This is quite literally one of the worst plot twists in any video game.
What other games have horrible plot twists?
This is quite literally one of the worst plot twists in any video game.
What other games have horrible plot twists?
Its so horrifically bad. I was stunned when it happened, during the entire lead up I was saying "No, no no no they can't. This isn't happening."
Like when you make the president Eden shit from Fallout 3 seem believable you have fucked up BAD
OP's mom's pregnancy
"It's the best hope for humanity"
Says the guy creating super mutants to go kill surface dwellers, abducting and killing people at random and replacing them robots because "lol I dunno science"
I killed the fucker before he even opened his mouth (I knew it was MUHBABYBOY from pre release spoilers) and game journal just assumed I spoke to him, hear him out and decided to refuse position in the institute.
This fucking game assumes too fucking much, fucking fallout is ruined forever to be a normie central
>build all the shit
>walk inside waiting to get memed by robots
>oh shit it's my son
>can't do anything other than be a distressed parent
>he walks out
>kill him without thinking
>a couple of robots (maybe 3) show up after I kill the LEADER OF THE WHOLE FACILITY
Game was silly as
>talking to some lady about how the Institute is powered
>apparently keeping enough electricity is a challenge for them
Then why the fuck is the place lit up so bright?
Explain why it's bad.
this. It was predictable, it was dumb, it was unnecessary. Just fucking vomit inducing. You don't need an "epic" twist to make a good story, Kojima. Same for MGS 4
Fallout 3 was the same. You could skip the main quest at several points(head straight for dad's vault after leaving 101, for example), but the game will always assume that you went the long way around.
Bethesda have indeed irreparably ruined Fallout, but they did it in 2008.
I think New Vegas does this as well, when you go straight for Vegas
Bioshock Infinite because inconsistency
Arkham Knight due to it dragging too long
Atlas is Fontaine because I could see it from 5425245 miles away
Black Ops. Anyone who saw Fight Club got it and it's shit because he actually does damage in firefights
MGSV. You literally somehow get a cassette tape and are teleported to the begining of the game
Assassin's Creed III. Connor just goes "lol ok so washngton was the culprit i don't care lol xd"
Any Bethesda developed game. Everything in them is underwhelming
In fact I can't think of a single videogame "big twist" that was actually good
I've gone straight to Vegas in most of my playthroughs and didn't notice anything wrong
dude, synths lmao
Does having to fight player 2 at the end of Double Dragon arcade count as a big twist? I thought that was rad.
>it's shit because he actually does damage in firefights
considering the game is from Mason's POV and you're just seeing his memories, it would make sense that he remembers it like that
It's not that bad, it's just a few lines that Mr House says.
I'm not a NV apologist, but at least NV made up for it by having one of the most open-ended main quests in CRPG history.
The game gave you 3.5 parallel branches for the second half of the main quest. Consider that most RPGs today will give you just one, where you may get some superficial good-or-evil Bioware choice at the end of it. Fallout 3 had no significant branching, at all.
This is something Bethesda games keep doing, in that they refuse to allow you to confront people with the shit they've done because they need to follow their "character arc" EXACTLY AS INTENDED:
Any Persona / Shin Megami Tengay game.
the plot twists in P3 and P4 for easy to see from miles away
SMT3 had no plot twists and it had a great story, you dumb f*ck
It wasn't fucking unnecessary. It sets up the final boss for MG1.
I don't think we needed Kojima to dedicate years of his life towards crafting the final MGS game to be an explanation of a throwaway tidbit nobody ever lost sleep over in a 1980's MSX game, in a franchise notorious for bringing characters back for no good reason other than it being cool
Xenoblade chronicles.
The entire last few hours was just bad plot twist after bad plot twist.
You are right, but let's be honest here, nobody cared about that. It was a small hole which could be filled by saying that BB in MG 1 survived in some way, or some other reason, you name it. Most of the fanbase didn't really need an answer about that. Everybody expected to see BB being a big meanie. We saw his motives for going rogue in 3, and it would have been cool to see him actually being evil. But we're playing as a Jesus-like body double. It's disappointing
Remember: Shaun and the Institute's definition of humanity is the the same as the Enclave's.
Namely: they are the last, pure strains of humanity and everyone else are subhuman mutants and freaks.
>tfw I killed the SRB director to get kicked out
>They send at least A HUNDRED fully armored gen-2 synths to kill me
>They spawned in the fucking halls when you get out the elevator
>And in the relay chambers
>I had to gradually grind my way through dozens on dozens of synths for over a half hour, constantly fluxing in and out of NERD RAGE state
admittedly, it was the first time I realized what a menace the Institute truly could be.
>fucking fallout is ruined forever
>Bethesda have indeed irreparably ruined Fallout
Newer games being shit doesn't erase the good ones. It's debatable if there ever would've been a good Fallout game even if some other dev had picked it up.
The plot twist in AC3 was great. Everything after it was fucking stupid, but the twist was very well done.
As for other twists, Nier was great. The twist itself isn't all that, but it's more the way the game presents it to you during ending B.
Usually big ones are shoehorned in and lead to loads of unnecessary exposition. It rarely works, unless it's a Professor Layton style plot built off ridiculous but fun Sherlock Holmes style bullshit. Plots that subtly move with lots of little unexpected events are preferrable, like Witcher 3, or even ones presented through gameplay, like Ocarina of Time or even Bloodborne.
did i hurt some weebs feelings? oh my.
The Atlas id Fountaine twist was predictable (they actually left clues for player to figure it out beforehand), but the one with you having been mindcontroled all the time hit me quite hard. Also revealing that you played the whole 3 first acts of AC 3 as a Templar without knowing it. I kind of expected that, but it was still pretty good twist in my opinion.
>The plot twist in AC3 was great.
It was nonsense. Connor's entire drive was his desire to avenge his tribe. He finds that CHARLES REEEE didn't do it, and instead it was Washington, and his reaction was to throw a smartass onliner at Washington and still go WHERE IS CHARLES REEEE like a retard.
this is the point where I stopped playing.
I literally couldn't give two fucks about what happened to anyone. Seriously, it just didn't do anything for me. It was a big build up with a bunch of faceless nobodies, then to this. Fuck this shit.
What about plot twists you saw a mile away but still affected you anyway?
For example, I saw the Yellow Heart thing from a mile away when she first appeared but normal end was still pretty fucking dark
Would've been better had it been a baby in a robot that was running the institute.
I always expect to be screwed over by some bullshit plot twist or something if I go the evil route in games. I think the worst example was Steambot Chronicles
>Betray your friends and join the evil army
>Climb the ranks by fighting against your former friends
>Betray your leaders
>Beat them in single combat, become the new leader
>You are now in control of a massive army that has decisively won every battle and ready to take over the world
>Two year time skip for post game combat
>You wake up in jail
>You and your army were defeated off camera
What the fuck man? How did I even lose? I'm the strongest motherfucker around AND I have a giant mobile fortress thing!
Does anyone have the greentext story that ends something along the lines of:
>I want you to make a synth version of me
>... alright
>Its so horrifically bad. I was stunned when it happened, during the entire lead up I was saying "No, no no no they can't. This isn't happening."
You know I actually think the idea of it is kind of a great one. The initial setup I mean where a kid gets taken from your frozen vault family and then later becomes a figure like the Father.
The only problem is we really have no attachment to the kid with the little time we spend with him. The pacing can be way, way off given Bethesda's over need to compensate for players who want go jack off in the wastelands for possible years in game and the actions of the institute just don't make a whole lot of sense given the circumstances of the wasteland and the child's own knowledge of his parents and their want to find him.
In a better game it could be a really good plot twist and I can kind of see what they thought the impact would be. The only problem is I feel no immersion to Fallout 4's world or any attachment to the character singularly up to that point to really care about the twist in the first place.
>that pic
Kek at least F4 had some qts in it
I thought Arkham City's twist was done pretty well at the end. It had the right amount of clues in the game for the player to notice without being too predictable, at least to me it wasn't.
Arkham Knight's was okay, but yeah the game dragged on a bit.
Unfortunately I didn't go into it unspoiled but I felt that the KOTOR 1 twist most people should have been able to see coming.
>Big Badass we can't stop talking about
>Not quite sure what happened to him
>Oh by the way you are incredibly talented and have amnesia.
It also becomes glaringly obvious if you are a female as there are only like 2 women with names in the entire game including you so it's not a shock.
3.5 parallel branches, each of which allow you to ally with/destroy whatever faction you choose. It's even better than it sounds really
Nier's because it just makes everything suddenly infinite times more depressing, and you realize you were basically fucked from the halfway point onward, irrevocably.
Did they ever explain why baby shaun is black regardless of your race?
I don't know if you can call it a plot twist so much as a lore twist, but the idea that your choice at the end of the first game lead to the same circumstances in the second game regardless of said choice really pissed me the fuck off. for one it took a lot of the mystery out of the lore and it kind of ruined the significance of the first game entirely. I haven't played DS3 yet to know if it makes this shit better or worse, but know as my thoughts on the first two games stand the second game lorewise is an abomination.
>MIT niggers actually think their "institute" is any good
Kek'ing at these fools wasting money on an education that isn't cost effective.
But at the end of MG1 we get a text box from Big Boss saying he's still alive
There was no setup needed.
There was no plot hole to cover.
He just didn't fuckin' die the first time, how hard is that to understand?
I mean shit, Liquid fell how many feet off the top of REX and somehow lived to get shot full of lead in the driving shootout?
And then he dies from FOXDIE instead of his actual injuries.
Like, come on. Big Boss can survive his base exploding.
Fallout 4 does literally the same thing and it's the worst game ever? Lol gtfo obsidiots
>fallout 4
He had good genes.
To me I just assumed it meant that the firelinking ending was canon, since naturally if you ushered in the Age of Dark then there can't be a sequel like DS2.
Try Soul Nomad.
You "win" quite decisively in that. No tricks.
Which plot twist? The entire thing was fucking plot twists.
Are you talking about the "cycle" thing in DaSII?
It's kinda still there in DaSIII, but I like it more than other "cycle" stories in that it isn't just "oh the same timeline is on repeat" and it's more like, the same circumstances keep happening, the Age of Fire is on life support and humanity can't pull the plug, that kinda vibe.
I thought the idea was dumb in DaSII, especially with like
>this shitty boring boss was Gwyn the whole time :^)
That was dumb
But DaSIII doesn't really do that fan pandering thing and goes for a more straight-laced application of the idea.
I didn't play FO4
What was the actual point of making synths?
Any JRPG with an 'end of the world' plot.
>mfw obligatory multiple plot twists
>No tricks
>Win has highly suspicious speech marks around it
Well do you consider it victory if you do what you set out to accomplish but this means you literally fuck everything up and destroy existence?
The solution to every murder is either everyone lies to Battler and then dies or Shanon and Kanon can be "dead" even though Yasu is still fucking alive.
Fuck you R07, this is cheating.
...Depends if you knew and were okay with it, I guess?
If you didn't side with the institute you should neck yourself
Well you are in that game. At least for the demon route.
You are probably the most evil character in video games in that route. You're a real fucking bastard.
Anyone else shoot him on sight and feel like the game skipped a major plot point?
I went back to the Minutemen and told them we were at war and the institutes leader was my son and I had no idea what my character was talking about
>What was the actual point of making synths?
who wouldnt want a robo-fuckbot to do your bidding?
Did someone say games with plot-twists and consequences?!?
They use some of them to replace authority figures and leaders to subtly control the population or something. They also bodysnatch random hobos out in the wastes for no reason too, so who knows. They never actually bring up why they keep replacing people and what they hope to accomplish by doing that at any point.
At least not that I've seen. It kinda feels like they just wanted Bladerunner/Snatcher in their game but couldn't be assed to have any of it make sense or have purpose behind it, so all you get in the way of explanations is FOR THE GOOD OF HUMANITY
Why is his hair blue?
Is it explained or do the conversation wheel hinder you from asking about it?
I don't remember where they actually say it in the second game, but I think that red haired fire keeper actually tells you that fire linking and the age of dark would lead to the same circumstance and I'm not entirely certain of this but I know other characters imply the same thing in conversations.
Well the idea that the lord souls were literally the same ones transferred into new bodies was bad enough, but the broader implication of it all that your choices don't matter and in the end the souls don't really matter either is kind of even more of a daunting implication on your characters and their actions and the whole fucking point of the games. I think they realized how much of a dead end this was lorewise because they tried to make all the crown dlc imply that there was a way out of "le cycle" bullshit but it also made the souls and the substance that was so important to the games that it was the fucking title less important. Which just pissed me off even further.
pretty sure you two are arguing over different twists.
The AC3 early game twist was fantastic and the one people generally tend to converse about, not Washington nonsense.
You did, they were intending for him to tell you.
You're pretty boring then, why wouldn't you want to see how bad the rest would be?
The story keeps rubbing itself further into horseshit after that point. It all falls apart.
I remember my favorite moment in New Vegas was killing Caesar and everyone in his camp with Boone.
Once you kill everyone and talk to him he says something like "sure feels good, but they always have new leaders", ofcourse this is a drastic change in the game and they wouldn't change the whole story, but even so it felt good to know that Obsidian accounted for you and Boone doing the realistically impossible, and even having a voice line for it. It felt like some pipe dream that me and Boone fufilled in our own little bubble, the ultimate revenge for his wife.
In FO4 you can't even take a synth bro to the Institue, I mean what the fuck?
>mfw taking the reporter bitch to the radioactive 'sea cave' to meet Winston
>mfw the bitch starts going ape shit & attacking him
You know that pose reminds me of how bad Bethesda's body language movements are even for characters with set movements in a set area doing mandatory conversations. Even a shitty company like Bioware had the knowledge to capture the way actors moved for their main characters. Bethesda's look so unnatural its comical beyond belief.
Nigga, you just don't get his COMPLEX MOTIVES.
>get there for my first time yesterday
>playing purging BOF character
>kill the mastermind when he appears
>all the doors are locked
>can't talk with my son
>quest is just "exit the institute"
>look up online what I did wrong
This is just so fucked up
Half life 2 was way ahead of this game's character movement & actions, and it came out in 2005.
Would you count the upside down castle in SOTN as a twist?
Also, Xenoblade Chronicles in its entirety
I agree, your character is obsessed with finding their son, but as a player you don't really care. The story of Fallout 4 doesn't fit the game at all. It's the same with FO3, you have a goal that your character and important npcs want you to complete as soon as possible, yet as a player you want to wander around and explore.
The twist there is that Richter didn't go rogue, he was possessed, and it's fucking brilliant and integrated with gameplay.
I liked Curie when I first picked her up and I felt for her "want to become a human" plight in a way.
Then I put her in a synth body and lost all attraction to her whatsoever. Not sure if it was the face, or the short dyke hair, I dunno.
LISA did a 100 times better story about a parent going on a quest to find their child.
KOTOR had a really good twist.
what would neets with near infinite resources do when they discover how to make and brainwash humans?
The worst part of the plot is Shaun's motives. He tells you verbatim that he released you in the wild just to see how long you would survive, and was surprised you made it to the Institute.
This is probably why Emil got an award for writing.
This shit right here.
The problem with that twist wasn't the twist itself it was the villains stupid plan that revolved around it and the consequences of it.
>FF8 has one of the worst twists
Damn you havnt played a lot of games
I'd like to say I play a lot of RPGs but never have I seen an entire party all turn into insufferable dregs of characters so hard in one scene.