Now with EDF coming to PC, how long until we get Persona 5?
Now with EDF coming to PC, how long until we get Persona 5?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Suddenly Sup Forums cares about EDF
PC gamers need their own board. Shame they would just steal all of Sup Forums's topics.
What makes EDF coming to steam gives a signal to atlus to port P5 to steam?
Who cares? I have a PS3 still, and I'm not really sure if it's going to be a good game.
Shitposting. Report these threads already for breaking rule 2
Also learn to sage
PCniggers are so desperate for games that they hacked Atlus's site just to change PS3 to PC for 15 minutes
More japanese devs are starting to look at PC/STEAM, which means more japanese games for us, which means less reasons to own a bloodborne machine.
NEVER EVER just like EDF 4.1, right?
Oh, wait...
For your own sake
Stop waiting for Atlus to port their games to PC
Like literally when was the last time Atlus made a PC release for anything? 20 years ago?
Stop bumping and giving desperate shitposters (You)s already
Reminder: Only on playstation
Longtime EDF fan here. Loved the shit out of EDF2 and 2025, and I'm really damn excited to play this with all my steam friends now.
It's on the steam store page right now m8.
I know, its a joke. aka never trust this "only on" shit anymore for the 1 millionth time
>PCniggers are so desperate for games that they hacked Atlus's site just to change PS3 to PC for 15 minutes
That was proven to be sonycucks from neogaf actually
Just like a sonycuck made this thread
It's all sonycucks can do really. Make falseflag threads since they don't play the trash they shill or that hasn't come out
Ah I should have known I guess I'm too sleepy for jokes.
Delusion and dynamic IPs.
Hell, even the GCN Ikaruga port has the "only on" label despite already being on Dreamcast.
Who the fuck would get desperate over a mediocre JRPG anyway?
Plenty of virgins on PC got boners for Persona 3 and 4 by emulating.
depends friend, how's rpcs3 coming along?
The first one got a windows release.
Don't stop believin"
PS3 emulation is advancing pretty fast, my friend.
Well, even if it's by a PC/STEAM port or via emulation, one thing is for certain, Persona 5 on PC will run at much higher settings, such as 4k resolution and 60fps, than on the shitty bloodborne machine hardware.
I know you, you're the same guy as What's the deal with you and maymay hamster?
Soon, I can feel it...
Oooh, I can feel it...
It's called avatarfagging and is against the rules.
It should be ported by Other Ocean. I want another Symphonia disaster