What went wrong?

What went wrong?

people expected this one to be good

They want to be better than Zestiria

No western PS3 release

Combat was double slash to win.
No seriously. It's the first move you get and it's also the best in the game.

They wanted it to be better than it is.

It's okay.
Solid atmosphere.

PS3 is the past. Go back to future


Yea, it's by far no the best one.
Try playing the game.

It has possibly the dumbest subtitle ever.

It's the only attack fidel needs to complete the game.

Looks like more generic weeb trash to me


OP describing what went wrong is far too long of a conversation. Instead, we should have a conversation about what went right.


They used Lua

>what went right

How is it compared to SO4?

There's literally no one talking about the game, well other than the fact that it's disappointing.

>thinking a starocean game is going to be good

It's your own fault.

At least I can laugh at how stupid SO4's cutscenes are, this game is just bland.

According to others, SO4 has a better combat system and more to do in the game overall than 5

Just because you can use a single attack to beat the game doesn't mean it is the best attack. I think you are mistaking "viable" with "best".

people here expected something better than zestiria

>Tri-Ace made Valkyrie Profile

>and this shit

How is it possible?

You're all mixed up. VP is the only legitimately good game Tri-Ace has ever made.

>reading a review of the game
>there's some butthurt faggot in the comments yelling about how they didn't spend half the review complaining about the censorship
>anybody that tells him to get over himself gets called a SJW cuck


Is it really as bad as people are making it out to be? I hear people say it's really short too.

I really need something to crave my JRPG itch, and I can only replay old shit so many times.

You can get through the game in about 20 hours. It'll take you about 55 - 65 hours to 100% everything.

It's dull as fuck. One of the most generic and boring games I've played.

Been plenty of JRPGs lately. Play something else.

>Atelier Sophie (for comfy alchemy)
>7th Dragon III (for your DRPG fix)
>Trillion (character raising/VN-ish RPG)

I fucking hated how they made her a shota slut.
I had hoped this game would let me have my harem....

>Atelier Sophie (for comfy alchemy)

The games is boring as fuck. Why the hell would you recommend any game of this series to someone else?

Its pretty good. Square canned Star ocean 2 for ps4, fuckers.


>green hair girls are the best
>this game has two of them
>there's barely any porn of them
Fuck this game.

I play Atelier every year and continue to love it each time. Don't know what your problem with it is. I guess it's boring if you can't appreciate CGDCT

There are far better girls than those two sluts in the game.

>shota slut
What shota? Random NPCs? Or is it some random character that has some importance to the story that she clings to?

That boy genius in her school or whatever the fuck that magic place is.
Play her PA's, she'll tell you all about it.

>Green hair girls are the best
Mah nigga
even better if they're sluts

I enjoyed it but it was definitely a let down, started off great but turned out painfully average.

Characters weren't so bad and at times Relia was genuinely endearing, that's about it.

My problem is that those games are barebones with nothing going for them. Buying one of them full price was the biggest mistake I've made

The game JUST came out in the west. Give it some time.

How are the endings compared to TtEoT?
Are they still vague in the "I'm totally spending time with you but we're not officially dating" ? Are there even multiple endings or just one?


don't make me say it OP

>Mario reaction image for a SE PS4 Exclusive

Nothing it's better than3 and 4

Post some new ones. I have all of your other screen shots.


>He thinks it's one person
I was pretty surprised that so many perverts bought the game as well.

Potato People.

Seems par for the course for Tri-Ace

I just purchased this. About 10 hours into it.
No costumes.
Weapons and armor don't change appearance AT ALL
Combat is incredibly shallow (double slash and ice needles will win you almost every fight)
Characters all have cardboard personalities

But. Sweet sweet green hair T&A

I hate to say this, but can someone please post the webm's ?

>No costumes



>I just purchased this
I sure hope you bought it from Best Buy with Gamer's Club Unlocked. Amazon's 20% off policy only lasts for a week.

it's not a bad game just not great probably a 7/10