Would you play Persona GO?

Would you play Persona GO?

No but I would play the shit out of SMT: Go.

Why is she so perfect, bros?

Heart tits

Persona GO would make no sense since most people can only have one Persona.

SMT GO would be more likely to happen.

Also I'm so sick of this meme game.

Friendly reminder P2 has the best waifu


Because she always thinks positive

I want to marry maya

Didn't she used to do drugs and do old men favors for money


Persona GO just doesn't make sense.

Give me real Devil Survivor.


Rape GO™ when?

That's not Jun

If you had to pick a starter, which demon would it be? It has to be a basic demon (sub-level 20 in at least the majority of the games)

Calling dibs on Pixie.

>Persona GO would be way more likely than SMT GO
Social link/cooperation mechanics would at least be already all there.

>have to make amateur porn tape with a woman you just met to get lovers rank 10

How about Persona Go where you have to take your waifu to places?

Screw your rules. Calling dibs on this qt.

Where's my Loli Sex Trainer: Go?

Cmon I should be able to cruise around my city collecting loli and training them to be good at sex, getting free items from schools (pokestops) and taking over basements (gyms) with them.

fuck off pedo

Have it your way. Mid-tiers and below then.

This motherfucker or based Cu for me.

Persona Go is actually a really fucking cool idea.

You can set up your contact list to be different social links. Then, you can apply a persona to that social link. Every time you and that friend are near each other, your persona levels up. It levels up even more if you call the contact.


All day errry day

>get multiple phones and set them all to different social links then post your perfect max social links on Sup Forums

Preta. He's a bro.

I agree but I would worry that the step counter for enemy engagement would be too intrusive.

Estoma Sword microtransactions.

Fuck off GameFAQs