What's the best DOOM game?
It can't be Ultimate Doom can it?
What's the best DOOM game?
It can't be Ultimate Doom can it?
DooM 2 has most content but weakest vanila levels
DooM 1 (or Ultimate DooM) has best levels but gets stale quicker and not as many maps
DooM 3 is a joke
D44M I didnt play it yet so I cant say
So Doom 2 > Ultimate ?
What about Brutal Doom?
Doom 4 gives the original dooms a run for their money. It doesn't quite surpass them because how can you surpass it but its definitely a fun game that captures what was good about Doom.
Brutal Doom is to DooM what Misery is to Stalker.
shitty mod praised by people who did not get what the game is about, autist developer, cancerous fanbase, and poor design decisions all around.
Yeah but is it still worth trying? Might be cool
>you will never spit enough lightning to rock shock the boogie down to brighton
'ight then
Get the Starter pack, totally fuck awesome.
It's actually fucking professional tier, it's so goddamn good.
>i am white : the thread
Vaudeville Villain is the best DOOM
Watch this vid. It'll tell you everything.
Just downloaded it now.
There should be an overhaul like New Vegas but for Doom games. Imagine a 3D proper shaded Doom on PC
Play it, there will be no sadness.
Only Doom.
yeah go and try it, just keep in mind that novelty will wear off rather quick, especially if you like playing custom maps because BD breaks balance of weapons and enemies
for more interesting gameplay mods you may want to try things like GMOTA, DemonSteele or space pirate (if its out yet)
Ultimate = better level design
Doom II = better weapon balance and enemy variety
Doom 64 = horror in doom while still mostly playing like a true doom game
Doom PS1 = some unique levels only in this version although you could play them in wads anyways, also has a unique enough feel that it is worth at least to mess around a bit with it
Doom 3 = underrated game that although had many things wrong with it also did a lot of interesting thinigs to
NU-DOOM = I have not played it yet
Never played a single bad Doom game not counting awful ports.
There is a level where there is a counter invasion of Hell with tanks, jet fighters, and about a hundred AI allies with you.
It is so awesome, I don't care if it's unbalanced.
Level vid.
you gonna justify fanfiction that plays like shit? lemme guess you enjoy terry wads as well
This is now a (MF) DOOM thread.
What's his best album besides Madvillainy?
>praised by people who did not get what the game is about
John Romero likes it.
Or at least, he thinks it's hilarious and kind of wishes Brutal Doom was the Doom they released in the '90s just to see the public fallout.
I really enjoy Mm....Food
King Geedorah
Vaudeville Vidyagaems
either of the viktor vaughn albums. i prefer vaudeville villain to venomous villain though.
What the fuck are you talking about
BD: Ebic Blood, Gore, and sprite mid, harder difficulty options, some modern aspects that don't change the game too much
Misery: Literally that. Enemies are unfair and everything is against your odds for absolutely no reason at all.
I've never listend to MF DOOM, does he really just rap about food?
They're all the best Doom game
Except Doom 3
> don't change the game too much
how about death animations of enemies that block your rockets and projectiles, basically fucking you in the ass when fighting a crowd?
how about godmode when using fatalities that heal you?
how about earrape caused by screams of enemies?
how about weapon balance being fucking retarded and breaking many maps?
how about hitscan enemies sniping you across the map with REALLY high accuracy?
I could add some more things to the pile, such as author being manchild and community attributing sourceport features to the mod, such as mouselook, but I think this short list should give you a hint.
>inb4 this barely changes anything
it changes A LOT
play any bigger or hell play any custom map and you will see for yourself
Only on Mm.. Food
To go fatality God mode, you have to punch an enemy quite a few times, even a common pinky. This leaves you very vulnerable so it's only fair, since enemies are *much* deadlier in melee range in BD than vanilla
The only death animations I think you are talking about is when they lose a limb and began kneeling and bleeding out. It's actually not even that big of a deal, Doom games have plentiful of ammunition to begin with.
The enemies are also not hitscan. In fact I think in vanilla they were.
One thing I won't defend is the brutality bonus. That is just dumb. But the rest has compromises and I don't see why this is a bad thing
I heard the creator and fans are assholes, but this has nothing to do with the mod itself
And Black Metal difficulty is how Doom is meant to be played. That shit is lit as fuck.
It is. Doom 2 is the best if you value modability over the included maps. but judging it from an out of the box perspective Ultimate Doom is the Ultimate Doom.
or pick up berserk pack and oneshot nearly everything, since fist has high refire rate its ezpz
its not about ammunition, its about body acting as a cover and others not getting hit, another case might be when you shoot shotgun at such body and bullets ricochet back at you
not hitscan, just insanely fast projectile, same problem tho, they are too accurate at range and you will get fucked even by a zombie that you cant see
nah, choc doom is how it was meant to be played, no mouselook except for turning left and right and crisp low res graphics.
brutal doom works as its own thing, but the bigger problem than the mod is community that wants to run it with every map and every other mod out there without realizing that they are incompatible, and some things can be seriously broken, iirc you cant even play Valiant with BD
Episode 4 was fucking trash
Episode 3 was good at first and meh later
Episode 2 was lame as he'll
Episode 1 was perfect
I don't see how anyone can say UD>Doom 2
because D2 has shitty levels all around
also Ep4 was added in Ultimate version and it was designed as 2hard4u
hell first two maps are the hardest ones
Why is it always white people who post this? Do consider yourself a superior white?
>mfw I read the Romero made E4M2 in 8 hours in the early morning.
No wonder that level was a fucking mess.
Doom 1 - Amazing game
Doom 2 - It's more of the same but better, with more hectic and crazy levels and more insanity
Doom 3 - A betrayal to what Doom stood for, what was before a "fuck yeah" game which almost went together with some kind of a metal album, Doom 3 is much slower of a game, even on its own the game is too easy boring and slow. It takes itself too seriously and the art style is too black, if you look at other Dooms they were pretty damn colourful, they still had areas which were in pitch darkness but after that you'd get something much more vibrant.
Doom 3 in a gameplay stand point doesn't have much to bring, it isn't hard, it isn't intense, it isn't scary. The best part about this game is its graphics and impressive use of shadows, but that's really it. Level design is very linear, finding secrets isn't more about exploring the levels, it's more about just finding codes for certain doors to open them up. It doesn't deserve the name Doom, from a gameplay standpoint this is anything but Doom.
Doom 4 - A return to the form, the insanity is back along with are the vibrant colors. It puts great focus on actually fighting the demons, rather than Doom 3's "spooki" gameplay.
> Doom 3 = underrated game
What is this meme? The only thing the game bringed out was good sound desing and use of shadows, the gameplay itself is shallow, boring and slow.
The people want to know, and they want to know NOW
Doom 4 colors are Orange black and some red. They are far from vibrant
And what is this meme of shitting on Doom 3 ever since NU-DOOM came out?
Before NU-DOOM was even a thing and was basically in development hell there were numerous threads that praised Doom 3 as an underrated game with flaws. Now people shit on the game but that is because of bethesda shitters are doing it. Doom 3 is a decent game. Nothing shit about it.
It's because MFDoom sucks and only white people actually find his shit entertaining.
I felt bad no one would reply, so here's a (you)
You're confusing vibrancy with variety.
4>2>1>3 and 3 is still better than Doom 2.
Deathmatch me, cunt.
>What's the best DOOM game?
Brutal Doom played on maps generated by Oblige.
>tfw this shit kept me entertained for 2 weeks straight while I was lying in a hospital bed.