Denuvo officially cracked

what the fuck bros
this isn't fair

so the power....of China..


Too bad every game behind that DRM is shit.
They've essentially broke into a virtual sewer system.

it was bound to happen eventually
new denuvo version incoming

All Denuvo games are fucking terrible though.

Which is kinda funny, because even though they have this "uncrackable" DRM, they still sell terribly.
Fucking retards

8 months after

Literally nobody cares for the game any more

And nobody cared before

Still going to buy deus ex probably since it'll take another 5 to 6 months to crack and I'm not waiting for that shit

Still before the game got released on PS4 kek

Did they crack it or did they emulate another workaround?

wait for damage control of companies saying
>we knew it would happen
>we got more sales since it wasn't piratable since day 1

>CPY crack doesn't work any more
>We're going to stop cracking for a year to show how DRM is useless
>8 month later some random dude discovers a way to crack the newest version

It's true though.

Seems I'll be able to play that shit Mirrors Edge 2


Does this mean I can finally play MGSV without funding Konami

>All Denuvo games are fucking terrible though

Not MGSV, Just Cause 3 and Mad Max

Did MGSVTPP ever get a proper crack? Last time I checked it was still all this stupid 'change time zone, mission 46 fixer, post-prologue save file' malarkey.

I guess I kind of want to play TPP since I've played through all the other games, but I'm not desperate enough to sit through any of that crap, or fork out actual money for it.

Mad Max is terrible. You're a bad person and you should feel bad.

>Just Cause 3
>Mad Max

It it was cracked they wouldn't only do one game especially at the end of the month


was it your first MGS as well

You've named one good game and it's half-unfinished.

No game under Denuvo was worth the asking price of $60. They were all mediocre. The only exception was DOOM, but it's second part (multiplayer + snapmap) was complete garbage. Why do you think they've put Denuvo on it in the first place? Piracy increases the sales of games that are GOOD. Piracy isn't even a big problem, now that people would much rather buy the game on sale than fuck around with torrent. Piracy is only a threat to mediocre and untrustworthy games.

Sounds like they found some other tricky way of brute-forcing through a loophole in the system.

They're pretty sly, but stuff like this has to be done on a game by game basis and takes way too long.

>he didnt 100% the game already without giving konami any money

Forgot t was summer already

Please spoonfeed me, I'll give all the domestic violence porn you want

This desu. I don't pirate games, but out of all the games protected by it, I would only play the new Tomb Raider.

Literally most reviews are 10/10
Has more players than witcher 3 at steam

Don't trash a game because you can't pirate it

Mad Max is the same shit over and over. Same with Just Cause 3.

MGSV is average.

Mad Max is a timesink, Open world game to end all open world games. Similar situation with JC3, also not as good as JC2.
MGSV is a mess, Kojima is a hack. There is something there, but game itself is not great.

Only Denuvo game worth a damn is DOOM. And I already have it.

Except they're fucking terrible.

Pre-ordered it like a dumbass

Millions of flies like shit as well, proves nothing

>P2P cracks

Enjoy your buggy ass emulator that crashes all the time, only works on certain hardware configurations and doesn't bring the performance benefit of a proper crack.

I'll be waiting for a scene crack which should arrive by 2035.

welp, no more pc games I guess.

good job, pirates.

There's a workaround to play since 2 weeks after release.
I've completed it and paid 0 bucks for it.
The gameplay is solid but that's it.
It's a hollow game, filled with copy pasted missions inbetween the important ones.
Also unfinished.

What about Total Warhammer?

Does that mean it might or will have a crack soon ?

All I play is CSGO anyway

m8, you ever even tried looking?
there was a crack a few weeks after release
I don't know if this guy is a dumbass or just unlucky, but all I had to do was changing my time zone which was no problem at all

>all these retards falling for bullshit again

3DM are up to their old tricks. Just fishing for traffic.

How is doom good again?

I looked at some single player footage and it seemed really dull. Like current FPS dull, just slightly faster. Hell is even the multiplayer worth a shit?

>muh scene
Kill yourself my friend.

>I'll be waiting for a scene crack
Good news for scenefags everywhere then, because just like when 3DM broke-into DA:I and clowned everyone who insists on scene purity and Usenet loyalty, dinosaurs like CPY will suddenly-decide they care about breaking Denuvo in the near future (after releases stating that no one major will bother with post-MGSV Denuvo), and release something that's based on the horrible evil 3DM's findings

Wasn't that crack only for up to 1.05?

Normally this but I got 7day comp ban for d/c so now I just shitpost on Sup Forums all day and most of the night.

>wants to play it for free
>complains about some minor work
There was even a script around that changed the timezone long enough to launch the game.
You fucks are lazy.

Hahaha no

They can only emulate 1 game at a time and they've been at tomb raider since it released

Maybe next year?

>missing the spoiler

I was having a jest, my famicoms.

Homefront: The Revolution = NOT CRACKED
Mirror's Edge Catalyst = NOT CRACKED
Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter = NOT CRACKED

keep dreaming pc fags.


How many times have scene groups said they cracked Denuvo? Must be at least in the double digits by now.

why are you in this thread, then?

might be, I dont remember since I played it as soon as it got cracked

It's the best Metal Gear in terms of being a video game. It shits on people who like MGS 1-4 in every other way though.

well too bad you dont enjoy videogames

Neat. I wanted to play Inside.

Try zero.

>not good

Just because you're poor and can't hold a job doesn't mean the game is shit user

i actually remember back in march 3dm said they were like 99% close to cracking denuvo. Theyre just full of shit now. PC piracy is over. Too bad poorfags cant accept it as a fact.

Yup, I'm definitely lazy, but I also have a huge backlog of games to get through, so any game that requires extra hassle gets shoved right to the end of the list or removed from the list completely.

Never. They have only "cracked" individual games as in made workarounds. This is the first time anyone has claimed to have cracked Denuvo completely.

>pretty much all new games are using denuvo now

The pirate's life is truly over, lads... Back to F2P trash I go...

Reloaded said it literally two weeks ago and 3DM have been on and of for nearly a year now.

Here: xD

Guess I have to buy some of those games then.
What's the big deal?

PC always wins, baby. One less thing I have to pay for. Console cucks keep paying full price, PC ports keep getting made, I keep playing free games on better hardware. There has never, in the history of PC gaming, been a reason to pay. Games are software. Software has no value as it is not physical. If you pay for software, you're getting cucked.

There will always be console cucks to fund the creation of games which will be *also on PC. Ergo, fuck idiots who pay for games, fuck idiots who use Steam, fuck console cucks. Pirate Master Race out.

Wait until end of the month, only yesterday they showed the news, fag

why is Sup Forums so contrarian. its sad that you would prob download it asap once it comes up and then wont apologize to 3dm

Not wanting to pay if you don't have to doesn't mean you're poor.

How about getting a job?

What a shame, really excited for that one , just don't want to spend big money on it.

if there's a sale I might go for it

i am going to screencap your bullshit and at the end of the month, i will make a thread about this on Sup Forums.

Pretty sure he already has a job if he can afford a PC instead of cucksole.

>Mad Max
>Total Warhammer
>Tomb Raider

I want to at least try all of those for myself. If I buy them, and they're shit, I have to wait for the refund to go through which always takes too long for me. If I can wait a week to get my money back, or download a game, try it, and delete it in under a day, I think I'll go with the latter.
But this also means that Denuvo being crackable throws it to the side so less devs are gonna invest in it.

No it isn't. Almost all the other Metal Gears, including Piss Walker shit on it in terms of gameplay and stealth

Holy shit, they're all terrible games.

No wonder I've never had a Denuvo game. Because I hate the games themselves.


>played without DRM
That implies it's cracked, but we won't see until it's released I suppose.

I'll be waiting patiently

Every NEET can scramble bucks together for a PC while walking around in old rags and eating unhealthy cheap shit

Mad Max was cracked, I played and completed it without any problems.
MGSV was cracked too, no ? Don't know, wasn't interested in it
Just Cause 3 is either shit because it's shit game or shit because it has Denuvo, because no one played it therefore no one talked about it
If Just Cause 3 isn't shit in gameplay, then it's a good example how Denuvo automatically turns any game it touches to shit. It's probably safe to say that 90% of Denuvo games die in literally less than a month, because no one can pirate them to try them, no one talks about them, no one can recommend it to anyone etc etc, even if the "if the game is good I'll buy it later" is bullshit in most cases, it still sometimes meant a sale, while with Denuvo no one buys them.
Notable examples: every Denuvo game except maybe DOOM, but it had a good discount on SSS and a demo version so that might save it

>Reloaded said it

[citation needed]

I pirate absolutely everything, I don't pay for anything if I can get it for free, but claiming software has no value is obviously not true. But from the rest of your post I see you are trying to get a rise out of console owners, so I'll assume that ridiculous statement about software was to get a rise out of people like me, in which case, mission accomplished.

>They've essentially broke into a virtual sewer system

Games I've bought that have Denuvo and I loved them:
-Hitman - Trademark

Games I've bought that have Denuvo and I felt I wasted my money on:

It's a good game, but not 20 dollars good.

Yup, I have a pretty decent job. Keep my rig updated and ready to play all the games I didn't have to pay for. Stay salty, payer.

If publishers are really upset about piracy, then they'll stop making games. But that'll never happen because cucks pony up. You're basically paying admission to me and all my golden, beautiful Master Race brethren.

Nobody wants to play Tomb Raider at this point.

Why would I go through the trouble of torrenting some unmoddable fotm when I can set up original Doom easy?

If it had value, I'd have to pay for it. If it had value, it couldn't be copied endlessly with zero resources and distributed for free. Anything that can be duplicated and distributed to everyone that easily may as well be. Once again, if creators of software get really bothered, they can just not make it. I'm never going to pay.

>lying on the internet about not being a NEET
I feel good for paying for you poor souls with no money. Gotta help the weak.

>The gameplay is solid
Close, but no cigar.

because you hate fun

like 5 different groups have "cracked" denuvo and tweeted about it. its not gonna happen.

If I was getting government checks, I'd just pay for games because it's not my money. But money I earn is different. It's not getting spent on stupid shit like videogames, which are free. If you're spending an earned dime on vidya, you deserve to be poor.

>I'd have to pay for it. If it had value
that is why I dont pay for fucking your mom lmao

Piracy is stealing software, go buy vidya, faggots

Curious how you define 'value.'

>If you're spending an earned dime on vidya, you deserve to be poor.
Yeah so everyone should just pirate, right? Fucking retard.

You don't even buy the software anyway.

you'll get some replies

total warhammer, doom and desu ex 2 say hi

nice meme. the gameplay in mgsv is its one saving grace. level design and writing were shit. stop posting.