Superior Witcher genetics

>superior Witcher genetics

There's a big difference between balding and receding hairline.

To be fair, some people have natural hair lines like this. My grandfathers is just like this and he said its been like that since he was 20

Your grandfather is lying, bald faggot.


widow's peaks r sexy look like vegeta

witcher gene dont fix your looks, famalam.

genetics for fighting, not for selectively altering the topmost follicle with the ones on the side

take him away

>sexiest motherfucker alive


>every other witcher
>ugliest motherfuckers alive


that's 4 to 1, buddy :^)

Looks like old Nicholas Cage



Letho is the best looking witcher out there. Even more than Geralt.

Don't worry.
He probably has a qt3.14 loli to protect somewhere.

balding occurs due to DHT - dihydrotestosterone, a form of male sex hormone testosterone

>cucked Geralt
>aint afraid to say anything
>doesn't pretend that being a witcher is something great, but just a cursed you never asked for

hes top tier

That lying sack of shit.
Sure serves him right that I passed used goods to him while I continue roaming the path on my own defying odds and praying for death since Ciri is gone.

>There's a big difference between balding and receding hairline.

I agree, but this is clearly balding.

All men produce this. It is not the cause of balding. Sensitivity to DHT in the hair follicles is what causes this. This sensitivity is governed by genetics.

The only way to stop this is to stop the conversion of Testosterone to DHT. There are a few ways you can reduce the amount naturally but the surefire method is to chemically castrate yourself with finasteride.

>superior genetics

Balding is a sign of high testerone. Almost every female bodybuilder has a receding hairline.


>being a witcher isn't something great
>incredible longevity
>can fuck as much as you want without having to deal with disease or the risk of spawning a little fucking shit
>superior physically in every regard

But its sooooooooooo hard because a bunch of peasants are racisss towards you as you plough their women


>I never asked for this

He went through the training didn't he?

I too convince myself that my excessive back, chest, and facial hair and receding hairline are actually signs that I'm manly.

>Balding is a sign of high testerone.

I want this meme to end. Balding is a sign of DHT sensitivity. Period.

Of course roiding women with DHT sensitivity will go bald. They are producing a chemical they otherwise produce very little of.

>He went through the training didn't he?
Oh yeah, when you're abusive father gives you away to a mean old witcher, then forced to take drugs while being strapped down and injected with body destroying toxins.
Become sterile, and an outcast as a mutant.
I bet he had a choice

Being strapped down and injected with toxins is the last part of becoming a witcher after a long gruelling training process isn't it?

I've been called vegeta before

Someone is angry for being a beta?

I'm not sure as it really isn't laid out the process of becoming one.

But Yen mentions that Uma's body isn't as good to work with when doing the toxin trial as much as a young boy's body is.

This implies they do it when you are a child.

I have two uncles who both have had this same hairline for the past twenty years.
It just happens sometimes.

>the witcher

It's the voice and his looks


>has to be able to disguise himself as anyone and be prepared for combat

>witcher genetics
what? they just pick up children and mutate them with potions
I guess even witchers haven't found an hair growth mutation

It's not like withcers give a fuck about what child wants to do with his life. They probably beat the shit out of them until they agree.

>Start balding
>Start panicking that I'm gonna be a bald fuck
>Get diagnosed with terminal cancer

Now balding seems like such a stupid thing to care about.

is this modded? I dont remember him being this handsome

>implying that's not a god-tier hair style if you have the face and body for it

either way its a small price to pay for basically being medieval space marines with a license to fuck every moving thing, nigga should appreciate the fact that me survived the trial of the grasses

>Somehow the amount of hair you have is directly related to your performance in combat

what is this Bald-fu you talk about?

Bet you felt silly

Which part of the hairline contains the best genetics for fighting Slavic fairytale creatures?

>start balding
>don't even care
>wish I had cancer
Life's not fair you know.

did you even pay attention to his plot you moron? the guy's right, lambert never wanted to be a witcher, hated the fact that it happened to him and is incredibly against putting any kids (or anyone) through the process

Can confirm.
I'm 19 and my hairline is almost like that.

Maybe, but when I did the quest with Lambert and I understood why he acts the way he does it made me feel for him a bit.

I think he would be fine with living his life with just his mother, rather than being given away as a sack of gold in exchange for his abusive father. undergoing grueling trials and borderline experimentation's.

He did chose his life, other took his hands and fate in their hands. Fucked him up good and told him, off you go.

>my problems are worse so stop caring about your problems.

It's from the dream when he was younger at the beginning

what's done is done, its just weak character that after all this time he still hasn't embraced being a superior being

Then why does he have the scars that he didn't have back then?

That's not what he said, you mouthbreathing imbecile.

He did, he could have said fuck it and just become a farmer but knew he received these mutations for a reason and still does contracts.

He's just bitter that he had no say, and why all these challenges where young boys were killed off, drowned or eaten alive when they got killed by the first drowner anyway.

>Superior being
>Literally impotent.

Oh no, but he >implied it.

he should man up tbqh, its been a long time too
>wanting little shits

No he isn't. Geralt is aesthetically superior. Letho only has the big fat dick appeal desu

>Lambert can't shave his hair bald because he realizes that he'd look like Maddox if he did

being Lambert is suffering

From what I know they fucked up there. Even adult Ciri comments "that scar is new", even though that dream implies that he had it when Ciri was a child.

>implying his new sorceress waifu can't conjure up some hair for him

Anyone explain the "witchers are ugly" thing?
Is it in the sense that they look very different in the books?
Or is it that Geralt is seen as a prettyboy when his scars aren't on show?
You've got Eskel, who is bordeline deformed, but then Lambert who looks pretty average.

What's the deal? Are they known as "ugly" or is it just "man those witchers are kinda freaky"

its funny because geralt from witcher 1 cannot go to a new area without fucking women, he literally drowns in pussy while later games he fucks like 3 people at most


it was all a dream

As someone on finasteride, I can confirm. I no longer have a penis.

It's probably a mix of all the scars and disfigurement along with the weird eyes

Well it can't help that Witchers will often be riddled with scars from getting fucked up by monsters. The yellow cat eyes are freaky too, as well as them being literal mutants.

He even has the tattoo on his neck in that dream.


>Never heard of monks
I bet you don't like cheesy kung-fu movies as well

Why? You diddle kids or something?

And there is the fact that most of the witcher's come from peasant nobodies.
Bad genetics really screw up your looks.

From finasteride. Are you listening?

It sort of cheapen his characters and makes him less likeable imo. "Yeah, you play as Geralt, this 10/10 ladies man" it sort of makes him seem a bit of a douche.

>There are people who actually managed to fuck up so bad they got Ciri killed

I read the chemical castration part. People only get that when they are fiddlers and rapists. So why was you or he using the chemical?

If your hair is long enough to be grabbed then it's a potential hindrance in combat and should be shortened. At least that's what they told us in the army when I was conscripted.

It stops/drastically slows balding, the main theme of this thread.

Lambert, Lambert what a prick

thism makes me so tickled

Lambert is the only ugly person there

Everyone else looks good in a rugged sort of way

>cant have friends because everyone except for all the weird kids like you
>all women hate you except the ones with weird fucking witcher fetishes who are all inevitably trying to take advantage of your witcher skills
>poor assholes who fucking know you don't work for free constantly hounding you to kill oversized rats because "mmmmuh poor son can't sleep from the squeeking"

>get summoned to local lords chambers
>hey witcher il pay you a meager 300 crowns to either die or uncursing my daughter which was my own fucking fault
>"not sure if I can do that senpai"
>if you don't do it il kill you
>"what if I can't uncurse her and she dies"
>than il fucking kill you

>drink potions all the time that make you feel closer to death
>local asshole witcher went and killed some fag so now when I pass through town people throw sharp rocks and shit at me.

>wounds and scars constantly hurting
>my ass hurts from riding this horse all goddamn day
>i wish I was at home fucking the shit out of yennefer

Yeah, that sounds like lots of fun

Looks like 90% of slavs

They also make him more and more handsome in every game. in 3 you can barely even tell that he has those weird catlike irises and his facial structure is God tier.

I'm not even sure if anyone insults geralts looks in 3 where I know for a fact it happens multiple times in 1 and 2.

he's got a widow's peak. that's not balding.

Sucks cause Yennefer thinks Lambert is the most physically attractive out of the witchers we actually see.


Would you lick Eskel's scar?

I don't think you know what a widows peak is.

You know who told me that?

Lee Everett

don't know why he considers himself ugly

>tfw he looks better with a receding hairline

He got older and lost some libido as well as gained some maturity. He still fucks some tho.

this image triggers me
1. images don't for a spiral
2. the smallest image is 1 pixel off


That looks terrible.

This post triggers me.

1. No proper capitalization.
2. Typo.

suck the dick

he's also a son of a sorceress somehow and a failure by some witcher mutation standards.