New Silence Penalty Coming to World of Warcraft

>The first time a player is silenced, their chat will be restricted for 24 hours. This duration will double for each silence penalty received after the first, and there is no maximum. This means that players who receive multiple silence penalties may find themselves unable to chat for a very, very long time.

>any player who is reported multiple times under the Spam or Abusive Chat categories will, after investigation, receive an account-wide silence penalty.
>after """"""investigation"""""""

in a decade, all aspect of the internet will be 100% censored.

>it's a Sup Forums doesn't know what censorship is thread

>its too hard to put one person into ignore
>lets whine to blizzard to add system that mutes him for everyone
disgusting, fucking safespace bullshit

It's their product and it's their business, they can enforce whatever the fuck they want. It's not government enforcing a blanket ban on mean things on the internet

Why not just use "/ignore"?

If you don't like what someone is saying, then don't listen?

>people still don't understand what censorship is


>that fat American who cant into law thinking this breaks freedom of speech

This just begging to be abused if a whole guild reports you together or something.

OP you're complaining about a mute system which is in plenty of games. If anything it's probably good because before instead of being able to mute you they probably just banned you instead.

I'm sure the arguements have been something like:

"Well, if he'd say something like that to one person, he's likely to say it so someone else. Better be on top of it."

>new rule says mods can mute you if you say certain things
>rules on what gets you muted are vague and flexible meaning mods can mute you for pretty much anything they or the company don't like
All aboard the hugbox mantrain.

It's less worse than a ban, which is already there. What's the problem?

I need the government to do it for me.

It's hilarious to see all the shitheads come out of the woodwork to whine about this.

If you're not a dick you aren't going to get penalized. You can scream slippery slope until your voice is hoarse but they aren't going to be handing out silences for normal chat.

They silence now instead of banning because they want people to still pay microtransactions.

It's reviewed by humans, it's not automatic.

When I was playing during MoP, there were times when I wouldn't say a word for days.

Most chats were just used for shitposting.

Not justifying this though. I'm sure it's gonna get abused to shit.

This is present in most online games and communities.

If you ever get silenced it's because you are an irascible retard with such an ego and anger issues that you can't talk to other people without being a dick for no reason.

It's as simple as that. Act like a normal person, don't get penalized.

This is actually an improvement because under past policy they'd just fucking ban you. Get over it.

>go into a church
>yell loudly and proclaim Jesus was a faggot and died for no reason.
>also call everyone a nigger
>and a jew
>they kick you out
>you go on Sup Forums and complain that they broke your first amendment rights

This is you. This is what you sound like.

I'm not comparing WoW to a church it was just an easy metaphor

>People have been complaining about shutting up spammers in chat for actual decades
>Blizzard years to late release a tool to do so


I can respect the idea of loss of freedom here but I can't see the actuality.
It's WoW when was the last time you actually typed anything at all outside of guild chat? Like lets be real if you are posting enough in general or trade you're a chinese gold farmer or a troll.

Stick to food analogies.

Not caring so much about the penalty itself, but what irks me is that this is what they choose to work on, keep in mind that /ignore is already an option, but they still can't make an appear offline mode for years now?

>eat a burger
>spit it out on the cashier
>call him a faggot and a terrible cook
>turn to your right and start screaming at a child
>they kick you out
>you complain on Sup Forums.


except imagine that everybody in that church can tune their hearing, vision and all senses to ignore that person entirely, in such a way that they will never again experience the consequences of that person's actions firsthand

>unlovable trolls desperate for attention will be silenced
Good. It will save people the effort of ignoring them and the pain of reading their cancerous retarded edgy bullshit. There is literally no reason you should behave like that in game, you're just a shitty person noone likes or wants to put up with. Faggots can cry all they want but the reality will always be that they're unlikable annoyances to the majority of people playing and should never be put up with.

>This is present in most online games and communities.

And it's abused to hell and back. You say something that people don't like, not because it's rude, but just because, then you get reported.

Guilds with a grudge against someone? They could report you for shit you never said.

Course, Blizzard would be responsible for actually making sure what they say is true, but do you really think they are going to actually care enough to do that? No, they are going to give you the time out you don't deserve because it costs them nothing and everyone will always say something like

>well you must have done something

Don't encourage companies silencing people, it never works. It just makes people think what they have to say is actually important.

In the minds of some people, when they read something they disagree with enough to make them angry (which doesn't usually take a lot), in addition to not wanting to hear them anymore they also want some sort of negative thing to happen to this person.

This system is going to be abused for sure, but it may be nice every once in a blue moon for people who genuinely just spam the chat with inane shit.

The main focus was clearly not food.


grow up man

When you accept the ToS on any game often the first thing listed if it is multiplayer is that you willing gave up your "freedom of speech".

What the fuck did you expect? Even Sup Forums have rules that you had agreed to. An example is that blue boards or not if you are under 18 you legally shouldn't even be on the site.

Hard to censor something when you willing gave it up in the first place.

/ignore doesn't prevent many of the things silence prevents though, so that's not even true

If that ever happens, you can just send a ticket and ask to be attended via live chat so they can review your case in a moment and take measures.
Blizzard has done a lot of shit wrong, but customer service has always been top notch.

>i'm able to put people on ignore without ever seeing their chat at all
What world do you live in? Definitely not the World of Warcraft. The point is to prevent needing to ignore them in the first place. I don't get whats so hard to comprehend about it, was that just a knee jerk reaction you had or are you just retarded? Some people ignoring them won't deter their behavoir. Those people AND blizzard don't want your cancer, the game would be a better place without people trying to cause shit.

>it's a "it's only censorship if the government does it" Episode

>Stand in a relatively crowded area
>Say something opinionated in chat
> "MAGA"
>You are now silenced

Like all that "Anal" whatever shit. That got annoying. Still, this won't really solve that. People want to have their cake and eat it too. The second that some aspect of their 'community' is threated by this, they will complain about it.

Have you seen the people publicly shamed on the Heroes of the Storm forums for saying "I DINDU NUFFIN Y U BAN?" and then the CMs post excerpts from their chat logs with the particularly vile stuff redacted?

>western vidya
>western mmorpgs


>he thinks this won't be abused by thin-skinned sjws who experience rectal raganarok after being told their dps is shit

Assuming this is true, why do you even need to tell kids in LFR that their DPS shit? It doesn't even matter

If you're doing serious raiding you won't be using in-game chat

The anal spam was hilarious. Of course, I don't have a huge stick up my ass either.

I'm against this proposition on all fronts, simply because if you don't like someones behavior you can always just ignore them
However, because it's commonplace to ban people for exactly the same thing as silencing promises to combat I support it, as getting silenced for being rude is much better than getting banned
I'm looking at the list now and it looks like you can still encounter silenced players in the world, and they can still join pre-made groups
Which likely includes groups that you're the leader of

It was fun for a bit and then it was past it's prime and people didn't drop it because 'it's part of the game'. So I just turned off Global.

But still, the point is that WoW is populated by teenagers for the most part. The people with sticks up their asses will try to remove those trying to have fun.

>Assuming this is true, why do you even need to tell kids in LFR that their DPS shit?

I played WoW long enough to know that even in LFD and LFR, people will talk about what's wrong with the group having problems and people get butthurt over things you and I wouldn't blink an eye at. Blizzard fans are some of the most thin-skinned people in video games. Remember that these are the people that get anal anguish over "gg", even when it's used to describe a entertaining/challenging session.

god blizzard just let me be annoying and disruptive and overuse the word nigger in peace!!!

>I can't use memes from my secret clubhouse website anymore and I'll actually have to interact with people like the socially awkward person I really am :(

Sounds like a good and fair change.

t.blizzard marketing dept.

you're aware this is likely taking over bans as a punishment for exactly the same thing?
Or at least I hope so

I remember when I was first starting to heal and my mana wasn't the greatest. I told the tank in chat to stop running ahead and pulling as I needed to drink. He told me to suck it up and to stop slowing the group down. I let him die after that and he threw a massive tantrum.

It seemed that no matter what, the notion of slowing down even a bit for someone that was less experience was only met with open hostility. MMOs, not even once.

Spokesman for user xd leejun

Yeah they deserve to be silenced then desu

It depends on how you say it.
If you say constructive criticism in a nice way, normal people won't get butthurt. If someone gets angry over a legitimately good-natured comment, then it's him who could be silenced.
But if you start insulting and shitting on people for doing low DPS or failing mechanics, then it's you who deserves a silence.

Oh shit. And they could even sell unmutes on the ingame store.

Blizzard you can hire me now. I will bring you many sheckels.

oh you meme'd us harrrrrd exdee

Dealing with the other assholes that play this game is way more work than actually playing, it's such a shit community

>If you say constructive criticism in a nice way, normal people won't get butthurt.

But they're not normal people.

gg blizzard

People that get triggered by this policy reminds me of the aspies which come to Sup Forums complaining they were banned from steamforum "FOR NO REASON".

nice shilling OP
we didn't have this thread yesterday at all

maybe git gud?

People that get triggered by this policy is people who are actually familiar with how online communities function.
And they're damn right to be triggered, it's gonna be hell.

Woah, people talk in this game?

That's why I haven't migrated from my tiny, dead realm. The few people there are quite nice and I've never had issues with anyone.

So it bans you from using world chat or what? If it's just world/trade chat then it's more than ok.


Trust me, I've dealt with the 'community'. Most people will always blame someone else other then themselves and any time you bring up their failings, even in the most polite way possible, they will get upset.

Only 1% of the player base can be humble and it's the same percent that actually takes raiding seriously. Because they have to blame themselves, or they won't improve.

PVP? Holy shit, you try telling an AV to actually do something other then push to the next whatever.


Why? Because even losing will get them more honor per minute then actually trying to win. The majority of the player base doesn't care about doing good. They would rather whine to Blizzard.

Fragile wow babbies can't handle the bantz

>being so shit you stay on dead realms


it also locks you from instance/bg chat

Silenced :^)

t. future silenced player

Top fucking kek, they're looking to lose the last of their playerbase I see. It's like all they want left is the facebook tier players.

Nope. I play online game for what now? 18 years? How many times have i been banned, fucking zero. Stop behaving like a cancer online.

PvP has a community at least four times more cancerous than anything else in the game.
I know what do you mean. Just report them and in time they will get silenced or banned.

Meh, it's not gonna affect the raiders in any way. We always had used ts/rc/mumble/ventrilo instead of a fucking text chat.

Can I still say [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker] this is really important?!

Sure you have, I'm sure all those "online game" had the same social environment we see today.

Its gonna hurt in BGs when you cant call incoming because some huehuehue reports you since Blizzard STILL hasnt locked Brazilians to their own realms

This. I knew Sup Forums is full of autists and teenagers with mental issues, but this is fucking ridiculous. And not just Sup Forums: everywhere.

This entire world must be purged.

That's not the point, I don't play anymore. Mostly because the game just isn't fun. The point is that people are horrible creatures that won't get better.

People don't change and they will abuse anything to get an upper hand against someone else. The only thing this system will do is let people live out their power fantasy and the community will tear itself apart.

Another million subscribers down the drain for Blizzard. But I guess I should be happy about that. Maybe once WoW and Blizzard die, MMOs can take a different turn, instead of copying everything Blizzard did wrong.

supporting people being silenced because youre too much of a faggot to type /ignore is ultimate cancer

Name one MMO that isn't Warhammer Online, FFXI and i've played it. Those MSN Games or whatever that system was called, Gamespy, Steam, fucking everything. Never. You know why? Because i don't threat others in a way i wouldn't like to be threated myself. People who think this is an issue are part of the problem.

>it's a "Blizzard incorporates features from one title to their other games" episode
first time they tried implementing this silence penalty, it was in HotS, and you can imagine how well it worked having a teammate that was incapable of communicating for the entire game

can't say i'm all too happy about this because it'll encourage people to speak with the idea in mind that there's an ever-looming big brother waiting to haul your ass into the silence box, whereas people now usually converse with abandon

imagine if i'm having a discussion on /2 and the person/people i'm having a conversation with decide to share something ridiculous with me, and i reply by saying "hahahaha fucking hell"; there's a chance i'll get reported and silenced even though i was obviously using vulgar language in a positive fashion

oh well, not like we're going to change this since blizzard has been enforcing this approach of "zero negativity, only praises" for a good fucking while now

>tfw slav
>everyone talks in russian
>community is surprisingly nice
It's like every manchild went to be a shitty person in dota or cs

>and you can imagine how well it worked having a teammate that was incapable of communicating for the entire game

this, I cant believe anybody is retarded enough to unironically think that having silence extend to instance chat is okay

Good goy indeed.
Leave yourself to the mercy of your "peers", what could go wrong?

just type /ignore?
i barely talk in this game and when I do, i don't sperg out, but do we really need this? hell, you don't even need to type out /ignore, you can just right click their name and hit the ignore button

>Spam the word nigger in trade chat
>Get silenced

You know if you get falsly reported you can simply just file a ticket and then Blizz will look at your logs and see you did nothing wrong and unsilence you.

WoW players are total fucking babies though, especially older players.

I don't want to get reported just because my opinion differed from one of them.

You could try not being an asshole to people you've never met. By the way, Sup Forums has had rules and banned people since the beginning, it has always been censored.

What is wrong with saying nigger? Ignore it if you dont like it nigger

Sure is fucking gamergate in here

>WoW players are total fucking babies though
This this this.
I was guild-kicked for simply having an argument with an officer in which I dared suggest that pvp gear was better than pve gear when you could get ilevel 710 gear from simply doing bg's versus getting ilevel 630 gear from instances.

WoW community is shit. SHIT.

Thankfully they banned silenced players from entering ranked ques
I don't think such a thing is necessary for LFR/LFG because they're so easy though
And getting silenced is much better than getting banned from the game
I will agree though, implementing the silence penalty while also allowing silenced players to join ranked was stupid
I'm just waiting for them to add voice comms to ranked HotS
(not that I play anymore)

You could try dealing it with it yourself rather than having Blizzard baby you
>b-but Sup Forums bans people
not for banter you cocksucking retard

People are not equal friend, and should be treated as such. There's no jailtime in the internet for miscondut like in real life. So unless you're part of the scourge, this don't affect your life in one bit.

>I'm just waiting for them to add voice comms to ranked HotS
So now you can listen to people being niggers on voice too? :^)

>words offend me!
kill yourself waste of oxygen

So you were a crapper doing PVE in your PVP gear