Let's settle this

Let's settle this

Incorrect poll.
I liked Q1 setting and campaign much more than the strogg shit that came afterwards.
But Q3 is objectively the best competitive FPS.

Q1 best singleplayer shooter.
Q2 a mediocre shit.
Q3 best multiplayer shooter.

This is objective fact.

Quack 2 fags should gas themselves.


Quake 1 is very fun
Quake 2 is very fun
Quake 3 is very fun
Quake 4 is decent, I really liked the campaign. I dunno why but I just am fond of it.
Quake Wars? If it wasn't dead it'd be fairly fun.

>no more bullet sponges
>varied enviroment
>non-linear levels
>open areas
>more enemy variety and AI
>has a actual final boss

Nigga, Quake 2 is a great game.

While I do prefer the Lovecraft-esque setting of Q1, the sequel improved pretty much every aspect.

Only 2 of those are any true. Rest as garbage that prove you haven't played the Q1 past the first few levels of the first episode. Even completing the first episode shows different sides of the same game.

>more enemy variety and AI
>has a actual final boss

A final boss doesn't make a game. Especially not a Quake game. I'm sceptical about AI too, there's nothing remarkable about that in Q2 and there doesn't have to be.

>move like a slug
>modern hallway shooter standard
>weapons feel like toys
>little verticality

t. pleb

>varied enviroment

Same dull looking, brown factories that make you wanna vomit.

>non-linear levels
>open areas

Hub areas is not a plus. I'll take a well designed stand-alone map over hub shit any day. Not to mention the attempts at story telling Q2 did was laughable as well as disguising key cards as plot objectives(bring commander's head to this door to open it).

>Hub areas is not a plus.

Neither a plus nor a minus I'd say. I actually think it's one of the more interesting aspects of Q2's design, it separates it from the uninteresting corridor shooters it inspired. Q1 is a much better game overall but "well designed" is stretching it a little, a lot of it was just thrown together and happened to stick.

guy who voted quake wars, can you say why?

I'd like to hear an explanation from people who chose Quake 4 myself.

Can someone tell me why people didn't like Quake 4 multiplayer? Why were the issues on launch?

Have you tried playing it?

i voted quake 1 because i had an absolute blast with it and the gunplay, levels, xpacks, and every level's visuals all blew me away, but for some quake 4 was just a really good game (if they arent just making a joke vote).
the visuals were really nice, and after the bitterness of doom 3 it took the formula and fixed it up entirely thanks to raven software being behind it rather than id, i think.
really fun environments, incredibly beautiful and fun enemies compared to quake 2 at the very least, cool settings with objectives that made you feel like you were doing something (compare various points in the game with places like the Big Gun in quake 2, though the satellite level in 2 was absolutely incredible i have to admit), likeable characters (interesting thing to add to quake, they really pushed the squad dealio which was enjoyable if you liked republic commando), more fun bosses and arenas than places like the tank in a square room from quake 2, guns are good looking on a similar tier to UT3 (ut3 still sucks ass) and play pretty well from memory, vehicle segments that aren't utter shit, lapses in action reminded me of unreal 2 which was nice, and it just really fleshed out stroggos in a way that did it some justice.
if you're a graffix guy then sure you'd probably vote quake 4 given that it's a beautiful modernised quake 2 with a plot stapled onto it.
i realise my shit taste is leaking but you can be assured i've beaten and thoroughly enjoyed q1+2 with xpacks if that holds any merit.

Quake Wars is still dead

it seems rather unfair to compare quake 3 to any other quake.
q3a has absolutely no singleplayer which is where the other 3 mainline games ride, and it's obvious to everyone that as soon as q3a arrived the multiplayer for the rest was really irrelevant. it's really entirely separate, like asking if UT99 is better than unreal 1, 2, or na pali.

i rather miss quake wars despite never having played it; i would've loved to, though. the designs in it always seemed super cool for what it was.

I wouldn't call Quake 2 shit but it's definitely at the bottom of the three.

This isn't fair.
Q1 best SP with custom map packs.
Q2 best vanilla SP, stands very well on its own.
Q3 best MP in all areas.

Quake I is great at singleplayer
Quake 3 Arena is great at multiplayer

Why did you even put them in the same poll together?

HAHA Time to post OC.

>It's not in Russia