't interested, just fucking let him down. Do it gently or be a total bitch, either way it's not a crime to talk to another human.

When everything triggers you, nothing will.

>tumblr hair color
>doesn't realize pokekmon go is social
>newspaper is ran by SJWs and actually published this story
FUCK. I don't support many American things anymore.
>video games
>American food
>women with unnatural hair colors

Give it a rest, Robyn

>squirtle's face
like pottery

I have no image that could convey the amount of humor in the implication that I could even part my lips in the presence a girl irl, let alone speak coherently and with the intentions of hooking up.

>lonely bitch who cries via her job
>I can actually enjoy conversations about a thing I like in public with others

>normies wishing nerds would go back inside so they wouldn't have to deal with actual fans of something
Where am I?

Nigga please, if I had a job, even if it was a shitty one as a writer for whatever magazine this is, I wouldn't be wasting my time here.

>American things
The ironic thing is that the article is from a British newspaper (i)

Is this legit?

Can I actually get pussy with it? Or is this just bullshit? I'm a friendless kissless virgin loser .

>people get paid for writing rants like this


Isn't it British?

Either guardian of telegraph I recognise layout from.

>looks like a woman sitting down in a skirt with closed thighs, but open from the knees down
>tfw this pose is my fetish

>nerds go home

>be a misanthropic snake with tits
>play Pokemon GO and risk human interaction

Pick one, you silly slit.

have you guys ever read a newspaper? articles like these are written ironically.

>replacing i's with y's
Why is this a thing

It just wrong to not give socially behind guys a chance in interacting with other humans just because you are repulsed from them.

who cares

s a g e

Don't forget Pokemon go is also extremely racist


>Let’s add Pokemon GO to the extremely long list of things white people can do without fear of being killed
>Early the next morning, shortly after my partner left for work, I couldn’t help but to give Pokémon Go another shot. I had about an hour before I needed to be at work so this seemed like the perfect opportunity. I threw some clothes on, fired up the app, and set out for an adventure.

>I spent less than 20 minutes outside. Five of those minutes were spent enjoying the game. One of those minutes I spent trying to look as pleasant and nonthreatening as possible as I walked past a somewhat visibly disturbed white woman on her way to the bus stop. I spent the other 14 minutes being distracted from the game by thoughts of the countless Black Men who have had the police called on them because they looked “suspicious” or wondering what a second amendment exercising individual might do if I walked past their window a 3rd or 4th time in search of a Jigglypuff.

>When my brain started combining the complexity of being Black in America with the real world proposal of wandering and exploration that is designed into the gamplay of Pokémon Go, there was only one conclusion. I might die if I keep playing.

You can get pussy with any kind of activity which makes you meet women

This post is ironic too.

Fuck you

>unironic sage

When you look at this gif and see her doing the words, what does the voice sound like in your head?

Gotta get those special snowflake points every way you can, user. By the way, I go by Ayynawn, if you want to reply back.

How are people men supposed to meet new people if you're not allowed to interact with people you do not know?

yeah but I don't like doing outside activities aside from vidya.

And women are complicated.

god bless the filters

kill yourself

girlwoods voice for me

this has to be false flag

But are they as complicated as being black in America?

>Pokemon GO is racist
>Pokemon GO is ablist
>Pokemon GO is sexist
And yet it's apparently the biggest current mobile game.

>remember some nu-male in Evenong Standard crying about Boaty MCboatface
>hoping it was satire
>he starts ranting about Social justice tier things
No user, British anecdote articles are shit.

>vapid cunts unaware of their deep social ineptness and borderline autistic behavior, are using media to whine about non-issues that PC culture will gobble up as a threat to national security


How do we fix women Sup Forums?

The mom from That's So Raven.

>womyn complaining about getting attention

is there anything more two faced?

Gilbert Gottfried.

We don't.

read the last paragraph. do you have aspergers?

Feels like I'm on Tumblr with the number of people getting triggered in here.

If you knew anything pokemon you'd know repel is so you can weed out weaklings so only the strong reach you. Since she can't handle a conversation , I think using a repel might actually kill her, or, worse, rape her, cause for some reason girls think rape is worse than death.

usual shit for tabloids who want clicks
just because go is the next big thing

aint it just disgusting?

This guy is right the amount of autistic hutthurt in this thread is appauling.

The problem aren´t women but would be feminists who completely misunderstood feminism.
This group is small but sadly very loud.

Remove their ability to have emotions. Women are just incubators they dont need emotions because they arent people they are subhumans devoted to nothing but cock.

Women are literally kids.

You hit em when they do something stupid like the old days.

Giving women freedom was a mistake.


10/10. Though it's like shooting fish in a barrel with this thread.

poor girl

It's a big target, and it's not hard for these tards to invent reasons that it's problematic..

>I need my boyfriend as a "weirdo" shield
>someone struck up a conversation with me and I freaked the fuck out

Sorry love, there's only one weirdo in your obnoxious little article.

>its the white mans fault niggers commit crimes


I'm not even going to bother reading the article, because all I need to know is in the title.

>Pokemon GO is not a a chat-up invitation
It is, but it isn't.
The whole point of Pokemon is to catch them all, and in order to do that you need to trade with other people, and that means chatting people up.
That said, Pokemon GO currently does not have trading implemented, so it's currently not a chat-up invitation.

>people actually live in a country where you have to fear for your life if you want to leave your home for 20 minutes
Absurd. I also like how the author just had to shoehorn in the fact he/she had "a partner" for no relevant reason whatsoever.

Robyn Vinter is my new hero

wait what
>normies woman want nerds back

>misunderstood feminism
Hello conservacuck!

>The problem aren't women
Off yourself underage

>race is well known for being uneducated, aggressive, and easily prone to extreme violence
>blame everybody else for people being wary of you

Fucking idiots. Why not try to fix your own race's shit instead of blaming everybody else?

There was a fucking black kid recently who survived a heart transplant like a fucking miracle and decided to celebrate by breaking into a 70 year old woman's house, shoot at her with a stolen firearm, and then carjack and SUV and wrap it around a telephone pole and SOMEHOW THAT IS THE WHITE MAN'S FAULT.

womyn logics. thats wrong with her. and then they wonder why no man wants to deal with this bs and avoid or even harass these bitches away.


>Sup Forums getting upset because Pokemon Go, the only chance they will ever have to talk to a woman without being completely awkward gets shit on.
This is the best thread I've seen today.

>"creep" approaches you and wants to talk
>Say: Sorry, I don't feel like talking or being social right now. Have a nice day.
>"creep" will say goodbye and be on his way

But instead, these people act like this is the first time they interact with another human fucking being, and just can't say what's on their mind politely, and ask them to go away. How fucking autistic are you?

uptight baby, RAPE RAPE RAPE! raping the feminism away, sweet heils from japan!

>Go out the other day to see some old friends from uni (graduated last year)
>Within 5 minutes overhear Amy say "I mean I know I'm privileged but..."
>Decide to move to Asia forever

You're only allowed to interact with ugly people.

Leave the poor pretty people alone, they don't want to deal with you.