Good Ending Edition
Metal Gear Rising General
How was This possible?
The katana is folded over 15000 times
How was this possible?
Very small robots, my child.
nanomachines, son, butts dont get that good on their own.
op, you must be BATSHIT INSANE
Scientific Theories
>in Sup Forums
>for a 3 hour game that came out 3 years ago
>what is KS
newfag get the fuck out
It's quite clear that you don't know what /vg/ is for.
This is better than 90% of Sup Forums right now
>muh anime games
>muh Todd Howard is shit
>muh filename threads
Shut up and enjoy a game with good memes and good gameplay
Join the rest of the unwashed generalshitters.
"Why won't you die?!"
"Life fibers, girl. They harden in response to being worn. You can't hurt me, Ryuko."
MGR is as anime as it gets.
godammit I want a mgr with a klk skin so badly
Why did they nerf Raiden's ass after he became a robot?
Faster more flexible movement.
Also rape protection
Go back to /utg/
and they make this little noise "Mimimimimimimimimi"
MGR is one of THE anime games.
I was using synonyms, fag.
>Well it doesn't have annoying visuals and voice acting grrrrrrriuhjhhhhhhhhyytffffctfffdddddddrrddr
Basically it's the only good parts of anime