Mention in passing that I don't like Pokemon GO

>Mention in passing that I don't like Pokemon GO
>"what, you're upset that sociable people are playing your games? Get out of your mom's basement gramps"
>"Yeah well sorry you're bitter and have no friends"
>If you post it on Sup Forums or /vp/ you'll get these reactions x10
Can't I just dislike it because I think it's shit? I'm not trying to make any grand statements about normies invading my franchise or ruining vidya, I just played it and thought it was a bad game. It's lacking in a lot of fundamental features that would make me enjoy it.

Other urls found in this thread:

Whom are you quoting?

why do you need to mention this in the first place? what will saying "i hate this game that everyone loves" do for you?

Fuck off Edgy McEdgelord.

>tfw I can't tell if these replies are ironic or if Go players are actually this autistic.


Because it's everywhere. It's not really possible to ignore it. People in real life and on the internet are all talking about it. If I get asked what I think of Pokemon GO (as I frequently do, being a Pokemon fan), what am I supposed to do, /pretend/ to like it? You realize how dumb that sounds right? Why would I NOT say I dislike it, if I dislike it?

I sure never saw this reply coming

You'd get these replies if you said something like "it's shit get this mobile trash off my board" not if you said "I tried it and I didn't really like it."

Making a thread about how you don't like a game is not mentioning it in passing.


Haven't been asked by anyone who actually likes it, but yeah. I think it's garbage, too. I can't believe that Nintendo had to try every other shit business practice before finding the one shit business practice that actually works. (watering down already popular things, adding a social aspect to it, and putting it on a mobile phone)

It is mobile trash with less depth than a pokemon game for the DS and the only people who enjoy this shit are shallow as fuck m8.

>if you like this thing I do not like, then you have bad taste.

You should run for president with arguments that great.

>my trusty galaxy grand cant run pokemon go

Its not fair!

Can someone please explain to me how I'm supposed to play this game?

I just downloaded it and my character is in a circle with the three starter pokemon. tapping on them does nothing and it looks like they're standing above water, there's no map or anything.

This is the first Pokemon GO thread I've made, and it's less about disliking the game and more about being tired of being treated like an asshole for disliking the game

> I'm not trying to make any grand statements about normies invading my franchise or ruining vidya

yeaaah right

>Because it's everywhere. It's not really possible to ignore it.

So talking about it more helps how?

Sounds like you are experiencing a bug. Tapping on them should take you into capture mode.

If you go out of your way to say the game is bad, try to explain why in every detail, make comparisons and that stuff, you're autistic for them. Also everyone is playing and liking it, so the reactions against will be much louder.

You can dislike it, just be cool about. It's just a game.

Uk fag here

Just downloaded and stuck at work so only caught about 4 pokemon so far

I can go for a walk on my lunch though and i work in the centre of town so there's millions of shit on the map.

My question is, when i get to level 5? Can i battle other players like my mates or what ?

He is quoting his friends, himself and other people and people on imageboards like Sup Forums and other forums.
If you can't differenciate who says what, you are probably autistic. No jokes here, you are autistic if you can't and that is coming from one of the big basement dwellers. Get some sense for language you fucking retard.

>make a reasoned well argued opinion, actually analysing and pointing out criticisms that you have with the game, with possible improvements
>lol autism
Todays society pisses me off.

>most threads about GO are started by people who are tired of hearing about it
Yes, it is flavor of the month mobile trash but complaining about its existence will not make it go away. Try doing something you enjoy instead.

>Pokemon is incredibly normie

Sup Forums isnt a hugbox circlejerk people voice their opinions freely. normie go is a shit app and youre a faggot

just let the long dick of passive device driven subservience slide into your asshole OP. don't question it just let it happen.

>nintendrones literally defend mobile cashshop non-games when nintendo does
let me off this wild ride

OP here, but I'm NOT tired of hearing about it. I think it's an interesting social phenomenon, it's bringing people together, and it's renewing interest in Pokemon which is one of my favorite franchises. I don't want it to be unpopular, I'm not wishing that the game dies a quick death, I don't want other people to stop having fun. I'm just rustled that every time (on Sup Forums, normiebook AND irl) I've tried to state my beefs and legitimate criticisms of the game, I've been treated like an absolute dickhead for it. That's what this thread is about, /not/ hating on GO itself.

Pokemon Go is the first game where its defenders on Sup Forums dont even argue that its good, just that you should either like it or shut up about it. No discussion allowed because "everyone loves it"

>Sup Forums isnt a hugbox circlejerk

Try saying something that goes against the general opinion around here, like "I enjoy Gone Home" or "undertale isnt bad", and enjoy the shower of (You)s.

its always been this way. People dont think about things or care about underlying makeup. if facebook says something is good then it is good to them, and if you disagree youre an outcast.

You know damn well that scenario didn't happen. You're just trying to respond to that black guy on youtube defending pokemon go.

I hate pokemon, but I would like to play game where you collect anime girls.

i've had fun for three days, but i've already hit a wall where i constantly throw pokeballs away because my bag is full, all the eggs i've hatched were shit, i can't find enough of pokes to get candy for my top pokemons and all the gyms are filled with 1000+CP pokemons. basically i can't do shit but walk around and catch 100th pidgey

ive seen a lot of defense for undertale on here. none for gone home but nobody actually liked that game. even reviewers only cared that a game existed with a strong progressive message

>Try saying something that goes against the general opinion around here, like "undertale isnt bad"
But that happens every day and they get dozens of people agreeing with them. I think Undertale is shit but thinking it's good isn't exactly an unpopular opinion around here, I don't know what you smoked

>Youtube eceleb cancer
What? OP here, I unironically have no fucking idea what you're talking about

It's normalfags being afraid of conflicting opinions as usual. Stop being a party pooper and just nod your head like you're supposed to.

I've been through mobile games for the last 5 years - each one I pick up and drop off eventually. I'm not investing any time into this kind of stuff anymore even if it's Pokemon and super popular. I have a big ass backlog waiting for me at home that I've started forcing myself to finish since the beginning of this year.

I don't see how some of my friend's don't understand this. I'm not going to feel satisfied spending my time with Pokemon Go when I know eventually I'll drop it in favor of a cartridge or disc based game I already own.

I hate it because it is all that is wrong with the games industry, and Nintendo is pretty much going to heavily go mobile after this.

Who* are you quoting. If you're going to bother with whoms, do it right.

>which is one of my favorite franchises
what a shit taste

>hating fun this much
typical Sup Forumsirgin
This guy came up with some new information no ones heard of

Can't i just be a contrarian hipster in peace and people think im special bc of my opinions and not an annoying contrarian hipster?

You can get to Lv.5 relatively quickly, just keep catching stuff.

There's battling at gyms but it's not conventional pokemon fighting. You just mash tap the screen until you win.

>13 seconds in
>that tryhard "ironic awkward" voice
Couldn't do it

>don't own a car
>live in rural town butfuck no where
>I have to walk 1km to catch a weedle

over rated game.

It is only good if you

A: live in a city

B: can drive to hot spot locations

I could take a bus into a bigger town and try find a hotspot but eh.

I do like walking to catch a new pokemon each day, but progress doing it the intended "legit way" without a car, and exercising, is slow as fuck.

I don't cheat either.

I started yesterday, have walked once. All I found in my town for a 1km walk is a Weedle, a Pidgey, and my starter Charmander.

Guess I won't give up but fuck being a poorfag with a laggy as fuck phone and shit aus mobile internet is suffering.

Undertale was liked here initially until the fanbase became unbearable. If you start a thread with a good point of (non-autistic) discussion I'm certain you can have a decent thread.

>let me off this wild ride

Feel free to leave and never come back. There are enough shitposters as it is, we don't need a retarded one who can't even quote the right posts that support his shitty argument.

Can you challenge other people walking around to a Pokemon battle? If not I don't see the appeal.

>disliking something other people like is automatically 'contrarian' if enough people like it
I guess we should all start listening to pic related then, he's pretty popular, we wouldn't want to come across like contrarians now would we? The majority is always right :^)

It will be implemented soon. August I think along with trade. Or a little bit later.

It's not legal to own niggas like this

go home neckbeards

pokemon is normie territory now

they don't want to interact with you, you're not a chad

Maybe I'll get into it when that happens, thanks mate :)

No surprise autists from /jp/ like Pokemon.

You'll be far behind everyone regards to levels. You might as well start now at your own pace

Instead of blogging about it, you could always tell someone you're not looking for a chat. And it's a social game.

Small talk won't kill you.

What an uptight cunt. You can just brush it of if somebody tries to start a small chat with you.

Also, why is the technology section her personal blog? What garbage paper is this?

>Pokemon GO is the ONE time when having 700+ Pokemon actually benefits the game
>Could have had actual diverse ecosystem, Pokemon that are genuinely exclusive to regions and countries
>Lapras common only in Scotland, Slugma's in Yellowstone National Park, New York has an abundance of Unovan Pokemon, Jynx overpopulation in Mississippi
>Instead, because they have under 150 Pokemon to distribute out, you pretty much catch the same shit in Moscow as you would in Sydney, with VERY few variations
>The second they introduce anything past Gen 2 Pokemon, the normies will undeniably drop it
I think this is the one time it's acceptable to bitch about normies ruining a game (even if Pokemon is normie city in the first place)

No, it works. Someone is being quoted. The "someone" in this case is the object, not the subject. OP is quoting ______.

OP is quoting him/her/them. For object pronouns you use "whom"

Fucking back to grammar school you little shit.
underage b&

>said something like "it's shit get this mobile trash off my board" not if you said "I tried it and I didn't really like it."

This. It's all about how you say things, not what you say.

And you instigated hostility via this line here:

>Can't I just dislike it because I think it's shit?

You would have better reception had you said you're waiting for the fundamental features of pokemon to come out.

>It's all about how you say things, not what you say
That's some Tumblr ass shit if I ever saw it.

>Can't I just dislike it because I think it's shit?
sure you can, but you don't need to be autistic about it and let everyone know that you're a special snowflake, nobody cares

He's right though. That's how people operate now

>normies will accept this as the real pokemon experience and willingly let themselves be nickle and dimed.

Mobley gaming I'd always a scam

It's like debating with smokers and vegetarians, OP

Just don't bother.

I mean, I'm a smoker. But at least I know I'm in the wrong and technically have shit taste/self-control

>but its fun
>followed by some tumblr gif

not that user but i am tired of seeing people jizz all over this game on facebook, and the minute i mention one thing about how the app is buggy on my status everyone fucking crucifies me in the comments for being a "hater." i'm sorry, the game is fun but it's also got some technical issues. can't both be true?

I way just thinking about how I really don't mind walking simulators, including Gone Home and that Bioshock Infinite was my 2013 GOTY

Let me guess you're that guy in a party talking about how mutch you hate hiphop, wearing a fedora, talking about you're dragon force album and katana collection.

I can't think of a good reason why someone would hate pokemon go.

Its free, it helps you exercise, everyone is playing it so assuming you have friends, its a good reason to hang out with your friends and exercise with them, and its fun if you don't take it autistically seriously which is understandably hard for some of you.

Having too many gens would overwhelm them, stop being such a stuck up dweeb and try to understand how your users who aren't gamers would feel

It's also still version 0.29 officially, they have a lot of updates to do

The place I work is a Pokespot, so we keep getting groups of giggling, phone-wielding millennials entering the premises without permission to get a Pokemon or something. My older colleagues are now talking about "The Pokemons game" like it's some new thing for children.

Why do normalfags have to ruin everything? I just want to play my turn-based Ninty RPGs in peace. Fucking phone culture.

So she's got autism? And it seems she can't read the big fuck notice that shows up each time you turn that shit one telling you to stay alert and aware of your surroundings, rather than having "my attention buried so deep in the events of my phone, I had no idea there was a man standing next to me in real life."

>not trying to get those digits


This. Most of these fucks never even played past Genwun, yet they still spunk their fake nostalgia feels all over it.

This is the cuntiest thing I've ever read. And I've never once used the word "cuntiest" before.

>this entire thread
>0.05$ has been deposited to your account

>trespassing for peer approval


A group of people having fun with a game ask you if you want to have fun with them. And you tell them i don't like pokemon go.

You're THAT guy. The guy whose always complaining about everything. How can you not like a game where you go around CATCHING POKEMON in the real world............. How?!

>are you playing Pokemon Go? Omdzzz pokemon red was on fleek, this app is so fun tears emoji tears emoji ok emoji
>Pokemon Sun and Moon? Huh, what's that? They still make Pokemon? Lmao you actually own one of those DS things, get away from me creepy nerd

I just installed it.
I never was a pokemon fan , but I'm curious about what I might find on my mtb rides.
I give it a week before I uninstall it.

>It's also still version 0.29 officially, they have a lot of updates to do

This. Wait on Pokemon Go Gold/Silver, then Ruby/Sapphire, Diamond/Pearl etc etc. Also they'll all be separate apps rather than strict updates.



>suddenly pretends to like Pokemon when Go comes out
>gets angry when people try to be social, seeing as the social aspect is essentially the only thing making it worth playing

It is pretty shit, but it's your opportunity to be accepted by the normalfags user. Don't be a bitch about it.

Because they completely shat on the actual fans and just pandered to normalshits who think they love Pokemon because they watched the cartoon when they were younger.

>what is bicycle

>Having too many gens would overwhelm them
No it fucking wouldn't, there would still only be like 30-40 Pokemon available in any given area but there'd be actual diversity in Pokemon available by location.

>get mad because it's so popular and I don't see any reason it should be

So, what kind of person am I?

I expect some newspaper to cover a story where a group of 10 year olds got robbed while walking around flashing their expensive phones. This game was meant for Japan where you don't get mugged. Not the States or anywhere else where there's a risk involved with being outside.

>Being so butthurt you have to make a wall of text

Calm down.

I know exactly how you feel OPEE. Our days are done. Normies along with their normie friends are running things now. There's nothing we can do about it. Sensible people like us are in the minority. To think that I actually played the REAL pokeymans games on my GBA back when I was a teenager. If I had gone outside to play it at that point I would have received nothing but ridicule. Why? Because it wasn't a socially acceptable fad at that point.

Dark times are on the horizon my friend.

>Hang around with friend
>spout my stupid opinions thinking that they're relevant in any way
>WOOOOW why are these people ripping on me?? ;_;

Maybe stop being an attentionwhore man