How long will this take to die?
How long will this take to die?
Bout a week
Not with this kind of shit
What is that?
Never. Markmy words: PokemonGo will outlive all of us
When they release 3rd gen Pokémon.
NEVER, or give it a month or two. How long did Candy Crush last?
Or this.
A tattoo of one of the teams in the game.
I wouldn't say that but it will outdo candy crush and clash of clans and angry birds put together
People saying
>a week/a month
Are just butt hurt about the game and are the same ones who said it'll flop and never be popular
Impossible. Do you not think a time will come when looking at a little fictional animal on a little screen will become tiring to even the normiest of normies?
What team is Sup Forums in?
People are fucking retarded.
>implying that won't give them a better reason to stay
Normies aren't Reddit. They get hooked unlike fedoras that sperg about ten 1 being better than the rest
3rd gen is shit. 1,2, and 4 are the only ones worth a damn.
3 is responsible for bullshit like Wailord and Gringo Sombrero Frog
Welcome to the human condition. Have a drink.
This, when the nostalgia is gonna they are gonna leave
>LOTR Tatoo
>Pokeymans tatoo
>generic tribal shit tatoo
God damn this guy is a tool
It will die when they release any pokémon from other gen. The complains will be much louder since the majority only cares about Gen 1.
GO is fucked. It needs new stuff but the players don't want "new" pokémon.
It already is, at least with most. 2 weeks in and I'd reckon they've lost more than half active users by now with big fans sticking around same as any other game. Normies are definitely losing interest fast
Mythic master race
why does Sup Forums suddenly hate Pokemon Go?
Maybe a month or two.
The devs released it too early, shit needs a tonne of work, they've catastrophically wasted the potential of this game.
When you stop making threads about it.
It doesn't faggot, everyone in this thread is playing.
Everyone also knows it is a fad game with shit devs which will be dropped in the near future without a second miracle in terms of content release pace.
Fucking red fag. It used to be tha they ruled my neighborhod but in about 3 days we erased them from fucking existance.
a month or so
DISCLAIMER: I like pokemon go, I'm not an angry spastic hating the game
Honestly no, no I cant.
We, a bunch of stupid apes, aren't done yet playing a bunch of sticks, drums, chords and pipes making stupid sounds for over 10 000 years.
All the future pokemon iteractions will be a success if they keep it easy and contained on the mobile app format.
If only a lot of fucking franchises will start to join this fashion.
Valor really are a bunch of Faggots
Instinct is really the best. No faggotry like that.
I really fucking hate how after you beat a gym any faggot no matter what team there in can tap on the gym and put in there pokemon and make it there gym
it will die just like soccer or chess :)
How long until uncharted 4 die ? 1 month and everyone has forgotten him same shit with overwatch,fallout 4 etc. normies quickly forget a game
Pick my trainer nickname.
Nothing edgy m'anons
nice fedora dude.
Pokemon Go will go out of style just like pokemon did in the 2000s.
Depends how long you keep talking about it.
You could say the same about literally every video game that got popular. FNAF for example.
See you crying in the 3000s, when "Pokemon: Second Coming of Arceus Planetary Edition" comes out.
none of those were nearly as popular as pokemon go you idiot
how long will take the creators of southpark to whip up a parody app?
It almost sounds too generous, but yeah, a week.
What the heck dude?
>i-it will die in a week guys I swear
>I don't understand statistics and probability
Hmmm, one is free and available on a device nearly every human being in a developed country has and the others are P2P pc games.
>I pretend to know about statistics and probability because I'm a spiteful contrarian
We can compare it to non-game things if you'd like
Old jaypeg fampai
We passed Porn now.
all the normalfags seems to be all over this so, i give it a month or so.
>How long will this take to die?
Until they start adding Pokemon from newer generations. Pokemon from Gen 4-6 trigger the fuck out of normalfags.
Screencapped so I can ridicule you when the game dies next week
Name one other game that was so big restaurants and businesses had to post notices about its use in their buildings or using it to promote business.
Let's be honest here, just gen 2 is enough to start the triggering. Gen 3 definitely.
The game will slowly diminish over time, as all trendy mobile games do, but retain a large audience because Pokemon. Over a larger period of time, more dedicated people will get bored because they've caught 'em all and there's nothing to really do (I've already seen people posting damn near finished pokedexes save for legendaries) and the game doesn't really have any engaging mechanics since battles are basic and fuck.
At that point, they'll probably release the Gen 2 pokemon, which will cause a huge amount of people who only ever were familiar with RBY to get frustrated with the game because they don't like the "new" ones, and if they don't leave then, Gen 3 will probably be the death blow.
I mean, I think the game will always have players, but it'll severely diminish in popularity over time.
Its only in 3-4 different countries
It will only become bigger when its avalible in europe
If Candy Crush or Clash of Clans had geolocation based gameplay, I'd put down money that it would've happened already.
>the line went up therefore it must keep going up
You should realise how fucking stupid that is.
You wish, 3/4 of the playerbase is going to drop out as soon as they add gen 2
Normies are triggered by literally everything that isn't gen 1
Is there a more shilled game on Sup Forums than Pokemon GO?
Valorfags everyone
Calm down, alright?
Ingress lasted maybe almost a year until people stopped being interested. I expect the same thing to happen with Pokemon GO
Normie here. I'm out at gen 3.
Ingress is still super active where I live. In fact a quick look at the intel map will tel you that it's still active in most places.
normies get out reee and stuff.
>Normie here
Reddit here
Okay, you can leave now.
>yfw pokemon go becomes the new league of legends
Good riddance
people got really stoked about pokemon go when it first dropped because we were all on an equal footing - everyone was catching generally the same pokemon, and everyone was levelling up together. this meant that everybody had a realistic shot at capturing their local gyms, which was truly exciting. but going forward, the more dedicated players will start to pull ahead in levels and in average CP, and they will become much harder to beat at the gyms. the average players will realize how much time is actually required to catch stronger pokemon and grind the shit out of them just to beat a single gym, and they'll decide that it's no longer worth the effort. that's how this fad will end.
I still remember when I was playing Ingress I saw a shitload of people around me doing the same, after a half year I quit myself because it started to become winter and I didnt wanted to walk around in the snow. After I quit, I never really saw anyone playing or talking about Ingress anymore around me.
How? It's about as deep as a kiddy pool. The novelity is going to wear off very quickly
Don't say and stuff
Well, you can say the same about league of legends, the only diversity the game have is the items
They need to stabilize the servers, make it so less shitty Pokemon appear more frequently, make higher level CP Pokemon give more candy when you transfer them, just make more Pokemon appear in general. I don't know if the servers were down, but I walked 4 miles the other day and only like 4 Pokemon popped up
>I walked 4 miles the other day and only like 4 Pokemon popped up
if that happens, try closing the app entirely and then reopening it. whenever i go straight back into the app i have literally nothing, not even pokestops, on my map.
>if it were any other game this kind of problem would be devastating
>you actually have to leave the house to "play" this "game"
hey guys remember Harlem shake?
how long did it take underfags to die ?
Until Pokemon Moon/Sun comes out
is the nintendrones desperation why their stagnant company
Best response. The game is pay to win and only the biggest lame asses pay for cell phone games
Pokémon go is popular among people who wouldn't even play games usually. Most adults wouldn't be caught dead playing a 3ds.
>handhelds are embarrassing
Nice meme.
It's not necessarily even pay to win, but you'll get much further ahead than everyone else with more time and money investment, which means average/casual players will lose interest because they don't want to invest money or more time into the game.
The reason for that is a lack of interest in the 3DS, not because they don't want to be 'caught' using it. The people who say this seem really insecure to me. I don't think anyone cares if you're playing on a handheld on the train or whatever.
The only people who do seem to care are people on this board.
Most of the player base of GO are mobile-"gamers" and normies being nostalgic over the Pokemon tv show.
The game forces the player to move around, as opposed to candy crush that just requires you to turn the app on (I know of some who already went back to Candy Crush for this reason). I'd give it another 2-3 weeks to peak, then noticeable loss of interest when they add gen 2 around the holidays, alienating the 90's kids.
Pay to win if you buy a house sitting on top of 3 or more pokestops maybe.