Augmented reality

>Minecraft AR app where you go around looking for building materials in the real world and build stuff irl

>Harry Potter AR app where you go around looking for mystical creatures/horcruxes and cast spells on rival teams

>Star Wars AR app where you do Jedi/Sith stuff or bounty hunt for specific targets

I can see these happening.

>Dark Souls AR app that kills you IRL when you die in game

>these will all probably happen
>one where its all a rpg/fantasy setting wont
>setting areas as forts and others can attack
>big dungeons with raids
>"oh, go down to the beach, theres a dungeon down there with skeletons that drop a really good sword"

>No mention of a SMT app that makes life like Devil Survivor
>If you die, your phone will brick

>normalfags play this trash and die in tragic traffic accidents

All according to plan.

>Still no Yugioh AR

I hope this does set off a wave of more RPGlike apps, but none of them will ever come close to this shitty Pokemon GO app just because it has the branding.

AR and Holograms are the real future. Not VR.

>Is this game the pokemon go -killer?


I can see it now.

>CoD app where you run around holding your phone out like a gun and the best guns are hidden in cool places around your town

noone cares about Dark Souls, no normie would ever play that

Harry Potter GO

>take a quiz and then get sorted into Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin
>walk around irl and try to find spell books
>if there's a rival wizard fight them


>they'll start selling toy rifles that you can mount your phone on to serve as the scope, similar to wii zapper
>people will play with the guns in public and get shot

people start playing in irl places that look like fps maps like construction zones and abandoned warehouses, they think they can make the jumps irl and break their legs

>not Monster Hunter ar game where you Hunt Monsters IRL for materials to build new weapons/armors for your avatar

4/10 apply yourself

This is what Mega Man Battle Network should have evolved into. But they were never ambitious enough to do it. Shame.

MM battle network app when
>create and customize your NAVI
>jack into the net
>collect chips and delete viruses
>find other people navis around
>shitpost in local square boards
>undernet is located in shit neighborhoods

>literally just some pixel shit on your screen
>same people who shit on VR and never used it praise AR

>augmented reality
>reality + more
>except it's actually less than actual reality

we need a new term please

I was thinking about that the other day. Can you imagine all of your friends having their own unique whatever man based off of the weapons and tactics they used. You fight virus and stuff around town. Wifi spots are literal jack in points. You duel your friends and can call in their character for boss battles.

You're so wrong, it's become main stream since DS2, normies are asking me if I play it.

Yea, instead of a trainer, you have your Navi which you can customize. And instead of catching Pokemon, you fight viruses. And when you defeat a virus, you get it's chip.

My reality is augmented.

Alright, I can finally go back to my highschool days and be a videogame protagonist IRL
I can't wait for the battle system and start shouting like a madman


Fighting Beldr in a cemetery at night WHEN?!


>Sup Forums AR app where you go around being a faggot

Then why only a few neckbeards recognised the Fallen Knight I cosplayed a week ago ?

Fatal Frame type game with ghosts and shit that only works when it's dark. Maybe even have it work with GPS to where it works better in a cemetery or something.

Or maybe you'll get a Ghostbusters game!!!

>Smash Bros. where you meet other challengers and throw character trophies with stats you raised into a location where they fight all over the place

Because nobody goes to cosplay conventions to see anything other than anime tiddies, also cosplaying as your favourite Dark Souls character is the most neckbeard thing I've ever heard

I didn't find any not cringy anime char that I likes who had the same body type as me (auschwitz tier) , and wearing an armor is awesome.
>your favourite Dark Souls character
It's just an armor set.

Normalfags abound in the weeks following DaS3's launch
>pro: extremely active online multiplayer elements at launch
>con: it was mostly shitters who had never played a previous Souls game and who would disconnect if their raid party somehow didn't prove up the task of stomping you
DaS3 is in every way a disaster.

>virtual cockfights on the streets

>IRL ganking
I can taste it