



too bad all of Sup Forums and the rest of the virgins around the world will pirate it

it's gonna become a PS4 series if you guys keep this shit up, you fucking morons

don't let Sonyggers get the game

So is Amazon not going to get it to me by Friday?
I sure hope it arrives, but I guess I can wait.

>Will pirate it
More like already pirated it days ago. Hell, a good portion of people have been playing it for almost a year

but how long until it shows up on the Freeshop?

that's exactly what I'm saying, you're just asking for Monster Hunter to go back to Sony consoles, fucking moron

I wish.
Monster Hunter deserves better than being confided to a crampy ass handheld with a tiny screen.
This is not even a Nintendo vs Sony kind of comment, MH3U was fucking perfect on Wii U, but I am not going to play 400+ hours of Monster Hunter on a fucking handheld device.

It feels underwhelming as shit, it's not comfortable and chat is too limited.

Unless you got prime or pay extra for shipping Amazon don't deliver games on release day anymore.

How often does piracy even happen in Japan?

At worst they'd keep it JP only but even Capcom isn't that stupid.
>MH going back to console only
Yeah right

I'm unsure how having it on the vita again would be much better

But that's what most people want

I'd go out and buy a fucking Xbox One if a Monster Hunter game got announced for it. I tried playing the demo for 4 on the 3DS and it was awful.

Nowhere in that post does it imply that he wants it on Vita, he's just saying he doesn't want it on handheld, but the vita does have the advantage of having a bigger screen and dual analog sticks

I never mentioned the Vita friend, I am talking about consoles in general.
I don't give a shit if it's a Nintendo, Sony or Microsoft console, I just want to play the game using a proper controller, on a TV and with a Keyboard for chatting.

Fighting a monster that is bigger than a mountain feels somehow underwhelming when you do it looking a handheld screen.

>mfw I already pirated it
>still plan on buying it on day one
fuck your console war false flagging btw

Ooohhhh just 17 hours left for me. So sick of narga, malfestio and the green bird

>tfw bought a wii u because I thought they'd continue putting MH on it

Tri and 3U fucking spoiled me. I put only like 80 hours into 4U because I can't stand playing it on 3DS. Don't know if I can even be bothered with G.


Have to wait until Saturday, BULLLSHIT

Look at your order now and see. Unless it's some small game where they only have to ship like 10 copies, you're probably not getting it tomorrow unless you paid extra.

Nostalgia got the best of me and I played 4U for quite a bit since I wanted to fight Gen 1 monsters again, but I'm not putting myself through that again for Generations.

12 hours, 19 minutes.

One more day for what? My savefile is like 20 hours in already lol

whats the best style?

No style
Nyanta mode only
Non charged boomerangs only

>Glaiveanuses is the only boxart available for english release

It's on the jap box too, isn't it?

jap has alternate box art for the other flagships

Good. Fucking tired of playing monster hunter with gimped graphics and holding a 3ds with my slightly over medium sized hands because I am not a fucking girl. .