Does he have it in him? Can he go again?
Either way GOTY 2016 right here.
Does he have it in him? Can he go again?
Either way GOTY 2016 right here.
Other urls found in this thread:
Inb4 that one autist who posts memes to hate the game.
Nice thread
Is this seriously that same autist from that one thread a couple hours ago?
>thinking he can hide deleted posts from mods
You cant evade the ban hammer. Its almost morning.
nobody cares about xv autist, stop making threads
>You cant evade the ban hammer.
Hmph! That's what you think! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
XV-kun probably got banned from his breakdown that vanished from this thread. Based mods are probably awake.
Remove yourself.
80% of Sup Forums is mobile posting right now.
80% of Sup Forums is shitposting right now.
Really makes you think, doesn't it?
>80% of Sup Forums is underage
>80% of Sup Forums is fat
>80% of Sup Forums is either gay or bisexual
>80% of Sup Forums masturbates to traps
>80% of the planet is Sup Forums
And those 80% are all mobile posting and shitposting as well.
What do you think this thread is
>My mfw face when that 80% is all moi
If I get banned please post appropriate media!
Do not send me off without spectacle!
>mfw its all (me)
all me
Dont worry Ill make sure no one is triggered ever again. Ill make Sup Forums a safespace for everybody, you have my word.
I'm (You).
I don't care about that, I just want explosions and KO gifs posted.
No! I'm (You)!
And (you)r me
wow is this real life?
I want to lick his nose!
actually worked.
>fat and gay
Gonna buy the game just for Diabolos yes i am an edgy cunt
Quick post webms
I want to give Prompto a rimjob!
>being this mad
Sup Nomura-kun, can you finish your KH III instead of shitposting here?
>'Oh, finally I don't like the new Sora's hairstyle, let's reboot the game :DDDDD'
no way this will be GOTY
it will be mediocre
wheres this from?
>being this mad
Something they showed near the end of 2015 IIRC, which was full of in-development stuff with footage from August/September.
>FFXV is a huge success
>Nomurafags crying and saying "b-but FFXV-kun bought the 6 millions copies!!"
January ATR feature reel/progress report
starts @ 11:00