Name the cast of this years biggest flop.
Name the cast of this years biggest flop
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4- OP
> still trying to push this
Give it up, nigga. No one fucking cares. How butt hurt are you?
16 - Shady Sean
lmao I got a better one dudes
look at these BETA nu-male cucks in my pic LMAOOO
games this overhyped are almost always underwhelming
I honestly can't figure out if this person is a female or male. Or is it female (male)?
1. nu-male
2. nu-male
3. nu-male
4. nu-male
5. nu-male
6. nu-male
7. nu-male
8. nu-male
9. nu-male
10. nu-male
11. nu-male
12. nu-male
13. nu-male
14. nu-male
15. nu-male
16. nu-male
i want this to happen so much.
I want this game to have forced hype for 2-3 weeks, then fucking dropp off of the face of the earth, just like battleborn.
I need it.
>Comparing faggots to saviors
Male (female), says so on >his twitter
>says so on their twitter
No fucking way
Why can't you just ignore it like everyone else?
Tortanic killed Sup Forums. Everyone just wants another Tortanic rather than enjoying video games.
15- Sean Murray's wannabe
16- Egotistical Faggot
>take wife's last name
People don't really do that right?
>that triggered nu-male
It was posted in another thread so I don't have the source, just look up the staff or wait for someone to post it.
Those are not "numales" those are old school nerds. You know, REAL antisocial nerds, not the kind of hipster faggots we get today.
Jake Rapp did it
I know of one who did
Nu-male gets butt hurt
Thank god I literally fit none of that criteria.
>that one smug cunt
Only 10 looks like a normal human bean, maybe 9 too.
>Tortanic killed Sup Forums.
Why is Lobos Jr. a nu-male? Just because he has that short hair-beard-glasses combo that every other man has these days?
11 is probably a normal human despite his meme beard, but it's hard to see in this picture
>glasses to openly display genetic inferiority
>beards as an ostentatious faux-masculine attempt to appear like strong males
Why are nu-males so transparent
How can one man be so smug?
Hate to admit it but these faggots work in my town
Fuck off Lobos Jr
Why should we care? Why do you care?
>Why can't you just ignore it like everyone else?
>Tortanic killed Sup Forums. Everyone just wants another Tortanic rather than enjoying video games.
>hi guys my name is giant fucking newfag and i am the reason Sup Forums is shit
Sup Forums has always been shit, shut the fuck up and stop trying to act superior because you think being autistic for a longer period of time gives you status among other autistics.
Just asking, he is the only one I think I recognize on there. (He is the second from right in the bottom row, right?) He doesn't really fit those other criteria, I think. Is nu-male the new constructed meme to get mad at on Sup Forums and /r9k/ these days?
Also, is Michael from Vsauce there? I think he might be somewhere on the left, but he looks so unremarkable I can't quite make him out.
Because they bring my town down
What kind of a reply was that. I am not trying to flaunt my oldfagness, I just hate that I people adapted to that mentality that there needs to be a next "biggest fail ever". A lot of people just seem to be on Sup Forums for the drama these days.
They're all so alike it's hard to individualize them.
It's like looking at a picture of a bunch of hood niggers or Gook school kids and asking for a name roll.
>it's an effeminate twinkboy beta male trying to make beards bad
Brief reminder that if you are not bearded you are literally half of a man.
Read the rest of the post
>I just hate that I people adapted to that mentality that there needs to be a next "biggest fail ever"
I never said it needed to be the biggest failure ever, because thhat was battleborn. I said i wanted this shallow cash grab indie garbage to fail because it deserves to.
It's hard to be condescending and be taken seriously when i't clear you can't fucking read.
Daily reminder that this is what nu-males think, and the sole reason they have beards is because it makes them look manly, when in reality they look like douche bags.
"I need it" made you seem like you just want to see something fail for your own enjoyment. If there is actually a reasoning behind it, then my mistake.
You're just a faggot who can't grow a beard, lad. If you don't have a beard you're literally half of a man.
Lets see your beard you pube-chinned piece of tard spaghetti.
>tfw I can grow a beard but a scar on my face prevents hair from growing in one spot
nu-males don't make fun of SJWs for overreacting and don't point out the problems in shitty games media desu
Goddamnit why is it so hard to find people like this today. This is the kind of people whom you can discuss with the intricacies of a star wars plasma blaster and have a intelligent conversation about it.
>itt numale sky devs getting rectal ravaged
Literally only one person there (12) is wearing the loud mega glasses.
Everyone else there wearing glasses is wearing a perfectly reasonable pair.
Unless you're simply against people wearing glasses at all then holy shit you have problems
You're not 20-30 or have a beard?
Why has noone brought up that the bluray is only 25gbs?
Where my big boy No Man's Sky 50gb edition with 50% more content at?
>taking your memes so far you actually get triggered by white males
People need glasses and the majority of adult men have beards...
does this trigger you?
>numale sky devs trying to counter-meme
it says "has beard and/or glasses"
I fit that. Almost any man in his 20-30s I come across on the street fit that category.
>get mad when i get banned for posting aomething vaugely pony related
>still report other people for it
I'm a hypocrite but at least i'm breaking even on the fag-o-meter.
look at these numales lol
>douche bags
hello nu-male
>comparing yourself to carmack's crew
lol numale sky pls go
100% more disk space holds 50% more content.
Daily reminder that even if the game ends up being dogshit, these people are going to make off like bandits on pre-orders alone.
space sim numales are a pretty gullible bunch
t. baby face numale
cant beat this
that thing's resemblance to my gtav online character is uncanny
>that fucking character creator
Real nerds still exist and there is plenty of them. The problem is there are a lot of "nerd-chic" hipster faggots that like to pretend they have autism.
can i get a refund?
You get to be permasmug when you walk into NASA and you tell those fuckers how their silly rockets are simple shit compared to videogame programming.
>no one made this already
>champagne bottles
>trans in the team
>thick glasses
>aviator glasses
>a shit showing that they are indeed cool guys
How can you even compare?
So like Starbound. A few KKs made on pre-orders alone, but then the average weekly player numbers were in the 2-4k range.
Shits Mcgiggles looks like a decent person
good job
>old school nerds
>REAL antisocial nerds
But Romero married two hotties.
John Carmack confirmed to have biggest dick in all of NASA
Poor Obstructed Oliver
>Has Beard and/or glasses
That's a big majority
Keep saying that, bitchboy. Your insecurity is showing.
2 - Anthony Burch
>it's a Sup Forums uses a meme word to describe everything episode
It's not actually mine, I just remembered seeing it in an old thread
everyone in that pic looks like someone you'd find on a buzzfeed video where white people try international food and they all say "IT'S SOO WEEIIIIRD BUT IT'S GOOOOOOD"
>another thread of "this game is going to flop because I say so"
Kys 2bh
Shits McGiggles is a pretty cool guy and he doesn't afraid of anything.
Yeah to be honest I don't usually comment but a lot of these lads fell for the current year liberal hipster fashion meme.
You know like how in the 70s people had ridiculous outfits and hairstyles?
When will beards go back to being not trendy and disgusting again? I'm so sick of this shit
What about being able to grow a beard but not wanting to? I shave every fucking day and by the end of it I feel like I have to shave again.
I hate it. I hate how itchy it feels. If I wasn't afraid of fucking up my skin I would laser my face.
I took my wife's last name because she has a high class french name and I had some shitty redneck name. I don't want my kids to have a shitty last name.
>cuck who cant grow a manly beard