No Mans Sky

You have 10 seconds to explain why this won't be Game of the Decade

You can't use the following words though

Quantity over quality.

>you can't use the excuses that are actually legitimate

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OP you can delete your thread now

You have 10 seconds to explain why it will be game of the decade. You can't use the following words though

>Its got everything a great RPG has besides fetch and grab quests so I dont see what your point is.

ya know, except the actual rpg elements.

The game looks like it will be a barren mess. The generated planets and universe seems like it will be incredibly dull and pointless. The devs are just using the giant universe and reused assets to fuel hype. It seems like a ripoff. There is no path to an ending. I want to play the game with my friends and explore. Looks very middling. Bacterium.

It has nothing in it resembling an RPG element.

"nothing to do"
"nothing to see"
"nothing to experience"
"senseless" and "soulless"
"minecraft in space without content"