Does he have it in him? Can he go again?

Either way GOTY 2016 right here.

Other urls found in this thread:

Inb4 that one autist who posts memes to hate the game.

Nice thread

Is this seriously that same autist from that one thread a couple hours ago?

>thinking he can hide deleted posts from mods
You cant evade the ban hammer. Its almost morning.

nobody cares about xv autist, stop making threads

>You cant evade the ban hammer.

Hmph! That's what you think! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

XV-kun probably got banned from his breakdown that vanished from this thread. Based mods are probably awake.


Remove yourself.

80% of Sup Forums is mobile posting right now.

80% of Sup Forums is shitposting right now.

Really makes you think, doesn't it?

>80% of Sup Forums is underage
>80% of Sup Forums is fat
>80% of Sup Forums is either gay or bisexual
>80% of Sup Forums masturbates to traps
>80% of the planet is Sup Forums

And those 80% are all mobile posting and shitposting as well.

What do you think this thread is

>My mfw face when that 80% is all moi

If I get banned please post appropriate media!

Do not send me off without spectacle!

>mfw its all (me)

all me

Dont worry Ill make sure no one is triggered ever again. Ill make Sup Forums a safespace for everybody, you have my word.

I'm (You).

I don't care about that, I just want explosions and KO gifs posted.

No! I'm (You)!

And (you)r me

wow is this real life?

I want to lick his nose!


actually worked.

>fat and gay


Gonna buy the game just for Diabolos yes i am an edgy cunt

Quick post webms

I want to give Prompto a rimjob!




>being this mad

Sup Nomura-kun, can you finish your KH III instead of shitposting here?

>'Oh, finally I don't like the new Sora's hairstyle, let's reboot the game :DDDDD'


no way this will be GOTY

it will be mediocre

wheres this from?


>being this mad

Something they showed near the end of 2015 IIRC, which was full of in-development stuff with footage from August/September.

>FFXV is a huge success
>Nomurafags crying and saying "b-but FFXV-kun bought the 6 millions copies!!"

January ATR feature reel/progress report
starts @ 11:00
