Don't hit on me you silly boys
Pokemon GO is not a chat invitation
the main point of all these feminist complaints about socializing seems to be that they feel physically unsafe so they should really just buy a gun
No, they really shouldn't.
>Pokemon GO takes the country by storm
>everywhere fat virgin NEETs are interacting with Chads and Stacies
>The Stacies are starting to realize that if the neckbeards are leaving their basement then the "OMG SUCH A NERD" things they do will force them to socialize with ACTUAL nerds
>either the nerds go or we stop playing!
>the largest trespass of normies onto sperg territory ends with the normies in full retreat
>Eek! Did you touch me?
Fool should have dueled her for exp.
They'd shoot the first person they see
>MFW I'm so afraid of rejection that I think all women would think like this if I tried talking with them
>MFW they probably do
>MFW I'm a creep and will never ever ever ever get a GF
A-a--all w-w-w-w-women a-a-are w-w-w-w-whores a-a-anyways.
>Just go outside bro
>Just talk about a common interest bro
>Just be yourself dude
Guarantee you if Chad approached her with that same conversation topic she would sing a different tune. I don't even want a gf. Women are scum.
I bet she doesn't even play the mainline games, she just watched the anime as a kid.
>All women are identical
this so much
good post sir
Daily reminder that Chads and Stacies don't exist and you are not special for being a NEET.
I developed several tumors from reading your post, seriously reconsider your choices in life.
I wonder how much this person was paid to write this
>Getting hit on is a problem now
How the fuck do these people expect to find partners? You're not gonna like every cunt you meet, but if people never try with eachother we'll get nowhere.
I swear to fucking God we will be like Japan soon, nobody will have kids everyone will just sit in a dark room wanking complaining about the last time a real human breathed too close to them.
Holy fuck I hope this bitch doesn't breed because she's too busy being a stuckup cunt.
>N-not all women are like that!!!!
They aren't, but the vast, vast majority of them are very similar in certain respects, this being one of them. Which is the issue. Nobody is foolish enough to believe every single woman is identical, much in the same way people who say "mobile games suck" will acknowledge there are exceptions (Nintendo fans who enjoy Pokemon GO for instance). Taking things too literally is a sign of autism.
Chads and Stacies exist, but I'm fully aware that they're not in the majority and that what's actually preventing me from not being forever alone is myself and myself alone.
>We're so undesirable the normal person would rather stop doing something they enjoy than be around us for a few minutes
Only in USA can you find people that can be described as Chads and Stacies
Pointless thread, remove this.
Nothing but a provocative blog by a deranged, prejudiced, bitter mind.
if he was attractive she wouldn't mind. So improve your looks and you can talk to random women
>what happend to the good old days, when gamers stayed firmly indoors with no need to venture outside and nerds feared social interaction?
Yeah ? what happend ?
> Plays a video game encouraging social interaction
> Complains when people try to interact with her
NEETS and Stacy's aside, this is pretty fucking stupid
We don't need to have this thread a second time, especially since we already have several other Go threads active right now. Fuck off.
What sheltered little bubble universe do you live in?
All human societies since forever have had the socially acceptable types that the environment wants you to be and the rejects.
not really
>Was probably not the only thing I'd catch if I was with him
Was this necessary?
How full of yourself can one person get? Holy shit.
Those guys were just being friendly. I've had the exact same sort of interactions happen to me and I'm a dude. People are just excited about the game and are being open about it with other people who are clearly into the game as well.
Not everyone is trying to hit on you, Jesus Christ.
A neckbeared with a big red dot on his lip could be a good sign to not go with him to a dark place
>Encouraging social interaction
All it's doing right now is telling everyione to go outside.
There's no actual interaction between players inside the game's functions.
>"Why can't we go back to good old days of nerds who never leave indoors?"
Not in Eastern Europe
i don't even have a mobilephone and people asked me shit
i showed them my fire card from my pokemon deck
exactly, the situation she described didn't even sound like the guy was being weird even though she was painting it to be that way.
It's kind of a natural human thing to be like "oh, you like __? I like ___ too! Neat!"
>All it's doing right now is telling everyione to go outside.
You're onto something
what do they want from us out there ?
Wtf is a chad and a stacy, is this place finally becoming normal fag central?
to catch pokemon duh
>Engaging in common activities is not an excuse to talk to me!
What in the fuck? Is this person literally complaining about someone just making conversation with her? I get it, she doesn't want to be hit on, but you can just decline, holy shit. Someone making conversation with you on the boss about the activity that both of you are doing isn't the end of the fucking world.
>man experiences anxiety when strangers talks to him in public
I know that feel bro my that's why I never leave the house
>woman experiences anxiety when strangers talks to him in public
>It's kind of a natural human thing
why must you hurt me this way
>that color hair
she looks like a dick chomper
>Wtf is a chad and a stacy
Not joking here, is this your first time on Sup Forums?
>Complains about people playing it outside
>Is literally outside playing it
Not him, but is this your first time outside /r9k/?
The whole Team thing though.. You kind of need to cooperate to get anything done. It's like Ingress.
Sure there's no chat function but I'm sure that's just so little kids can play it. You know how paranoid Nintendo gets with chat ever since the whole pictochat/swapnote thing.
t. Roastie
or train us to become a army for their needs
Your post confirms your question.
Hopefully they look in a mirror.
but it is if they are a chad
>men should initiate conversation
>eek why do these men try to open up on us
Its not creepy the guy just tries to find something in common so he can start a conversation
are you implying chad and stacie is limited to /r9k/?
that shit spread alll over this site. especially on Sup Forums which is where robots also congregate since autism is linked to vidya
>I write about when an ugly fat guy tried to get my number I'M A JOURNALIST MOMMY LOOK AT ME