Let's Play watchers are as bad as pirates

>Let's Play watchers are as bad as pirates.

How true?


And I don't even watch let's plays.

i would have purchased undertale if i hadn't experienced the game via dunkey's playthrough.

No Undertale 2 for you then.

i think i'll manage to survive.

They're far worse.
At least pirates actually play games.

I can only imagine how many people speak authoritatively about games they've only experienced through watching some youtube personality suck at it and make dumb jokes and unrelated references and shit.

Not really related, but people that buy used games you can still get new are pretty bad as well.

Came here to post this. At least you can discuss games with a pirate knowing he has an informed opinion.

Pirates at least are small scale and the sale that they deny is only one person.

Lets players can actively dissuade thousands of people to not buy a game even if they liked it because the Lets player showed everything the game had to offer. All the while they are making money off of the Developers work.

I really wish Free use laws would get some sort of change where this case specifically would get changed so it stops happening. Its pretty disgusting how much money these fucks make off of one of the most transparent loopholes in the system.

>people who read movie synopsises are as bad as movie pirates


They're worse. They're massive faggots who don't even play the game.

What happened to the art
Their recent comics made Erin look ugly are they now aware people unironically want to fuck Erin?

do you have more
i only have this

Worse, since the people who crack games don;t make any money off of it, while all major Let's Players do.

I would have never purchased any fighting game, the FEAR trilogy, Deadly Premonition, or Max Payne if it wasnt for lets plays

im too poor for games so i watch let's plays with adblock on

that sucks man

In the sense that they're retarded? At least pirating requires some effort.

>people that watched someone reacting to a movie is the same as pirates who watched it alone

They're actually worse, crackers don't make money, Youtubers do, basically on the same level as buying games used from Gamestop, the publishers sees only one sale and gets none of the potentially hundreds of subsequent sales that Gamestop does get money for.

and with how most games are less game and more interactive film these days you basically get the entire experience from watching someone else play it

If i know im going to be playing a game in the near future that someone is currently making videos about on their channel then i play it before watching.

I did that recently with Kirby Planet Robobot.

And i wouldnt have gotten into Persona 4 if i didnt watch SuperJeenius's excellent LP of it.

>making a character look ugly because you don't like there being porn
That's just stupid, if you didn't want porn of the character you shouldn't have released them.

I can understand watching short snippets of someone play a game and give their opinion on it like what LGR does or edited long-form videos that go in-depth over an entire game like Bunnyhop's MGR LP or Matthewmatosis's DeS/DaS/DMC1 critiques, but for the life of me I don't get watching someone play a game from beginning to end with little to no edits while they talk over it. It's just so fucking boring and makes me wish I was playing the game instead.

I remember few indie devs complain about this. The last being the devs of Firewatch. But really it comes down to this. You shouldn't get the same experience from watching a game as you get from playing a game. If you do, it's a flaw with the game and fault of the developer. Take a story driven game like Catherine for example. It has narrative choices you get to make and fully though out puzzle sections for you to get good at. You might watch a playthrough of Catherine but the choices made and the gameplay challenges overcome should make you feel like you didn't yourself experience the game. Or for an example a character action game which often have very entertaining stories to them. You might watch a playthrough of DMC3 but you didn't yourself play the game, experience the gameplay, invest yourself in it. You might know how the story goes now but there's so much you yourself didn't get to go through. On the other hand you have something like Gone Home where the gameplay consists of walking over to objects and examining them, later finding a key to the attic that ends the game. It's not at all deep mechanically and the gameplay is there only for you to piece what's happened out of order, putting it together in your head. This is where you would get the same effect from watching a full playthrough of it. Same with Firewatch. Maybe video games were not the right format for the project these people wanted to make.

They aren't.

They're worse. At least pirates actually play the game and nobody makes money off piracy.

>want to look up a specific part of a video game
>I've long given up on finding no commentary stuff so fine, let it be LP shit
>stumble upon one of those platinum faggots who voice every bit of dialogue themselves

>you will never fuck erin

try LongPlays

if can fully experience your game by watching someone else play it then you made a really shitty game that flopped and your just trying to find excuses

its same as watching sports match on tv

>Implying your first world problems are worst than raping and pillaging the innocent

>but people that buy used games you can still get new are pretty bad as well
but it's the best way to get a legal copy while not supporting the game dev/publisher

>imagining Erin choking you down while she bounces on your cock, giving you this stare the whole time

>Critical Miss is still drawn by that tumblr girl

>legal copy
Who cares?

>while not supporting the game dev/publisher
And unlike a pirate who may eventually buy a legit copy if he liked the game to support the developers, a used games fag will not.
All the used games fag will support is FUCKING GAMESTOP.

>are worst than
Spotted the third world cuck

They both aren't bad, both aren't illegal (here).

they are like 2 men but K

I thought it was drawn by two dudes.

I just finished the Two Best Friends playthrough of Ride To Hell and I can tell you, that game is improved immensely by not playing it yourself.

>This is the first strip drawn by the very talented, Niall MacGiolla, who will be filling in for Cory for the next couple of months.
The guy who draws it is on vacation or something and now it's just the writer plus one tumblr chick to do the drawings. Hence the disgusting new artstyle

That's a fair point. LP's are good for shit games.

Or you could just ignore shitty games

Pirate here

I watch Let's Plays if I want to get angry at how shit they are.

I shouldn't but sometimes I don't want happiness and want pure uncensored rage at how retarded some of these faggots are.


If I ignored shitty games I would've missed their fantastic playthroughs of Heavy Rain, Beyond Two Souls and Indigo Prophecy.

This is the exact reason why we needed SOPA. I don't care what people say, SOPA would have stopped all this bullshit.


Why waste your time with shitty games?

>you will never impregnate Erin, marry her, and raise a happy family together while you treat her right

How is it a waste of time if I'm entertained?

Well why don't we do something about this? We could try to start a petition to change fair use laws so LPers can't make anymore money.

Fair point. Silent Hill Downcoming and Homepour are also great playthroughs though.

I only watch things I've already played or things I'll never play.

I buy from my local game shop that only have about 7 UK-wide.

I bought the Borderlands collection used because it was £5 cheaper and I only really bought it to have something to play with my girlfriend.

Please tell me you didn't watch Deadly Premonition all the way through before purchasing it? If so you're a colossal retard who ruined one of the greatest twists in gaming for yourself.

The big LPers can easily persuade millions of people to play a game, and they can just as easily persuade those same people to buy a game (or alternatively, pirate it). On top of the of high-profile-persuasion on all their fans, they also will often play the game to 100% completion and through that a lot of people won't play a game themselves because they've already seen the entire game.

In my eyes, there's three kinds of pirates; the poor pirates, the tester pirates, and the -pirate- pirates. The poor pirates pirate a game because they can't afford to buy all the games they want to play, and usually will buy an official copy of a game they really liked, and these pirates are alright because they usually will still buy games when they have the money for it.

The tester pirates pirate a game to give it a test run, using the pirated copy as a demo to see if the game is worth their money or not, and they can either a) buy the game if they like it, or get rid of it if they don't, or b) not actually buy it but keep playing the pirated copy. If they're the A kind, they're the most acceptable kind of pirate because all they want is a good demo of the game so they're not wasting money; the B kind are less okay.

The -pirate- pirates are the common image we all think of when we think of pirates; they pirate every game, never buying anything, and just scour the oceans for booty to plunder. These are the worst kinds of pirates because they give no monetary payback to the creators. There's also the "occasional" pirates, who just pirate a couple of things and that's it, and they're alright since they only do it a few times, but that group is likely niche.

LP watchers are about as bad as poor pirates or testers type B, but at least the pirates are guaranteed to actually play the games they pirate; watchers may not even bother pirating a game. LPers themselves are a totally different 2000 character post.

they just become lazy
they make jokes about fapping to her all the time.

artist filling in

>World of Longplays exists
>still complain about commentary and Lets Plays because I like being angry

>Ride To Hell
fuck you, the game is a masterpiece


Let's have sex!

I only watch LPs of games I already played to see other people's opinions of it and if the LPer is interesting enough and ain't a fucking sperg.

Oddly enough, I watched all the way through a Firewatch Let's Play without hesitation, but I only got a short way into watching someone play SOMA before I stopped and decided I wanted to play it myself. Didn't regret the decision, either.

And yet they're both walking simulators with linear stories. Not sure what made the difference, in the end.

does anyone have the comic where that girl has a huge 3 headed dick?

You would burn down an art gallery to sell one painting.

In that contemporary pirates are just children, NEETs, and third-worlders with no cash? Sure, exactly as bad.

The turnover from LP view count to purchases is near fucking nonexistent. These guys aren't advertisments, they're entertainers who use the videogames as a backdrop. Their audiences aren't interested in actually buying games.

But either way, like the description of pirates reinforces, these aren't lost sales. Digital distribution has been made so easy and cheap that the only people who don't buy games anymore, are the people who can't.

Or absolute penny-pinching scrooges. Either way, no lost sales.

Did everyone on this board just go full retard over night? What is happening?

Far from it.
The vast majority of people who watch LPs are not watching them for the game, rather they are watching it more for the reactions of the people playing it.

For example; let's say you play a game that you really enjoyed, and you were curious as to how others reacted to the game. LPs are pretty good for that kind of thing, you get to see someone else experience the game as well, oftentimes blind, especially nowadays, since LPs are far less informational than they were years ago.

This seems to be the case usually, as far as I can tell, either that or it's a case like Five Nights at Freddy's, where there are so many secrets and cryptic shit that you couldn't be bothered to find it all on your own, even if you played through the game yourself.

One could argue burning an art gallery is a work of art itself.

I want dadaists to leave.

user, I want you to take a step back and really look at how fucking awful the internet has become. Was fighting SOPA even really worth it? I'd rather see these youtubers burn.

Not at all. An LP is not a replacement for playing the game.

>whenever I buy a game made by EA I buy it used
>this is somehow bad
pls explain

Only if your game isn't a game

I hunk the flaw in your argument is that you expect consumers to know that there can even be a difference between watching and playing. Plenty of kids will have zero urge to pick up a game since it's enough to watch that YouTuber all their friends watch, in their world. It's default for them now that horror is not something you play and react to, it's something you watch someone else play and react to.

At least, that's how my youngest brother a friends act. And they don't even think about it,it's basically just passive peer pressure. Everyone does it, so they have to too.

Piracy is free advertisement for all kinds of games
Let's play is mass cancer free advertisement for overhyped flavor of the month kind of games

>some posts say LP'ers make millions buy games
>some posts say no LP watchers will buy games
>no links to any kind of research
Just another Sup Forums discussion. There has to be some research on this, don't tell me the big publishers haven't done tons of focus groups and market research on this.

Their worse.

At least the pirate plays the game instead of bashing it with no actual experience and substituting with memes instead.


And with that, your argument means nothing


>Based getting the game off Dunkey's playthrough.

Dunkey skips chunks of the game in his video.