EDF 4.1 on Steam


Earth Defence Forth leak was real. EDF 4.1 is on steam.

Other urls found in this thread:


No, fuck you PCuck - stop making shit up.

Delete this now.

Is that game good? I've heard everyone raving about it.

It was shit when it was a ps4 game but now that it's on pc it's great

Let the shitposting begin

Yeah its really fun but it can be annoying without co op as its really easy to blow yourself up and kill yourself in a single hit due to allies or a sudden ant walking right in front of you, but overall the game is quite exciting after about 10 of 80 some levels.

What's the point the of having a Ps4?

Having a plug and play gaming device, Bloodborne, Persona 5.


To save our mother earth from any alien attack

>that resolution

From vicious giant insects who have once again come back

But i dont have platinum yet on ps4

We'll unleash all our forces we won't cut them any slack

The EDF deploys!

You have 3 to 4 days before you start trying to 100% it on Steam.
Giddy up

You've seen the plat requirements right?

I bought this game over two weeks ago because I assumed it was just never coming to PC
This isn't fair man I can't even return it.

Good on you PC Bros! EDF! EDF! EDF!

I hope there's an option for more powerful computers to add more bugs until the framerate shits itself, it wouldn't be the same otherwise.

Japs love wasting money on PCucks

you can get persona 5 on ps3

In English?

The SteamDB leak was over 8 month ago. It contained info on Dangan, Phantom brave, Rapture, FFXHD and some other games, Including EDF, but people laughed it off, even after most games came out.

Actually Steins;Gate was listed in that leak as well





Why are Sonyggers so upset? Letting more people play games is a good thing.

Keep going son.

PC yet again begged for another of exclusives, What do we do my Sonybros?

>I hope there's an option for more powerful computers to add more bugs until the framerate shits itself
yeah that would be dope, like the mode in DMC4

You and other pc tards spent years shitposting about how the ps4 has no games now you're celebrating getting a port of a ps4 game

PCucks never shut the fuck up.


Damn it looks so sharp

I have no idea what the SteamDB is/was so I never heard of it.

Sup Forums was plastered with news about this leak, so was reddit,
Either way, I don't know why it's such a big deal for you. If you like the game play in on a platform you already have,.

PC doesn't need exclusives, but consoles do.

I posted this in the other thread but for the sake of showing enthusiasm and avoiding this thread being full of shitposting:
Awesome news! I've never played an EDF game before, but this game looks pretty cool and a lot of people in these threads are saying they're really great games. The game is giving me Starship Troopers vibes. I love it when games get ported to PC and hope that D3 continues this trend, so I'll definitely check this out. Thanks for sharing this news OP! Hopefully a lot of people buy this and new people find a new series to enjoy!

EDF is as bad as Dynasty Warriors. Both have unsatisfying combat.

>I love it when games get ported to PC
Shut the fuck up!

No user. It makes me really happy when a platform that historically doesn't have many Japanese games available on it starts getting ports of Japanese games. It makes the platform have more fun stuff to enjoy, introduces games to a potentially new audience, thus helping people find more fun new games to enjoy, and gives people more options on how and where they play their game if they so want it. Now people can get this game on PS4 and/or PC, rather than only having PS4 as an option beforehand, so people have more choices! They can go one way or the other (or even both!), and I think that's really cool. I just hope people enjoy it! It would suck if people buy the game and find out that they don't like it.

Plus I'd be lying if I said that wasn't one of the reasons I was considering getting the game; I like supporting companies that do that.

YAY console games, they're so fun,and now i can just pirate it for free instead of wasting money on a PSdoodoo and $60 game!

I don't recall people getting upset about Dragon's Dogma being released on PC

Is it worth getting EDF 2 AND this or just this?

Because it wasn't on PS4
See a pattern here?

Yeah pc niggers weren't shitposting threads for it before

You shouldn't be because those games didn't run 30fps

>was farming on 2017 portable last night
>40 hours and barely have all the weapons

i'll get there someday.


oh, user, the only niggers start with so


Stop being reasonable on Sup Forums.

>oh boy it's another fucking fake store.stearnpowdered.org link
>its fucking real

Well... It WAS leaked months ago.

and who the fuck are you?

Yeah but John cena was leaked for MVC3. I don't believe leaks


Someone who tried to talk about EDF 4.1 months ago but was met with nothing but pc shitposters shitposting about it not being on pc

You misremembering stuff. ddg got blown up by shitposters foreshadowing the collapse of DD community with the release of upcoming PC port. Most of these retards came straight from Dark Souls general, absolutely oblivious to the fact people already were playing DDO on PC.

Ok I'll tone it down a bit.

Console games coming to PC is good because no downside at all and more people can enjoy it.

PC game coming to consoles means downgrade and the inevitable butchering of the series.

Any word on the price?

It was a leak of titles that were found in the Steam database itself though. It has more legitimacy than most leaks since the titles were at least guaranteed to be to be in the database. And also every game that was in the list wound up being true.
Kill yourself

How dare I speak out against the PC hivemind right?

I don't browse a lot of generals, I do remember some people being happy that they could play Mystic Knight and shit at a good framerate

How dare you add to platformwar shitposting with more platformwar shitposting would be more accurate.

>speak out
No you are just flat out retarded. Why would you think "LOL THIS GAME SUX BECAUSE IT'S NO ON THE PEECEE" is an actual opinion that someone has? Why are you taking shitposters opinion seriously?

Nobody is saying that you stupid prick. Stop being a dickhead because some people are happy to be getting a game.

Do you really think we ps4players would let the pcfags have nice threads after you ruined every single thread we had? No, I am going to shitpost so much that you fucking faggots will try to forget about this game. But I will come again in your dreams and shitpost even there, I will be the cause of your medical issues, I will be the fucking reason for your health problems and dying at a young age. Jk I love this game hope everyone enjoys it

Just this, its the definitive EDF game.

This news made my week. EDF was literally the only thing I really wanted on PS4.

As for someone who skipped this console gen and played 2025 originally on the 360 and loved it, I'm very happy this is coming to PC.
The framedrops were ridiculous on 360, and playing with a mouse will be so much better.

Noice, thanks for beta testing you console cucks.


>one guy is all of Sup Forums
Fuck you im a pc user and was legitimately jealous that EDF hadn't come to PC in a good iteration, I'm still fucking jealous that I don't get to play fighting games 'til 3 years after they've fucking died. Tell you what though I'm not spending fucking 400 buckaroos for a controller locked shit box that I can't watch porn efficiently on or multitask with

Rev up those torrents

Is there a torrent up yet?

>all these triggered sonycucks

more tears

yeah, timeline was something like this
>People playing DDO, having great time. Mostly on PC, because VPN, translation patch and shit.
>Capcom announces PC port
>Lots of people happy they can play the game with stable framerate. DDO runs on toasters, people expect the same of DD:DA port.
>news about the port get posted on Sup Forums
>some retards from dsg come immediately, start telling us how doomed we are
>shitposting starts, console players shitposting about PC players being cancer and vice versa
>shitposters disrupt communication for a day or two. after that everything goes back to normal

So what'll the mods be like?

Did you forget how mad they were when Xbox got FF13 and DMC4?

%30 off at launch

Hope the port is awful and runs like shit on your computer!

This PCucks will never stop

Maybe if you sonycucks actually bought the game, this wouldn't happen

Not gunna torrent it due to based co-op but I'll probably grab it off of G2A or something for cheap.

Not like you're actually going to buy the game poorfag

>Extreme Battle Mode
>The Map is just insects, buildings made of insects, streets made of insects, insects made of insects.

Daily reminder that console warriors are redditors.

Just this. It'd be like getting Monster Hunter 1 or 2 when Freedom United exists.

BUY this game




Doesn't sound too surprising. I'd expect something of the same happening to /mhg/ when MH Generations comes out with a whole bunch of Sup Forumsirgins hoping over.

>buildings made of insects
>insects made of insects
What about insects made of insects made of insects

>Has coop
>Mechs and shit
Alright I'm listening, now lets see how much it cost.

Maybe for a survival mode. The main missions already sacrificed framerate for numbers anyway.

I keep thinking "I'll buy a ps4 soon"
But whenever shit like this happens I delay my purchase.

Five hundred and ninety nine us dollars

$34.99 including discount
Only been out for a year so makes sense

It's weird how I keep seeing this same type of post every time a game is ported

$50 is a bit much, $35 seems like a good sweet spot for launch atleast. Hopefully, it isn't 30% off at launch because of the current state of the game.

>already 16 DLC in the store
ease us in, guys.