BlackLivesMatter, will he save 2016 ?


can't wait for the game

A black man destroys various mafia gangs while killing kkk members? Poor black people, only in fiction can they actually pull this off

literally a white man colored black

Maybe because he is half-white.

>play as black protag

>half white

every single time.

haha back to Sup Forums trumpster

>Black Lives Matter
>Game about shooting cops
seems right

Not white enough for me to identify with.. I'll pass thanks.

No honestly, I hate the music of that period of time and it looks generic as fuck.

How do they expect to push for diversity when all these games are horrible?
Both Watch Dogs 2 and Mafia 3 look really boring.



Hey guys but what if
b-but what i...
guys, srsly you guys
What if it turns out okay? The other mafia games were pretty damn good.

Only mafia 2 was decent, and it wasn't due to gameplay but atmosphere.

Mafia I was amazing, you should go play it.

I have and it's incredibly dated.

>Only mafia 2 was decent

Neo-Sup Forums ladies and gentlemen.

>it's dated
That's just a cop-out.

Vito is supposed to be back in it as the protagonists friend or something like that. I think you are supposed to be going after the same gang he has an issue with.

Not in the slightest, if a game is only good by the standards of that time, and is boring to play later then it doesn't stand on its own legs.

Why would it be boring to play later? You sound confused by your own stupidity.

Actually Vito is an underboss, by the end of the game, you have to kill two of them, so you can kill Vito if you want.

This isn't made by the same devs. This one is made by San Francisco nu-males to atone for their white guilt.

Do you know what dated means you retard? It means that it was fun at the time due to the mechanics being introduced being new.
It's like old games where you can't look up or down using the mouse, it takes away from the enjoyment since you're used to better things.
Some games can stand the test of time, others that are only fun at the time. Think GTA III, if that game was made today it would be clunky as fuck. I loved GTA 3 at the time but can't stand to play it now.
I think you need to take off the nostalgia goggles, and judge it by todays standards.

>Do you know what dated means you retard?
I don't see how "dated" applies to videogames. Even if gameplay conventions have changed over the years, if the game was compelling to begin with you should derive some enjoyment from it years later. Good gameplay doesn't erode or degrade with time. The fact that it was your only argument against the game shows how much you know about it, also.
What a tryhard idiot.

I don't have high hopes for the story since they very awkwardly put Trump into the game.

I don't care for the guy but that's pushing an agenda where it doesn't really belong and with how hamfisted it looks I have very low expectations for the story.

>This one is made by San Francisco nu-males to atone for their white guilt.
Fuck off Sup Forums

I honestly thing that Mafia I has dated better than GTA 3, the aiming is better ,driving cars is better. In these terms it dated well. You can actually aim well in this game and the animations are much beter than what GTA 3 had to offer.

Where Mafia is really dated is when it comes to its melee combat and obviously, graphics.

I think that for the most part, Mafia dated well. It does have a lot of bugs, mostly graphical ones.

But apart from that? I don't know, I think Mafia dated well, I can still play that, the same way I can play Max Payne and don't feel like time made it look any worse (again, apart from graphics). Even though I think graphically Mafia 1 looks really nice too, better than GTA 3 again, it has high quality textures and faces look damn good.

I am just curious, how do you think Mafia dated badly? How? By its mechanics? Graphics? Because I think stuff that are in there work.

Especially for shooting out a car, GTA didn't get this right until GTA IV came out, until then shooting out of a car in GTA was a nightmare, meanwhile Mafia got this right ages ago.

(and then Mafia II went out its way to get rid of that all together)

The shooting, the melee, the driving, not because it's completely awful, but because it's so prevalent and not all that engaging. It takes so much time, the majority of the game is spent inside the vehicle, something a lot of early open world GTA clones had problems with.
The graphics and animations were pretty ugly as well.
The only good part about it is that the voice acting was great.

the game is you being the driver and muscle for a mob boss

embrace the comfiness

>mafia 1 graphics were ugly
stop talking


Fuck off BLM

He barely even looks black in that screen shot.

His voice actor and facial capture literally has white skin.


looks like all you do in that game is kill white people

Why the racism against white people? They're just people like you and me.

Sauce? Chubby girl is cute

Road Trip
She's dead.

Jesus christ, at 36
That's way too young

What the fuck? What happened?

>playing Mafia
>without the Sicilian mafia
i don't care for a gangster game with the "mafia" brand on it

Tbqh I'm just excited for a GTAlike that isn't Saints Row

Yeah, it's funny how the open city genre suddenly died. Some years ago we had nothing but GTA clones all over.

What's being cloned right now? Open world in general? Feels like that's been going strong forever.

pathetic how much the white fuccbois of Sup Forums get triggered by this

Imagine if Nigger Lives Matter was taken over by Italians. NOW YOU FEEL OUR PAIN TYRONE

>BLM gets taken over by whites
>Things actually start happening other than cops getting shot

Yeah because when white people make it their problem it's suddenly a real issue to be taken seriously.

Yes. White people know how to make realistic change through programs with grassroots and effective campaigning. Martin Luther King understood similarly the White art of creating change, and he made a very real, very positive difference. However, these BLM protesters don't. They make all the classic mistakes, like allowing their protests to get violent, for instance. It undermines their entire movement.

>tfw we'll never see The Getaway 3


The Sicilian mafia are in it, but they are the enemy this time around.