Why is this a thing?

Why is this a thing?

Mobile streaming seems like a massive pain in the ass.


Has to do with being hack frauds, mostly.


I am curious now. How would a stream like that work?
Isn't the whole game just walking around doing your daily life thing and occasionally taking your phone out to make a picture when it buzzes or something?

>Saw somebody with a stroller playing GO at like 3 AM in the park a few days ago

>Thought they were just irresponsible parents

I'm not sure which is worse tbqh

>Isn't the whole game just walking around doing your daily life thing and occasionally taking your phone out to make a picture when it buzzes or something?

No, you have to have the app open while you're walking. It basically makes your phone useless for doing other shit while on the move, which is why I played it for an hour and deleted it.

see for yourself

twitch tv/previouslyrecorded_live/v/77877704

Le hack fraud meme
ha ha ha
just like every single youtube comment
epic for the win

But the "gameplay" is still you walking around town, and your phone beeps, and you take it out to make a picture? Is there more game than this?

>Rich was actually seen in public pushing a stroller next to that anthropomorphic bed sheet in his big gay hat.


You walk around with your eyes glued to your phone, if you lock your phone or anything the app will stop. It doesn't keep track of you unless you're in the app

I don't play it because I'd rather not have my expensive phone out in the open for anyone to grab, or that I can't really pay attention to everything that's going on around me

You get vague hints on where nearby pokemon are so you can track them, landmarks are marked on the app for you to go to and get items and some landmarks are gyms for you to either fight or help defend depending on which team its controlled by at the time.
You'll very rarely open your phone and muck around with it for 5 minutes unless there's a pokemon right next to you and no others that you want, you'll usually have it out for a long time either tracking pokemon and walking to pokestops/gyms or camping a lured pokestop (which can last 30 minutes)

You can actually catch the pokemon you find. You have limited number of pokeballs, and just toss them with accuracy at the pokemon (the ball must hit them before touching the ground).
Once you catch them, you can power them up with generic resource you get from catching pokemon, and species specific candy you get from catching that species. You can also evolve them for a lot of the species specific candy, or trade useless ones in for candy of their species
Then you can visit a gym and train/battle the pokemon stationed there. Battles happen with the opposing pokemon in the center and yours in a circle around it. You can attack by tapping the other pokemon, dodge opposing attacks by stopping left and right, or use your pokemon's super move which charges up by attacking regularly. Battle goes on until one team faints or you run away

Pre Rec is fucking shit.

Don't bother watching the streams any more unless Jay is on.

So how are they streaming this? Mobile Data? If so I imagine that's a fuck ton of data just for this.

I watched their E3 stream for a bit and Rich seemed genuinely miserable. Jack can be annoying, but at the very least he has fun

>that fairly recent stream with Jay and no Jack

But goys!
Nintendo has come up with a $24.99 armband to get around that restriction!
You should get yours quickly, because supplies are sure to run out fast!
Er, what's that goys? ... sorry, guys? "artificially limited supply"?
Everyone should ignore idiot phrases like that, you're a crazy conspiracy theorist and your tinfoil hat's on too tight. "artificially limited supply", that's the most retarded thing I've ever heard.

Is this comment replacing memes in the bag?

Yeah using 4G

Hi Rich evans