You always check your headphones before you put them on, right Sup Forums?

You always check your headphones before you put them on, right Sup Forums?

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Actually, I do. They are normally found on the floor.

Fucking hell OP.

I don't live in a(shithole)ustralia so I have no need to be scared of spiders.

No and I live in Australia right across the road from a bush.

This. Worst I have to worry about is gecko bros chilling with me

Spiders are harmless.

Only a few of them would want to live in the moisture of your ear canal anyway.

Nope. Australian spiders are weak

I use earbuds

Same, I had a lizard crawl up my pants once though. It's the closest thing to sex I'll ever have.

So did I. It feels pretty good with how lightly they step.

that spider is inside the headphones, not wearing them



this. headphones are way overrrated. you basically pay more for plastic and foam for no difference in sound quality

>live in sydney
>literally can be one of these fuckers in my shoes if i dont check in autum/spring type conditions
>usually there are or at least 1 or 2 in my pool

You get used to it.

Some of them are tree dwelling and 5x the size of this fucker though and i can't get used to that. They have bigger fangs than some of the biggest snakes in australia.

>straya cunt

Should we honestly even fear spiders? The chance that thing is venomous enough to necessitate a trip to the ER is slim to none. How many venomous spiders are there in the states? Like, 2 or 3 maybe? Even then, none of them are insta-kill. Fuck em.

holy crap i think my heasphones are getting like...moss? there's weird blue stains.

ew ;_;



>mfw saw a black widow on my curtains next to my desk last week

I normally ignore or scoop bugs outside,but I wasn't taking any chances with this one.

Clean your ears out you filthy caveman

>falling for the black widow meme

god dammit, user.

>Should we honestly even fear spiders?
some of them, yeah. but a lot of them are beneficial.

>have ants in bathroom coming in through tiny holes in wall
>spiders set up shop along their trail in corner of bathroom closet
>ants eventually stop going that way because they all die, find hundreds of ant corpses after a few months
>spiders start leaving because they have no food, but they're harmless so i put them outside
>they set up a new shop and start eating mosquitos

>tiny green jumping spiders on vegetable plants eating pests and protecting my food
>they're pretty cute

accidentally spray tiny cute spider with poison, watch it seize until it dies and feel terrible oh my god that poor thing what have i done ;_;

we have funnel webs where i live too, but you have to really look for them. I hate huntsman spiders the most, they are generally bigger and WAY too fast.

I think i could pretty easily handle a slow docile large tarantula, but the fast moving shit is NOPE. I don't care if it can hurt me or not.

You're gonna say they're not even really harmful or that they rarely bite? How do I know you're not a spooder?


I think there is a harmless spider that looks almost identical to black widows. Only female black widows are harmful. They are about 1.5 in in length and like to live in dark dry places.

fucking need more spiders in my life, I hate bugs but spiders are cool bros. Except when they're noisy. One time playing games, I suddenly hear a fly spazing out near my feet I'm like "What the hell?!" check it, and it's a spider eating a fly. Critical hited both of them so I could have piece but this went on for like 5 mins how much time do you need to kill a single fly?!

And that's why they shitpost.


My headphones are fucking filthy, holy shit.

I don't use headphones.

i do clean my ears, apparently not when i use my headphones (there's some gross light brown stains from ear wax ;_;)

i have a theory the blue stains are from minuscule moss bacteria in my hair, because my hair faintly smells and after a casual google search apparently it's some kind of moss?

this grossed me out when i first read it but i'm sure i'm misunderstanding something about it. a couple days of washing get rid of it.

and what this guy said

I use in ear headphones, so no.

So earphones?

Agreed. Spiders can be real bros.

Some of them are worth avoiding but I think it would be obvious enough to the victim of a bite that they need to seek treatment and then all should be well if they receive it. With so many other random dangerous things around us, I don't think spiders should be so feared. Admittedly I freak out a bit if they're on me though.

user, you are stone cold sum bitch. How do you sleep at night knowing you've caused such suffering?

I just googled and found out they are called canalphones.

I think you're phoning this in.

All spiders are poisonous

My place never has bugs, so no, but I think I will now because the thought of slipping on my headphones and having some mistake of nature crawling into my ear freaks me out beyond all reason.

>using headphones
>increasing bacteria growth in your ears by 10


what kind of pussy ants don't rek spiders?

I don't wanna be that guy but why are non-australians SUCH WEAK FUCKING POOFS?

Enjoy going deaf prematurely

Spiders are shit fighters. But their home turf straight up immobilizes everything (or in the case of humans, makes them hyper-mobilize for a few seconds in absolute panic).

Cheating fucks.

Jesus christ.

It's like all the poo in the ocean originates from India

>india poos so hard they hit australia

>not getting killed in your sleep by deadly spiders

>that brown water you always see Africans drink is just Indian shit

I'm just saying, whenever I've seen spiders confront ants the ants just teamed up and took them down.

Always. The thought of a roach or a spider getting comfy 3 inches into my ear is horrifying.

Literally no reason to do this.
Why would a spider go there, it's not like you'd get some delicious flies on some dude headphones.
Don't even get me started on how annoying it would be to have your work destroyed everyday.
Headphones, not even once.

>le SPIDARS EVERYWHERE XD meme from Americans again

When will this die? I live in one of the most spider-dense regions of Australia, northern Victoria. Just because spiders get bigger than the size of your fingernail doesn't mean they're omnipresent. This kind of shit is more obnoxious than dropbear posting.

sometimes, god i hate clean them
it's so damn torment

Spiders get everywhere.

Gotta hide somewhere as you're going from place to place to set up shop.

Are you b8in me, boy? I know spiders use venom to liquify their preys insides but I'm saying that most cases their venom isn't enough to harm us.

I got bit (I think) by what appears to have been a large spider on my toe before. Woke up to some light pain and itchyness and 2 red fang marks were visible on my toe about 1cm in length. It stayed red and itchy for like 2 months then went away. No biggie all around though. Either I got bit in my sleep or the day before I noticed it I felt like I bashed my toe on something in the basement. It was a grounding pain, like it brought me down and I laughed a little because I couldn't believe how bad it hurt to "hit my toe" like that.. the pain was short lived though.

>tfw 106 degrees later today
>scorpions, cockroaches, and mice will all do their best to enter my workplace just to get some shade

Fuck. This happened last year, and one of our interns actually got stung on his foot by a scorpion. He cried. I'd probably cry

if you honestly let those eight legged little fuckers kill you, you don't deserve to live in the first place.
That's why Australia is filled only with tough cunts, all the weak fags die.

I do since I first saw this picture a year ago or so

You don't need to have many. Just having them at all is enough. In Canada there isn't any creature that can bite me in the middle of the night and rot my leg away. It may be extremely unlikely to happen in Australia, but it's a hell of a lot worst than being literally impossible.

No, I just live in a clean house where there are no fucking bugs you fucking savage nigger.

So you're just a poofter, ey?

No they don't.

it's not that the venom can't harm us, it's that it can't pierce our skin. though certainly, dosage is an issue too.

>there's frozen, fossilized Indian shit stuck in the Antarctica


Speak white, Ausfag

I've got my eye on you, you eight-eyed fucks.

Here's one with fecal viruses.

Jesus christ, the memes are true.

my cat hunts you for sport.

Loads of bugs like clean places, its makes it easier for them to see and move around.

Boxing Day Tsunami you cock.

What if I catch a Sydney funnel-web spider in a jar and take over to your house where I put it in your bed at night?
Not literally impossible anymore, ey?

>that big yellow blob on the east coast
What the fuck is happening in New York and surrounds?

What the fuck is it? A little bit of a raisin?

>england is red
>england has a lot of indians
dear lord.

I wouldn't mind that.

Nah, literally impossible because I'm a social autist who knows nobody and would never divulgate my address to anyone on the internet.

In Australia there aren't fucking moose who can body your car and gore you when you get out to find it completely unharmed. In Australia there aren't bears. Does that mean we should all shitpost about how Canada is a nation comprised entirely of bears and moose, constantly goring and mauling everything, resulting in a sort of quantum state where, until directly observed, it's impossible to determine whether or not it's been mauled or gored so the interpretation is that it can be neither or both but not either individually until observed?

Get the fuck over it. Spiders aren't the end of the world.

So spiders and shit



I am not a faggot, so I don't have one.

It's all those Italian pizza places.

>mfw Poland is white

>user, you are stone cold sum bitch. How do you sleep at night knowing you've caused such suffering?

i felt so bad that i stopped tending to my plants

i try to save harmless creatures like moths/beetles/frogs from swimming pools to make up for it ;_;

I hope you don't live in the US because most of the deadliest spiders live in NA

>all the places in poop-shot of india is yellow except australia which has big cliffs

What the actual fuck , its like dead space

What if I take 100 suitcases full of spider eggs and release them all at a canadian airport?
There's at least 0.01% chance one will get to your house over time.
Now that is no-longer LITERALLY impossible.

I live in Poland, at least we're not niggers.

That's an ant

Whip Spiders. Not technically a spider, actually.

Except no one has died of a spider bite in a long time due to vaccines and shit

>doesn't mean they're omnipresent

Yeah that's what they want you to think isn't it

The vast majority of our spiders would not survive the canadian climate

>Australia's most dangerous spider was accidentally sent to Japan
>It hasn't caused any trouble because it's cool as hell and doesn't want to hurt anybody, even if you poke it for half an hour

Who /redback/ here?

Canada is very, very large. if you drop those suitcases in a random airport, the chances are that a) one of the spiders finds my home b) manages to get inside the house and c) manage to do so within 6 months (cause those Australian spiders aren't surviving the winter)

nah, I'd say the odds are still below 0.01% desu

Best spider is the huntsman, redback is a shitter