It's actually really tasty

It's actually really tasty.

Big Boss didn't lie.


>americans call kilocalories as calories

it looks like a dogtreat m8

The maple ones aren't bad. Pretty much just okay quality shortbread with a slight maple syrup twinge.

so it's shortbread?

>was actually invented in the 80s

kilocalories are referred to as Calories concerning all food that is printed in the English language.

>Believing Patriot information.

But Calorie Mate is Japanese

It's just crap shortbread


Pretty much. They don't taste half bad and they'll keep you full for a long time.

Top Kek

Maple is the best flavor.

Where can I buy these in bulk for cheap?
The ones in Amazon went up in price.

How much protein, carbs and fats per 100g? I don't read moon.

the order is usually the same universally, so I'd say
8.1g of fat
22.6g of protein
40.3g of fiber
2g of sugar
300mg of some other thing

I don't agree. I think it tastes bland at best and fucking awful at worst depending on the flavor. It also makes your mouth drier than the fucking Sahara. I don't understand why people even buy these considering it's not nutritionally superior to many foods you can normally find and vastly inferior to just about any protein bar both in taste and in protein content.

Wrong, it's 8g protein and 22 g fat

Bought some off Ebay, can confirm.
They're pretty neat, I wish I could get them here in Denmark.

Whats the shelf life on those things?

It is actually very tasty, if they were available I'd probably keep some in the car or gym bag.

I tried them a few times. Great for trips cause they keep you full. Though you really should have them with a drink since its dry as hell. Wish they were more easily obtainable here in US.

they can survive a nuclear apocalypse

Get with the times you stupid fuck its called a joule and kilojoule

metric system>Shitty retard imperial system

BCE & ACE not BC & AD you inbred cave dwelling scripture believing mentally invalid


>Be fat
>Drink sugar
>Think things that don't have sugar don't taste good
I dare you fuckers to only drink water for a week and no sugary junk food, and marvel at the end of the week at how delicious and very sweet an apple can be.

You've ruined your sensitivity on your tongues by blasting them daily with sugar, just like you've ruined your virility and thinned your hair with daily masturbation.

It's all right m8, but let's not go crazy with this "really tasty" spiel; shit's drier than ur mum before she hits the sauce.

Do your measure your asspain by the volume of Somali dicks up your anus?

maple is for jews
also they are way too expensive

>just like you've ruined your virility and thinned your hair with daily masturbation.

I feel sorry for you if you actually believe this

chocolate is like $3 right now

I'm not sure how that's related but yeah sugar is basically a drug.

that even more expensive then they're here in japan. i can get better tasting bars for that money or you know, real food

>just like you've ruined your virility and thinned your hair with daily masturbation
>tfw I have thick hair and am always horny
Get better genetics, creep.

hey send me some, i'll pay the shipping and handling

not worth it, trust me. shipping food is stupidly expensive because of the weight. ive done it a few times with an american friend and usually the shipping is more than the costs of the actual products were.

I lived off those Calorie Mates when I vacationed in japan. I use to keep them in my skiiing jacket, to have food if I got lost on the slopes.

Get dat Gyoza and Edamame young nigga

fat is fine.


I keep several packs of frozen Gyoza in the freezer at all times if im too lazy to ride my bike for 5 minutes. Edamame are never in short supply either. Shame the beer is so expensive here

What are you doing in japan? How to you communicate with everyone when they all speak japanese? Jesus Christ this is bring back bad memories of my vaction. I once took 30 seconds to communicate to a shopkeeper that I wanted a coke. It was a full store, too. Fuuuuuuck.

lukin like a shite m8

>He doesn't know Japanese


What is "la li le lu lo" information user?

>not being multilingual

Im nearly done with my degree and figured Id do an exchange semester in japan for shits and giggles (i dont even need credit anymore and barely go to classes) because its hard to get the chance to stay half a year in a foreign country once I start working. One of the main reasons I came is to get a nice long vacation and study the language. Conversation is pretty easy after a short while but I'm still too lazy to study kanji I don't see daily. The only japanese I knew before coming was hiragana/katakana and assorted vocab from anime, honestly

Why don't they just get someone with a funny accent to explain it all to everyone? About de petriots an' de nanomasheen conspeerasees.

Americans eat 1000 calories for every 1 calorie everyone else eats, may as well shorten it

Where in Japan are you?

Have you seen any anime cliches while you're there yet?


Fukushima. Countryside-ish but theres a couple reasons why im here. People are nice and I have enough opportunity for trips everywhere. Also I'm everyones senpai because theres only japanese first-years in the dorm.
Japanese eat like black holes. It's ridiculous

Nice. Wouldn't be my first choice, for obvious reasons, but enjoy it.

Ebay has some guy selling them $21 for 5, and another 10 for $36, both free shipping. It seems to be about as cheap as it gets.

I wish I still had that screenshot of the story by the soldier who had eaten nothing but rations and it resulted in the most catastrophic shit known to mankind

Well yeah. It's a partner university to my home uni so I don't pay tuition. That's the prime deal desu

Is this the thread where we boast living in Japan?

Count me in.

What's it like not living in a land not overrun with kebab

This humidityis killing me.
At least it means it rains often, which adds to the night-time Cyberpunk aesthetic.

You're not really living in Japan unless you're in Tokyo like I am though. Pay your respects, 田舎人

Post your room.

Pretty great.
Until you go to Akihabara, it's full of kebab. (Both food and people.)

Yeah, I hate it.

Where do you think I live?

Already did half a year ago.

I'm with you anons

Currently in Fukuoka. Pretty crazy here right now.

high energy military rations always taste good for some reason.

avoid the mushroom soup though, the oral immunization vaccine they give you for polio tastes better than that shit.

hehe... fuk

WHat's going on?


Enjoy your shit replica of China, with less hookers and more weebshit.

That's way smaller than i thought it would be.

>eating literal meme food

Do people really do this?

8.1g of protein
22.6g of fat
40.3g of sugar
2g of fiber
300mg of sodium

that dude has small hands, it's actually MUCH smaller

I'm a big guy.

For you

>tfw it's nearly over
Europe is kind of a primitive shithole in comparison, if I'm being completely honest. Not even all that much of a weeb.

>For you

2 memes in 1, Japan really is ahead of us

What ?

Here, take a manga about Hitler

By Osamu Tezuka no less.

They're all right. Calorie Mate's pretty good when just walking outdoors and during breaktime.

And what about a big fat bowl of Udon ?

>bottom right

>Ouiaboo complaining about weeaboos

I counted like 10 memes long that road.

Can you found them all ?

After several hours I finally came across a negro in Tokyo.

Best snack is best. On my last trip, I'd just eat a box of Calorie Mate and have a couple cups of coffee for breakfast every morning.

Nothing better. The broth can be kind of shit depending on where you are, though.

And how your butt cancer treats you ?

t. the guy who uses the motorised carts at walmart

>not motorised bambi

I never understood this.

I've eaten spicy shit tons of times and my ass never felt so much as a sting.

What? That thing is real? I thought it was some made up product that was a caricature.

I'm more of a ramenfag though. Maybe I just don't like thick noodles.

maybe you already killed the nerves there

Nigga all chemists including european chemists use Kcal for energy in molecules and they use angstrom for bondlengths.

Same. My esophagus however...

Ramen tastes like cheap noodles to me. Udon and Soba are great though


Big guy meet big man

Not to be rude, but that bowl of ramen looks...depressing.

>Not glorious Spicy Cheese

>w-well muslims :^)

great argument champ, you sure showed us

Japan embraced memes like no others.

They are everywhere

So product placement works then?