No Mans Sky

You have 10 seconds to explain why this won't be Game of the Decade

You can't use the following words though

Quantity over quality.

>you can't use the excuses that are actually legitimate

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OP you can delete your thread now

You have 10 seconds to explain why it will be game of the decade. You can't use the following words though

>Its got everything a great RPG has besides fetch and grab quests so I dont see what your point is.

ya know, except the actual rpg elements.

The game looks like it will be a barren mess. The generated planets and universe seems like it will be incredibly dull and pointless. The devs are just using the giant universe and reused assets to fuel hype. It seems like a ripoff. There is no path to an ending. I want to play the game with my friends and explore. Looks very middling. Bacterium.

It has nothing in it resembling an RPG element.

"nothing to do"
"nothing to see"
"nothing to experience"
"senseless" and "soulless"
"minecraft in space without content"

I feel they may be promising more than they can deliver on this one. I'll wait until it gets released and check it out, but I'm typically someone who buys games new right out of the gate regardless. I want to be hype, but my gut is telling me it just won't live up to their promises.

You have literally no idea what your talking about and haven't researched the game. Most information is from articles online. Leveling crafting trading dialogue options are all in it. There's even some kind of quests the npcs can give you but we haven't been told exactly how those work

rpg, guess i'm playing the role of the guy doing fucking nothing

i don't know why it won't be the game of the decade but i could live on this planet.

>You have 10 seconds to explain why this won't be Game of the Decade
>oh, and here are 12 valid reasons why it won't be, b-but you can't use those...

So those giant worms in the picture? Copy pasted I guess right

Holy fuck how are you this stupid Sup Forums

this same guy has been spamming the board to shitpost and he's not even waiting ti;ll his last thread is 404'now

And you still bite the bait

It's just fucking Noby Noby Boy glorified and sold for $60.

I'm not even the same guy that made that other thread I just think it's funny how these drones will mindlessly shitpost if you throw easy bait out

>You have 10 seconds to critique Game
>You arenĀ“t allowed to talk about anything that looks bad

60 bucks for a few hours of actual content, unless you're autistic and want to spend more on "different" areas that are the same as the previous ones but with slight retextures.

It'll have no content, the little content it does have will be pointless and unrewarding.

You have ten seconds to explain why hitler wasn't that bad of a guy

you cant use the following words though

isn't that what IGN is doing already?

Because stalin murdered more, and mao even more, but hitler murdered the wrong people.

It just doesn't seem to have that much variety in it, do something once or twice; you've seen it all.

>im gonna enjoy this game and theres nothing Sup Forums can do to ruin it

is this going to be the GOAT of all time?

No Man's sky is amazing. I highly enjoyed playing No Man's sky.

It will be enjoyable if VR.
Wich wont take much even if devs dont do it.

ofc they'll do it

>added in spore to your list of rules since last thread

absolute kek

>Explain why this is bad
>Don't use any words

will it be cracked day one?
I actually would want to play it

>it's great because it's large
>great game

You will miss out on all the multiplayer features.

Fag devs.

multiplayer is a cancer on this world.


Unless they have some forced variety system in place, I imagine those 18 quintillion planets are going to feel quite similar. Its like how Borderland claimed to have over 100k weapons and 50% were clones of each other. That being said I'm cautiously optimistic and hope I'm wrong, game might end up being top comfy

There is literally NOTHING to do in it. What more is there to discuss. A full retail game with absolutely nothing to do. Just burn the money or donate it to charity

i think mediums such as movies or comic books will be a better fit for you

I can't

It won't be the game of the decade.
It won't be the bad game Sup Forums is memeing it to be either.
It'll be somewhere in between, either good or average.

Okay here goes:

NMS is going to be one great piece of interactive entertainment. Truly revolutionary in its* scope, NMS will offer gaming experiences that are truly new and groundbreaking.

Excitement in NMS is derived from journeying towards NMS's galaxy's centre. You have to upgrade your guns, ship, and other items to make that journey. You have to learn alien languages, encounter new terrains, and jump through wormholes.

As you reach that galactic centre, you will run across other players who are playing online, which I think will add an element of social play to NMS. You can see your friends on NMS's galactic map, allowing you to try and find them.

I can't wait for this release. I'm very excited to be honest.

* "Its" is not the same as "it"

Hitler murdered millions.

There you go, faggot

what did he mean by this?


>theres nothing Sup Forums can do to ruin it

But Hello can.

>Disney think they slick, he dabbin'

just like real life...woah..

That this game will be boring after 5-10 hrs.

>this stale copypasta again

Shills sure are desperate

Because you are so hyped for it, that no matter what it does, it's going to be shit.