He Bought Nvidia

>He Bought Nvidia

wait it actually runs worse in crossfire than with a single card?
based AMD

>tfw gtx 780

rx 490 fucking when?

>780 Ti performs almost the same as a fucking 750

Nice optimisation.
Glad I didn't buy nu-D44M since they were dumb enough to release a demo.

SLI obviously doesn't work with vulkan/doom, fuccboi.

atleast it doesnt hurt performance, unlike crossfire

Yeah crossfire 280x's here can't even start the game with vulkan and crossfire enabled. I do get around the 80 fps this benchmark is claiming from the single 280x though which is a big improvement from having to play on all low in opengl.

So.. Are there are any other benchmarks than this one Doom benchmark that's been reposted for the 100th time?

you're retarded

>RX 480 beating GTX 980 SLI
>7950 beating OG Titan AND 780Ti
>a high end 2013 card getting wrecked by mid range 2012 card.
And this is with async compute disabled

>faster than the 380X
>0 SLI scaling
>960 faster than a OG Titan

What the fuck is even happening

Its hurt but nigga, with Nvidia is literally the same.... You know.. just don't use multiple gpu at any brand?
The R7 370 (Which is a R7 265 rebrand) beating the 780 ti.

Why no 1070 benchmark?

I mean, we all know it's gonna be like 5-10% above the 980ti, but it would still be nice to see.

Incompetent devs.
I can max out Witcher 3 while downsampling with my 780Ti with stable 60 FPS, but can't run d44m on mid-low settings in 1080p without it dipping into 30 FPS even in the very first empty room of the game.
If it wouldn't look like a 2005 game and actually used some kind of advanced real-life like lighting like raytracing I'd say it's time to upgrade, but it does not.

>he bought doom

>I can DX11 games very well
>What is DX12/Vulkan support?

>What is DX12/Vulkan support?
Apprently something which decreases performance without increasing visuals.
A bad deal.

Gotcha Senpai

what is the point of this thread, idgi.

so if I'm reading this right, my 1080 still CRUSHES anything amd has?

Thank you for the honest answer, but you missed this part
>Apprently something which decreases performance without increasing visuals for Nvidia Cards.

Why the fuck dom't they usually include the 390? It's a very popular card

>inb4 rebrand
Not the point

>my 7970 from 2012 is still good enough for 60 fps maxed out

The 390 is probably between the 290x and 480.

Based AMD


what the fuck does that mean

I like gamersnexus better for benchmarks desu

>mfw dx12

>A $650-$800 card beating a $400-550

Min is the minimum FPS the framerate goes.

Lets say your average is 50 fps, and the lowest FPS you witness is 33. That is the min.

That's an interesting result.

The 480 is very close to the 1070. Weird.

That doesn't make me feel apprehensive about buying a 1070.
Nope. Not at all.

Amd haven't released their new highend cards yet

Its funny because that card was equal to a 680 when it came out, and now its beating the 780/ti original titan by a large margin which came out a year later and more expensive.

GTX 1060 benchmark when?

user no, frametimes only mattered when nvidia was doing badly. Like that totally reasonable watch dogs at 4k with MSAA on mid range cards comparison.

The 1070 the 1080 still competive card enough but I would look out for Vega. They have enough performance to be on pair with AMD DX12.

I would not buy anything lower from now. The 1060 looks like a joke now

>my 770 is being shit on by older amd cards

fucking kill me already

I literally cannot believe that AMDs future proofing scheme worked.

Thought it was going to ruin them again like with Bulldozer.

I'm just trying to figure out how the 480 is coming so close. It's a less powerful card by quite a bit, and optimizations can do only so much.

In fear of being called an nvidia shill defending his purchase, I think Pascal still has more to give.

>1200$ titan from 2013 is getting shit on by a year older 350 dollar HD7950 card

Titan is the official JUST gpu.

I mean, I would imagine it's around the 290x level. I don't really have a reason to upgrade mine, especially as it can OC decently well.

who else waiting for Vega this october? Hopefully it will bring 1080 performance for double the price of a 480. about 400$ seems like a good price to bring back the competition.

Yes, let's buy amd so you can have better performance in a whooping total of one game while getting shat on in everything else!

I'm convinced, what could go wrong?

280x is actually the faster card

What was the point of bulldozer anyways?

What was amd's master plan with that?

>tfw didn't fall for the Pascal "is gaming perfected" meme

Feels good desu

How about across 20+ games

What card do you have user?
I'm still going strong on my 780ti, the fact that I don't always get 60fps is why I stopped half way through DOOM though.


That seems counter-intuitive.

Games fully using all the CPU cores.
Turns out, Devs can't be fucked to fully use 4 cores in 2016, lets alone 8 cores in 2011.

>Really? That seems counter-intuitive.

The 280X was quite expensive at release, the 380 is a cheapie card that is still one of the best bang per buck aimed at the gtx 960

an attempt to justify their failed purchase from a brand that's falling apart right in front of our eyes

>Games fully using all the CPU cores.
>Turns out, Devs can't be fucked to fully use 4 cores in 2016, lets alone 8 cores in 2011.

I don't think dx12 can even use past 6 cores.

Has bulldozer improved with the new apis? I see no one doing cpu tests. Well not like it matters with zen on it's way.

Hes also right

>970 is already behind

That's why I refuse to get a 1070

You just know the 490 will shit on it especially if it has HBM2

God I fucking hope not. This was my first upgrade, all the way from a 570.

I played with pretty much everything on ultra with my 280x and had maybe a few dips to around 50.

You got played son.

>tfw GTX760
should have gone with 270x/280. But then again i'm already getting 480 when it's out

All you gotta do is look at the op

290 vs 770
390 vs 970
970 has 3.5 vram and no async
390 has 8gb and async. Though in this picture I used the 480 as a placeholder since the 390 tends to perform 1-2 fps better.

The 490 will have async and my guess is HBM2. If you want a decent card within 3 years, you'd be better off avoiding nvidia. I'm sure that 1070 will be solid for 2 years though.

490 vs 1070 will play out the same way.

God dammit AMD, announce the fucking 490/490x already

>he bought AMD
Woops lol

I'll take a look myself at the benchmarks and then decide between the RX 480 and the GTX 1060.
I have no trust in these fat virgins who unironically fight over graphics card brands.

We shall see. Nvidia said that they have async computing (ie: True DX12/Vulkan support) but they holding back the drivers

>To stupid to look at the post...

vulkans are out?

Let's see the performancios I get

36/40 fps

B-but I've played this game at higher than 120 fps with my 780!

Why is vulkan so gr9?

>he bought AMD


they said the same thing about maxwell cards
also they refuse to directly comment about hardware async compute

just poo in my gpoo senpai

Is the 480 worth upgrading to from a 970?

They are basically the same spec wise, most games have them be less than 10fps apart on same settings

>upgrading a $250-$300 card for a $199 card

The state of Sup Forums

>tfw your card is so old it stops appearing on benchmarks

If I were you, I'd sell it on ebay and get a proper 8gb card. Preferably with async compute.

3.5 vram is gonna be a bitch down the line m8 and nvidia could care less about the 900 series now as always.

>1 out of the 2 vulkan games that exist still performs better on nvidia

Vulkan/DX12 is the future

>Vulkan is the future
>0%/negative scaling with multiple GPUs

Looking for a serious answer here, can anyone say if the 1060 is a good pick up for a budget build?

I heard it's supposed to be cheap.

1060 3GB $150
470 4GB $150

>Nvidrones BTFO

people are forgetting about the lower spec cards coming this month