>create a containment board for pokemon autists
>dont use it
Create a containment board for pokemon autists
Other urls found in this thread:
>create a containment board for political autists
>dont use it
Yeah so annoying when faggots like you leave /lgbt/
samefag detected
>create a containment board for anime
>don't use it
>create a containment board for frogposters
>don't use it
When are we getting a containment board for frog shitters?
are frogposting boards
Actually, I'm a different anti-stormfag.
found the samefag
you can't samefag with just one post
it's because they are realizing their specific boards are filled to the brim with shit and piss, also known as retards endemic to their specific board topic
they come to Sup Forums because they know that there are some tangential relation to the (actual shit) they wish to speak about but really they just dont like talking to people who "know everything they know"
it's probably why some people become teachers
they can lord knowledge over the ignorant
samefag detected
these are all me
This is a big enough phenomenon that I, someone who doesn't give a fuck about Pokemon, wants to comment on it.
And because the laws of this board are based entirely on what I want, Pokemon Go threads get to stay :^)
FagGOts aren't actually from /vp/, but Facebook or whatever. Even /vp/ is tired of them.
>create a containment board for frogposters
>don't use it
The rules don't forbid discussion of pokemon outside /vp/ so long as it's on-topic to the board it's being posted in.
>Create a containment board for autists
>Sell it to a Jap
Can't say I'm surprised, really.
c-cuck *blushes*
>exhentai extension is crossed out
pepe belongs to Sup Forums you need to leave.
try this one
I've failed you, user.
I'm sorry.
Your sacrifice will not go unnoticed
>a deal wasn't exactly a deal
the board was SPECIFICALLY CREATED for pokemon poster because they could not shut the fuck up about the game and made numerous threads daily about the same fucking topics "whos your favorite pokemon" ,etc
there shouldnt be any discussion of pokemon outside of /vp/ because that the whole point of the board
While the board may have been created in part to redirect traffic to a separate board (which it succeeds at doing), there's no rule against posting pokemon on Sup Forums or anywhere else where it's on-topic. Notice that there's a global rules ban on ponies outside /mlp/ while there's no similar rule for pokemon. As freely as we use the term, most spinoff boards aren't actually containment boards.
Who is best pony?
>when people don't use containment boards
Only bronies from Sup Forums keep fucking up at this.
>Create a containment site for political autists
>don't use it
>posting pokemon in Sup Forums is not against the rules
>neither is mentioning /mlp/
>meanwhile complaining about pokemon on Sup Forums is against the rules
>so is claiming you've reported a post
You guys are funny.
>Only bronies from Sup Forums keep fucking up at this
Then why are you here from /r9k/?
I'm here from Sup Forums because Sup Forums is my home board.
Best post of all time. Mods let the mental ill Sup Forums escapees run wild on here while actual video game posts get deleted.
My hero
>Best post of all time.
Replying to yourself is frowned upon
That's because this board isnt for video games. Its a containment board too, a Sup Forums 2.0 for vaguely video game related and general shitposting.
>crate a board for videogame generals
>there's a constant New Vegas thread on Sup Forums
Too bad mods don't care
>create a containment board for dumb frogposters
>don't use it
>all posters are the same
buttmad #TRIGGERED mentally ill Sup Forumschild detected
>OP is probably an Overwatch player who doesn't know how much I wish he had a containment board these past couple months
>no mention of anything Sup Forums related
>still manages to sperg out about Sup Forums boogeymen
>so completely out of it he doesn't even understand the context of posts
>reddit frog thread
because these faggots have been sistematically fucking the entire site and derrailing several threads.
Sup Forums posting outside of it should be called on. It's in their own rules
/lit/ here. wassup.
Because faggots at /vg/ delete any NV thread and don't even suggest me to post on /fog/ because you probably know how cancerous that place is.
Where's the current 'general'?
>derailing threads
>anti-pol sperg posts unrelated Sup Forums hate bullshit as the first reply to this thread
>next 4 posts are replies to it
>still has more replies than OP
also what is "Sup Forums posting"?
Is it posting with an opinion different to yours?
>create /his/
>90% of humanities discussion still happens on /lit/
Why is /lit/ so unlit?
that shit should've been shoveled into vg a long time ago. At the very least a sticky should've been made.
the game wasn't even good
Wow, you sound pretty mad. Wanna show us where the evil Sup Forumsack hurt your fee-fees?
OG: Dash
FotM: Maude Pie
You're sounding a little #TRIGGERED user. I'm sorry if I set you off, you can go back to your safe zone containment board now.
It's Sup Forums that is the containment board. That's why there's 3 other video game boards whose topics can still be discussed on Sup Forums
Frogposting has its own containment board
>the main videogames board in the containment board
C'mon, men.
he's right, all the other video games boards are made for people who wanted to discuss videogames too much.
Notice how this very thread isn't about discussing videogames, but yet another meta thread?
>Sup Forums is my home board
Pathetic Sup Forumsermin.
Kill yourself
Video games
It's true. The other video game boards are for posting about video games. This one is about Sup Forums memes, waifu threads, and casual /neo/ posters.
>Create a history board
>Make it a Humanities board
Fucking Jap.
Video. Games.
Official top 3 of worst boards:
3. Sup Forums
2. Sup Forums
1. Sup Forums
We have /r9k/ yet here you are.
Pepe truly is just fucking normie nigga hours facebook tier shit now isn't he?
Naturally i don't use FB, i never wanted to believe it.
Yep. Every pepe poster now is just from ifunny or Reddit.
Nice pony
>no Sup Forums
Better? You guys still like this pedo game, right?
This is more embarrassing than any pepe use on Sup Forums though.
Is this the new way to show you're 'down and hip with the kidz' or something? Didn't think Snoop was this desperate
>got me like
im so sick of everyone talking like niggers
depends on if i am a squid today
Good, as a /vp/ autist I think I speak for a whole lot of people when I say I don't want that normshit on my board. Let us autistically nitpick at scraps of Sun/Moon information and bitch about how shit it will be in peace.
ALL of you degenerate froghaters can drink bleach. I don't give a fuck. In fact if I was being perfectly honest I'd say that I even enjoy seeing your tears. We shall NOT abandon Pepe. He is ours and shall remain as such. No matter how many times he is posted to Normiebook, tumblr, leddit or any of those other normie sites you fags visit.
First post ALWAYS best post
this stay salty normie cucks.
>false flagging
>image poster
you know those are all bait images?
>Taking pride in being Normie scum
>not /r9k/
>Getting butthurt by seeing pictures of a frog
It is a matter of time.
Nah. Official worst board rankings
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>implying I have a reddit
>Trying to protect a dead meme
All social media is shit
Also this might be a perfect place for you reddit.com/r/pepe/
>create a video game board
>post stupid frogmemes from facebook
I'll take "Things that never happened" for 400, Alex