Sup Forums a few weeks ago

Sup Forums a few weeks ago
>Mobile gaming is the cancer killing the industry
>Mobile gaming is cheap trash for turbo casuals

Sup Forums right now
>lol why aren't you playing Pokemon GO?
>Which Pokemon GO team are you on bros?
>please listen to my blog anout Pokemon GO
>Pokemon GO is basically GOTY

What happened?

Can you actually battle with the pokemon? I've been under a rock.

It's okay when Nintendo does it!

nintentoddlers being hypocrites
I thought we already established that 8 years ago

Sup Forums is filled with underaged cancer

Nintendo pretty much a mobile and toy company now
I have to suck it's dick somehow

We should start distinguishing between PC posters and phoneposters.

Anyone who doesn't post a picture or any other attachment can be considered a degenerate phoneposter.

actual toddler detected

try 127 years ago

What did he mean by this? Was it autism?

>tfw you will never get a blowjob from the prostitute in this photo.

There is a phrase used to describe this phenomenon.

"It's okay when Nintendo does it". Why do you think Sup Forums is called nintendogaf?

You mean neckbearded man children who still play child games.

Nithing changed, just Nintendrones just came out of the woodwork and started circlejerking again

>You can post images with phones
>I'm using a phone

I like this app because I'll see more traffic accidents this way

>33.3% It's okay when Nintendoâ„¢ does it
>33.3% ironic shitposting
>33.3% paid shills
You'd think people would realize after Undertale and Overwatch that most of these fads are only half genuine

All it takes is a plane ticket.

neo-Sup Forums happened

>implying you can't attach photos in mobile
Lmao ioshit confirmed

Posting from chrome on android rn

I paid for that poster and it never stops being embarrassing

>Sup Forums sends them a card even though they censor and fuck up translations

what a bunch of fucking retards.

One word.


But they shilled their games to us! They saved E3 with their shilling!

so what was the story behind this again? I forgot, can someone explain?

>What happened
Normalfags. Foreigners. Sup Forums

Sup Forums sucking corporate dick to a group of people who censor their shit with memes

Google knows exactly what they're doing, making mindless drones do their job for them.
>yfw google has a photo of the inside of your house
>yfw it's because you played pokemon go
>yfw privacy no longer exists
Thanks nintendo & google, enjoy getting sued.

Sup Forums is infested with redditors and other normie trash.

It's no joke that you constantly see people talking about their gf's/wives

And how often do you this? How often have you written a 700+ character post discussing intricate topics on Sup Forums? Your phone is a detriment to this website, phoneposter.

>implying Sup Forums like go

We have been hating REEE NORMIES and POKEMON GO SUCKS threads nonstop where the fuck have you been browsing?

>Getting sued
If you use google or Pokemon Go you agreed to letting them take pictures of your house and you revoked your right to privacy.

Who'd a thunk it was those fucking reddit cunts being cancerous.

>700+ character post
>intricate topics
>Sup Forums
O am I laffin

I may be bored to go on here but I'm not autistic as well



You're an idiot, I'm sure all those people getting robbed and having trespassers on the property give a shit about an agreement with google.

>using AR

it just makes the game shittier honestly.


>What happened?

>What happened?
Nintencucks are fucking cancer. Always were.

Typical stupid phoneposter.
How long are you going to keep up until you run dry on the 10 images your stupid phone stores?

>Sup Forums is one person

>implying anyone cares about the inside of your house
Hate to break it to you but privacy hasn't been a thing since maybe 2008

Augmented reality is fucking terrifying, criminals going to love that shit.

still cancer
pokego is even bigger cancer, its barely a game, more like a social mass-manipulation experiment

>Sup Forums is one person

Never fails

Why so mad?

I think it is just showing that this year has no good game releases.
I can think of Overwatch off the top of my head and no Odin's Sphere is not a new game.

To all the people that are saying
>it's okay when nintendo does it

etc... I'd just like to throw in my two cents. As a self-confessed Nintendrone, I don't give a flying fuck about this crap, and I think most Nintendo fans would agree with me. I care about actual Pokemon, not this shitty social app with a Pokemon skin.

It's not Nintendo fans, it's FUCKING NORMIES REEEEEEE

>send nintendo a card
>proceed to get one of the people in the picture fired

nintendrones everyone

I'm on my wii U. I can't post images.

>Erik will never bend you over a table and be a big Wii 4U

You so mad.

>How often have you written a 700+ character post discussing intricate topics on Sup Forums?

Who me? Nah.

Nah this attack is only aimed at phoneposters. I'm cool with console posters.

Nintendo did it.

Just like Nintendo did censorship, amiibos, DLC, and fucked up SMTxFE.

Sony tried to capitalize on the mobile market but failed, but this time you salty ass faggots are pissed off because Nintendo actually succeeded.

Cmon if you're gonna post while underage you might as well not make it so obvious

>not Google
Lmao Nintendo is getting jack shit for this game.

Sup Forums is a cancerous shithole and has been that way for a while.

Their shares literally have risen 50% this week