Any people who know German and have been playing Enderal? How is it?

Any people who know German and have been playing Enderal? How is it?

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already released in english/10

it's amazing. The only issue it has is the fact that it still has to make due with the terrible Skyrim combat system so they tried to give the player some interesting abilities through skill-trees to make the combat more engaging.

Exploration, story telling, quest design, loot system and leveling system are all superior to Skyrim. Since it's a total conversion unfortunately some of the big graphic mods for Skyrim don't work for it yet since it uses different assets. I heard that ENBs work but it sometimes fucks with cutscenes in the story.

Ich kann ein bisschen Deutsch sprechen, aber meine Sprachkenntnisse ist nicht gut genug fur dieses Computerspiel spielen.

is it compatible with waifu mods?

Dunno about this mod, but Nehrim wasn't really compatible with anything.


It can only be compatible with mods that don't try to directly modify the game-world since all the mods that do were designed with the Skyrim map in mind, not the Enderal map.

I installed the german version to see how it runs.
If you play the game on rails, as in you take quests, read the dialogue and do what you are told, its very linear and much more about story than Skyrim seems. Things don't happen to you on the way from A to B to distract you for the next 8 hours until you remember you were meant to go to Whiterun.
Also the minimap fucks up when you enter a cave, like the caves aren't in the same place in the world where their entrance is, but rather the entrance teleports you to some place else and the minimaps shows that.

All the playable races are just humans, so it's automatic trash

There is a "Rhetorik" skill that opens up more dialogue options. It doesn't work like Skyrim's charisma or speech. Your character will actually get more talkative in most dialogues if you bother to train Rhetorik.

So the same as Skyrim, where you can play pale humans, dark humans, green humans, gray humans, hairy humans and some other types of humans?

Is the overall vocabulary difficult in this game? I know German at a B1 Zertifikat Deutsch level, can I enjoy it with a dictionary in hand?

Really? Into the trash it goes, then.

No, white human, big nose merchant human, and kang human pretty much.

Depending on which NPC you talk to the dialogue ranges from "casual German" to "highly educated German". It depends on how educated the NPC is in the game world. There are NPCs that have very extensive and in-depth dialogue and will probably use figures of speech or terms that might be hard to understand for non-native speakers, probably even hard to understand for native speakers some times. But you can usually ask them to clarify what they meant so if they start to act too pretentious you can actually call them out on it.

>baby's first German RPG

It's out in english at the end of the month

Thanks, guess I'll just wait for the English translation, since I don't want to miss anything and I'm not in the habit of playing the same games twice.

Poorfag district is fucking goat. The main city actually feels like a main city because it has individual districts and all of them are larger than cities in Skyrim, even if you just look at them individually.

Why the fuck is it not released in english ?
I don't like to meme around but it is 2016.
Don't tell me that none of the people that worked on this speaks english, this makes no sense ?

Translation incoming in a few weeks, m8.

what the fuck? That actually looks better than anything in Skyrim. I thought it would be like "commendable for a mod but still kind of shit compared to the main thing". But this is actually several levels above Skyrim in world design.

You can't polish a turd.

It doesn't try to polish Skyrim. It is its own game.

Ofc it is faggot. It has been more than 5 years since Skyrim came out.

Still a turd. It uses Shitrim's assets. You can only create turd from pieces of turd.

>85 million dollar marketing and development budget in an established studio with hundreds of professional employees
>in 2011 there have already been RPGs with better world design
>it had a development cycle of more than 5 years
>Enderal had a 4 year development cycle with a ragtag group of hobby programmers and level designers and no budget that worked on this game in their free-time

let's face it, 2016 game development and 2011 game development isn't much different, the only thing that actually changed since then is slightly shinier graphics with slightly shinier engines

>all of them are larger than cities in Skyrim

So they have 4 houses instead of 3?

the majority of assets were created by the Enderal devs. Skyrim and Enderal only share some assets or highly modified versions of that.

Let me guess it has the same shit animations and combat? Still a turd, just polished.

Are you comparing a 150 hr game to a 20-30 hr quality story mod? Btw Bethesda had like 90 people develop Skyrim.

It's not "polished" you fucking retard. Polished means that the gameplay systems of Skyrim have been slightly improved and its knicks ironed out. Exploration, story telling and quest design in Enderal is vastly superior to Skyrim's. Skill-trees have been reworked as well and the progression system is entirely different. It's not fucking polished just because they share the same base-line combat. You have no idea what the word polished means.

you have shit taste

Enderal has over 100 hours of gameplay. Inform yourself before you spout bullshit like that. The main story is 20 to 30 hours long.

no, just the smuggler district alone has its own marketplace and the surrounding area has dozens of enterable houses plus a whorehouse and hidden shops

no Enderal had a 9 year development cycle
5 years to create Skyrim + 4 years to create Enderal
this is not a newly coded game, it uses the engine and assets of skyrim, all of which were created by Bethesda

Really? I might download it then.

the city of valen from the witcher3 is goat

sorry, but that game has ruined baby-cuck games like skyrim and any of its shitty mods for me

By that dumbass logic Fallout New Vegas had a 10 year development cycle because it has shared assets with Fallout 3.

Not that far into the game. But lots of NPCs I came upon used colloquials and slang. So, someone with only an academic grasp of german might miss some things. In general, I would'nt say understanding it is too hard.

Also, as a native german, I find some of the voice actors very artificial.

I thought it was great, but I didn't like the ending.

When are the english subtitles coming out?

So like any fucking game that shares assets with other games? What retarded logic is that? "Oh btw Star Citizen had a 15+ year development cycle because it actually shares assets with Crysis and pretty much any game based on the unreal engine that uses its underlying scripting and asset pallet that many developers like to modify has development cycles over 10 years at least"

So Skyrim didn't actually have a 5 year development cycle since it actually shares assets with Morrowind and also uses the same underlying scripting system plus modified assets from both Oblivion and Morrowind. Oh, and of course it also utilizes the script manager Papyrus which has been used since fucking Daggerfall so it has like a 1 million year development cycle or something.

Will we be able to transfer our waifus in character creation?

>wanting waifu mods in a game that is actually interesting

Ich wünsche mehr Deutsch mit dieses Spiel lernen. Ich hoffe es nicht zu schwer ist, aber weiß falsch bin.

you also can truly compare a game which had 4 years to focus on nothing but worldbuilding compared to game that had only about a year due to the need to actually develop all other relevant aspects of a game themselves instead of piggybacking off another dev

It's pretty good. The voice acting is pretty consistent (compared to Nehrim which had some really unprofessional actors), the writing isn't exactly great and has a lot of those "sounds good written but not when you actually say it" lines but it has a lot more personality than any of the dialogue in Skyrim. Just could have used an editor.

And most of all you never feel like you are just running around, wasting your time. When you are doing something you feel like you're doing it for a purpose. It's not like Skyrim where you're aimlessly wandering around until you realize you aren't having fun at all. In Enderal you actually look forward to new quests unlike Skyrim where the feel like a chire because you know that it's probably gonna play out like most other quests and won't have a very good reward.

So... I recommend it, I do. It's no Witcher 3 but it's miles above Skyrim.

>you also can truly compare a game which had 4 years to focus on nothing but worldbuilding compared to game that had only about a year due to the need to actually develop all other relevant aspects of a game themselves instead of piggybacking off another dev

but they didn't focus on nothing but world-building. The majority of objects in the world as well as textures are not shared with Skyrim. The only thing that they translated directly into Enderal is the animation system and the scripting system for NPC behavior.

> made by teutons
it can only be bad

I feel bad for all these mod creators that waste so much of their time on a shit game like Skyrim.

considering that they didn't actually mod Skyrim and that Enderal is a standalone game that has nothing to do with it...

>trying to argue with contrarians trying to fit in too hard
It's really not worth your time.

They actually composed their own soundtrack for the game. Some examples:

Does it not run on gamebryo? Does it have better combat? Does it have better aniamtions? Does it have better graphics? Does it have no bugs?

Skyrim isn't a newly coded game either. They've been using the same engine since Morrowind. I'd be surprised if they spent more than a year of Skyrim's development making new code.

>if your game is on gamebryo, its a skyrim mod
>if your game has bugs, its a skyrim mod

Yeah man, Divinity is my favorite Skyrim mod.

Du musst nur Folgendes gut verstehen.
"Wenn ich einmal wirklich an der Macht bin, dann wird die Vernichtung der Juden meine erste und wichtigste Aufgabe sein. Sobald ich die Macht dazu habe, werde ich zum Beispiel in München auf dem Marienplatz Galgen neben Galgen aufstellen lassen. Dann werden die Juden gehängt, einer wie der andere, und sie bleiben hängen, bis sie stinken. So lange bleiben sie hängen, wie es nach den Gesetzen der Hygiene möglich ist, sobald man sie abgeknüpft hat, kommen die nächsten dran, und das geschieht so lange, bis der letzte Jude in München ausgetilgt ist. Genauso wird in anderen Städten verfahren, bis Deutschland vom letzten Juden gereinigt ist."

Die Geschichte des Begriffes Sodomie im Deutschen ist durch eine starke Bedeutungsverengung gekennzeichnet. Während Sodomie heute nur noch sexuelle Handlungen mit Tieren bezeichnet, stand der Begriff im christlichen Mittelalter und der frühen Neuzeit noch für eine ganze Reihe von sexuellen Praktiken, die kirchenrechtlich, da sie nicht der Fortpflanzung dienten, als widernatürlich bzw. pervers angesehen wurden, insbesondere den Analverkehr unter Männern, aber auch der Geschlechtsverkehr mit andersgläubigen Frauen.

>"…die sich im unbesonnen Übermut vornehmen, mit einer Jüdin, einer Sarazenin oder einem wilden Tier zu verkehren oder sonst etwas gegen die Natur gerichtetes…"

t. Konzil von Arles 1275

Sodomiten wurden im Mittelalter und der frühen Neuzeit strafrechtlich verfolgt und mit dem Tode bestraft. Auch neuzeitliche Strafrechtskodifikationen von der Constitutio Criminalis Carolina (§ 116) bis zum Reichsstrafgesetzbuch (§ 175) erfassten homosexuelle Beziehungen zwischen Männern und sexuelle Beziehungen zu Tieren regelmäßig in ein und demselben Paragraphen. Im Zuge der Enttabuisierung der Sexualität sind die ursprünglichen weiteren Bedeutungen des Wortes bis auf den sexuellen Kontakt zu Tieren allmählich verloren gegangen. Als wissenschaftlicher Begriff für sexuelle Handlungen mit bzw. sexuelle Attraktion zu Tieren hat sich mittlerweile die Bezeichnung Zoophilie durchgesetzt.

Das aus dem Französischen übernommene deutsche Verb sodomisieren taucht erst um die Jahrhundertwende auf, wird sehr selten verwendet und ist im Duden als „bildungssprachlich“ gekennzeichnet. Am häufigsten ist es in fremdsprachig beeinflussten Texten für Analverkehr zu finden, viel seltener für Zoophilie.

>playing something else than humans
What are you? A heretic?


Nice and constructive post. I'll commend you to the website admins, hopefully it will get stickied.

Was ist schief gelaufen?

>being this new
Hang yourself ledditfag

>german website
>has majority german users

Who would've thunk?

So, does Enderal have good magic staves? I remember hearing they were making a really in-depth crafting system, and I was hoping staves might be a part of it.

Yeah, please give me elves and orcs #4363

Holy shit, all these Skyrim apologists.
Face it, your beloved waifu simulator is shit, plain olde shite.
Enderal is the Elder Scrolls we deserve and Bethesda is too incompetent to make.

The cramped areas of those poor districts is giving me a real Metro 2033 vibe, which is cool.

Really looking forward to the english release

>poor district
>french accordion music plays

In the Metro it makes sense to be cramped, in a fantasy city without a castle... why? I mean, just build your shack over yonder bushes. No need to live on top of the canal. Just walk 5 more minutes to work in the morning, jeez.